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A few thoughts.

1.) I don't believe this guy for a second. I just don't. His story pegs the needle on my BS meter. Doc friends writing him scripts. Not trained on a pulse ox. Sorry. I don't buy any of it. I do agree that the kit was not stocked by a trained medic.

2.) I think this guy works somewhere with access to supplies and he never met a bandaid that he didn't like. He cleans the floors at a hospital or makes food for a USAR team or something. Or he just cut and paste the whole deal from another source and made up the back story.

3.) If he's this excited about caring for sick and injured people he should take an EMT course and learn all the good stuff he can do with his two hands and brain. Untrained dudes with this pack are useless. Trained dudes without this pack .... are ... better. But that's the thing with a lot of these dudes. They don't want to put the work in, they just want to squirel away shinny little trinkets and sew patches on their clothes.

You guys do know that Blackwater owns that bag? Correct? That is their name and their logo on the bag. These pictures can probably be found on their websites.

Negative, Ghost Rider. Blackwater does not own, sell, or manufacture that bag. The BW logo was likely added in a misguided attempt by this clown to build street cred on his piss poor disaster planning and soup sandwich of a medical load out. Where you see the BW logo is a small pocket with clear vinyl window for placing identification, etc. This guy probably printed it out on his printer, cut it and placed it neatly in the pocket.

BW patches and stickers can be purchased on Ebay or at the BW Pro Shop in Moyock. You don't have to have attended one of their classes to buy them either.

BlackHawk is the manufacturer of the bag (S.T.O.M.P.2, to be precise). Though the companies are headquartered not far from each other (BH in Norfolk, VA, and BW in Moyock, NC), and both were started by former Navy SEALs, they have nothing to do with each other.



Hmmm, somebody has too much time and disposable income on their hands. I thought this Zombi Hunters website was more of a funny spoof site; however, it seems some people take these concepts much too seriously. I am also rather surprised to see how much genuine support there is for people to create these bug out medical bags and post their pictures.

If I had to guess, these are a bunch of people who require special forces erotica to fill some empty void in their consciousness. In addition, medical envy may play a role.

From reading the posts, this guy says he designed the bag to be used by a medical provider in the event of a disaster. He also states that he is involved in the car racing industry and obtained the Blackwater patch from his BW friends. In addition, he talks about the shooting schools he has attended.

Take care,



Lol something I will have to add to my zombie bag for the inevitable zombie invasion...self preservation is a great thing other than the weapons needed for defense.

And yes everyone I am joking btw :P


As a vampire (not necessarily undead, but pretty close) I am immune to zombies. :P


I thought I would reply to give you Zombie Squads view, since I am a member there. (The first aid kit is not mine)

Zombie Squad is a serious organization, about being prepared and ready for disasters. Nobody really believes Zombies are really going to come back to life, but the theory is, if you are prepared for a scenario where the walking corpses of your family and neighbors are trying to eat you alive, you will be prepared for almost anything. There is also a lighter side where people ask what to do in a zombie invasion, but that part is not to be taken seriously.

With this is mind, I do not think the First Aid kit listed is quite as extreme as you guys are making it out to be. Imagine a 9/11 type attack, Katrina, or something even worse. Medical supplies in the area might run out, and there could be a while before they are replenished. If the person with this first aid kit has a doctor or paramedic nearby, this could save somebody's life. Even by himself, there are many supplies that he can use.

There are valid criticisms, and I don't think everybody needs to be running around with all the equipment listed, but if somebody wants to spend money, then I don't care what they spend it on, provided they are responsible with it, which I would assume the person with the first aid kit will be. Imagine if there was a car wreck, and you were driving by, and stopped and he handed you this first aid kit. If you are in a remote area, and ambulance could be 45 minutes or more away, surely this first aid kit could save somebody life.

Ideally the person with the kit will get the training, and then he won't rely on a stranger, but until then, this is better than nothing.

I can call AAA and have a tow truck in 8 hours, yet I carry a spare tire. I can call the fire department and I can have them there in 10 minutes, yet I have several fire extinguishers. I think EMT's do a great job, and response times are usually pretty good, but is it too unreasonable to keep a first aid kit. I don't think its too difficult to imagine a scenearo where EMT's are overwhelmed and response times suffer or they just can not respond to every call right away. If a doctor lives next door (as the person with the first aid kit stated), he can have somebody with the training and knowledge there in 3 minutes.

Please take some time and read up on Zombie Squad, you will find out that we are not all crazy. We would love to have EMT's post their opinion so we can all learn a bit more.

Please take some time and read up on Zombie Squad, you will find out that we are not all crazy. We would love to have EMT's post their opinion so we can all learn a bit more.

Run we've been invaded by zombies. :lol:

Welcome. Thanks for the input. As you read if you read all comments the amounts and types of drugs were not wise choices for a disaster. I agree a jump bag for the unthinkable is critical. My family had to evacuate with almost no warning last year. Thankfully we were able to take our travel trailer so we did not have to live out of our jump bags. But if you look at the other topic about jump bags you will see I am ready.

Run we've been invaded by zombies. :lol:

Welcome. Thanks for the input. As you read if you read all comments the amounts and types of drugs were not wise choices for a disaster. I agree a jump bag for the unthinkable is critical. My family had to evacuate with almost no warning last year. Thankfully we were able to take our travel trailer so we did not have to live out of our jump bags. But if you look at the other topic about jump bags you will see I am ready.

Thanks for the kind response. I assume most people will attack my position, but I'm fine with that.

Some people have given suggestions, but most is just attacks, which helps nobody.

As stated, the bag is not mine. I'm trained as a first responder, although I do not work in the medical field, so I'm lost when you guys start talking about drugs.

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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