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I'm failing to see the benefit of this idea. Are you looking to replace the EMT with a "driver"? So in that regard we fire all the EMTs and put ambulance drivers on the truck with the medics. That means more people are now out of the job and you've put a person uneducated in medicine on an ambulance. What am I missing?

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I didnt say "replace", but most places have a "personnel shortage". By reducing the standard, we could provide jobs to these thousands that are unemployed. These people would just fill vacant slots.

  crotchitymedic1986 said:
I didnt say "replace", but most places have a "personnel shortage". By reducing the standard, we could provide jobs to these thousands that are unemployed. These people would just fill vacant slots.

There are a surplus of people nationwide. Increase pay and people with certification will return to EMS.

  crotchitymedic1986 said:
You cant raise wages in this economy, sorry.

But see with economic stimulus bill we could. The feds put the money where it creates jobs and helps the communitys. OOPS never mind that would be common sense and common sense is not allowed. Never mind we'll just dump more money so executives can get more perks.

  crotchitymedic1986 said:
You cant raise wages in this economy, sorry.

I completely disagree. The company my wife and I own/run is now on our 2nd EMT-B class (has increased in size by OVER 50% since the first one), and we are about to sign a large (by our standards) contract with a near-by fire district to bring a year long Medic program to them! In fact <<knock on wood>> we seem do be doing well enough...we may actually be able to PAY ourselves in the next few months! :D


congrats on your successs, but i am looking into the crystal ball and seeing the cutbacks in reimbursement and cutbacks in funding due to decreased tax collections (foreclosures, unemployment). Most EMS services will be struggling just to stay afloat by this summer.

  spenac said:

There are a surplus of people nationwide. Increase pay and people with certification will return to EMS.

Ive been trying to return to strictly EMS for almost a year. Alot of agencies are hiring EMTs like we are going out of style. I have a great resume and good interview skills... but something is wrong and no one will hire me. I have a clean record both driving and crimminal. And I dont think that Im underqualified or just being chosen last as these companies are still hiring after Im turned away. I dont care if they pay me $8 an hour when the average starting here is $12-13 with a max of $14-15, I just want back in.


Chris, go see one of the companies that you interviewed with and ask them what you could do to make yourself a more attractive candidate. You never know why they might not have chose you, and you have a common name, so you could have some wrong information on your background check that is barring you from employment. Or it could just be that your past employer is giving you a bad reference.

Typically, I also stayed away from those who left the business and were trying to get back in, rightly or wrongly, I saw most as burn-out cases, and would rather of had the rookie who wasnt burnt out and did not have alot of bad habits. You need to make a compelling arguement for why you got out, and why you should be let back in.

Hope that helps, good luck.

  crotchitymedic1986 said:
I didnt say "replace", but most places have a "personnel shortage". By reducing the standard, we could provide jobs to these thousands that are unemployed. These people would just fill vacant slots.

Lowering standards is not acceptable.

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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