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What are your agencies protcols for employees that are off duty that get a DUI?

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As long as it doesn't interfere with your cert, I'm not sure my company has one...as the pilots are the ones driving :)


Volunteer or paid?

Regardless, policies such as this should already be defined, however the former typically does not.

If it is a paid department, is it union or non union? Is it fire based or EMS only?

All of these factors do make a difference in the level of response to your question as I have seen people lose jobs while others were merely demoted in rank and to positions that did not require driving. Also, mandatory probation (same as new hires) was started all over again for which during that time you could be terminated for any reason.

Personally, I feel they should be dismissed from the job. Yes, mistakes happen, people's lives suck, blah blah blah, however they have proven they are reckless in their own PERSONAL life decisions, there is no way they would convince me that a patient's care is different or their decision making abilities are different, especially if it concerned me in some fashion. I simply could not trust them ever in a leadership or decision making capacity.

No, I am not all high and mighty, I have driven drunk before. It was very stupid and I knew it was stupid when I decided to do it. However, I chose at that moment to accept the repercussions if any should occur. Luckily, none did and I swore never to do it again. It has been many, many years since then and I have yet to do it again. There are ALWAYS alternatives to driving drunk...they may not be most easy, most fun, or cheap, but there are ALWAYS alternatives.

A job is a small price to pay when you consider alternative scenarios to the end of the night other than the fact that you got caught.


We are working on the procotols and I just wanted imput to see what the normal was.

EMS volly squad


Volly or paid EMS should be held to higher standards than average person. Perhaps if its an old conviction let them join if the insuarnce will allow them. Have you checked with you guys insurance?

Volly or paid EMS should be held to higher standards than average person. Perhaps if its an old conviction let them join if the insuarnce will allow them. Have you checked with you guys insurance?

Well there is no set protocol yet just one that says its left at the descression of the captain and lst LT. I was just wondering what other agencies do so maybe it can be incorporated into a policy that is more spelled out.

Well there is no set protocol yet just one that says its left at the descression of the captain and lst LT. I was just wondering what other agencies do so maybe it can be incorporated into a policy that is more spelled out.

When I was 18 and working as a Pharmacy Technician one of my job duties was a delivery driver of a company car. On my off time I received a DUI. It didn't affect my job as a Pharmacy Technician but the insurance company for the business would no longer cover me as I was now high risk. I didn't loose my job but we had to reevaluate my duties as I could no longer fill them. I do not know the policies for Ada County Paramedic but I will certainly find out.

Did you get a DUI mom? j/k

Did you get a DUI mom? j/k

Yeah I am the only person I know that can get arrested and charged with a DUI for drinking Ice water with lemon. :iiam:

Anything is better than leaving it at the descression of the captain and 1st LT. I am thinking along the lines of what AK said. I think that is something that can be made into a protocol and refined.









EFFECTIVE DATE: July 26, 2000 REVISED: August 2001

REVIEWED: June, 2002

REVIEWED: December, 2004

REVISED: March, 2005

REVIEWED: June, 2006

REVISED: September, 2006

REVIEWED: March, 2008


This policy describes the standards that all EMS personnel must meet to drive an EMS



1. Drivers must have a valid Class C Texas driver’s license.

2. Completion of the EMS driving program as such is given.

3. No physical disabilities that would contribute to inability to safely operate an

emergency vehicle.

4. Driver shall be 21 years old or older to drive.

5. Driver’s 21-24 years old shall have a completely clean record. No exceptions.

6. Driver must have experience of at least 5 years driving any type of motor vehicle.

7. Have successfully completed a documented road test.

Major Disqualification’s:

1. No DWI’s within the last 5 years.

2. No drug related incidents within the last five years.

3. No careless or reckless driving tickets within the last five years.

4. No at fault accidents where a felony was involved within the last five years.

5. No involvement in an asleep at the wheel accident within the last five years.

6. No hit and run involvement within the last five years.

7. No vehicular felony involvement within the last five years.

8. Drivers 25 years and older will go by a point system. Three points will lead to

suspension of driving an EMS vehicle. The following points will be awarded:

2 points for at fault accident*

1 point for not at fault accident*

1 point for moving violations i. e. speeding, red lights, etc.*

*On-duty and Off-duty violations and accidents will be included in the point system.

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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