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Its a hot June day its 1330 the sun is shining and the temperature is 75 degree.

You are paged out to a Unknown illness:

When you arrive on scene you find a 44 yo female sitting on the couch. Her husband came home for lunch and found here sitting on the couch pale and weak. He knows something is wrong with her but he dont know what. The middle class house is clean the woman is well kept.

Ask away....

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But don't fix her, I like her when she's not talking.


Right. Vitals first.




Is she in pain? If so, what kind, what severity?

Allergies and medications? Previous illnesses?

What and when did she last eat today, and what has she been doing?

Right. Vitals first.




Is she in pain? If so, what kind, what severity?

Allergies and medications? Previous illnesses?

What and when did she last eat today, and what has she been doing?


BP 155/94

Pulse 112

Resp 26

Skin cool to touch

Awake and oriented but only talks when asked a direct question.

She stated her stomach hurts but not real bad.


No significant history the only time she was hospitalized was for 2 uncomplicated pregnancies.


blood sugar

12 lead



pulse ox

what meds are lying around?

any strange pills or chemicals the husband notices


Any chance of her being pregnant now?

Any bowel sounds?

Physical examination - pain or tenderness upon palpation anywhere?

Blood sugar, please. And a 3-lead.

O2 for the lady. And have her lay on the guerney, head end elevated.


What was she doing when this started? How long ago? Anything make it better or worse? Where in her stomach does it hurt? Any chance she's pregnant? Did it start suddenly or gradually? How has she felt the past few days? Any shortness of breath?

blood sugar 105

12 lead no 12 lead just a 3 lead asinustachycardia.gif

IV you have IV of NS at KVO running


pulse ox 93 on RA

what meds are lying around? no meds laying around

any strange pills or chemicals the husband notices No pills or chemicals just a half full glass of coke she was drinking

Any chance of her being pregnant now? No

Any bowel sounds? hyperactive

Physical examination - pain or tenderness upon palpation anywhere? tenderness in the abd when palpated.

Blood sugar, please. And a 3-lead. asinustachycardia.gif

O2 for the lady. And have her lay on the guerney, head end elevated.


Where is the tenderness? Ridgitiy, pulsing, etc?

What was she doing when this started? She was watching her soap opera and drinking her coke

How long ago? symptoms stated about 6 hours ago

Anything make it better or worse? No

Where in her stomach does it hurt? generalized all over abdAny chance she's pregnant? NoDid it start suddenly or gradually? about 6 hours ago

How has she felt the past few days? Fine accept she has been fighting with her husband

Any shortness of breath? yes

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