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I need some advise on what to do. See about a year ago my chief and I had a disagreement over something that he wasn't suppose to be doing with the EMS budget money and I questioned him about it. He really didn't appreciate me questioning him over the money. He felt as chief he could do anything with the money at any time. Me as EMS Capt. felt I had every right to question him. I would have preferred to question him in his office, with only one other person there, but the chief felt that bringing up the budget in front of the other officers I would back down. Well I stood my ground in front of everyone else and things very heated. He became extremely angry at me in front of all the officers. He stated "we will talk about this later!" I said " no I think we should talk about this now" looking to my lt. and friend for help. She acted like I was talking about the sky was blue today and just sat there. No one wanted anything to do this helping me nor talking about the budget problem. So it was dropped and we moved on to the next item of business and I knew that my job as EMS Capt was done. When the meeting of the officers were done we all left and he walked up behind me and said I want to see you in my office right now. I wish I had a tape recorder, and I wish I know then what I knew then. I walked into that office and my Lt. came in behind me. So I thought, I had a friend on my side. I couldn't have been more wrong. He stated that I could no longer be EMS Capt. that was fine by me, but the real in the gut was I could no longer run ems calls. He felt that due to my illness I was becoming too dangerous on the street. Well I was a great EMT, I trained EMT's every junior wanted to run on my night, after they passed their test they would ride on my night and I would decide when they were ready to ride by themselves.

called the town ship and th man in charge of personnel stated that due to my illness I was too dangerous to run calls. Sound familiar?

So when I called the town ship for my records that my chief sent to them about my medical condition, they stated that all they received from him was a phone call stating that we had an argument an officers meeting then he changed then the guy from the town ship realise that that would leave them wide open for a law suite so the twp guy called my chief. my chief and my so called friend, my Lt who is a nurse told him to change it to a medical problem. So hence a medical problem was born and the twp wanted all my medical records and any all medications that I am taking. Who said I was taking medication? Who said I had any medical problem but the nurse who just so happened to be acting as my friend and taking me to the hospital several times and listened to me as I told the hospital what I was taking. The last time she was at the hospital and she was there I lied to them about what I was taking when she was in the room and when she left I told them and explained to them why and told them not to let her know what was going on due to hippa. I didn't want her to know. I came to find out that she told some one just 3 weeks ago all this time coming to the hospital even this last time I was in ICU at the beginning of the month that if I was to run in the back of her rig that I would kill some one. She feels that she is a much better emt then me and the person that she was telling this too started laughing saying to her that she never treats at least I always treated and knew how to talk to the hospital and knew when to fly the helicopter. She needless to say go very anger with her. Back in the winter we had a very drunk man hit a tree and the steering wheel. He broke his femer and that's all she and another nurse was concerned about. But I happened to be Capt so I thank God over ruled them. I called the for the helo and they both got all over me saying that our local hospital can handle that. I told them to check his stomach that it's getting very ridig'd they totally missed that just looking at his blooding nose and that fact that he thought he could walk on his broken femur and how funny it would be and they kept up the fact we didn't need the helo. They even tried to get the chief to recall the helo. He tried but thankfully county at the time wouldn't allow the fire chief to over ride the ems chief. Then the paramedics came and over road all of them and went along with me and told them I made a good call. Shut them right up! Everytime she says I'll kill some one in her rig I remind her A) it's not her rig and B) remember the truck mvc and you thought we didn't need the helo?

Anyway back to the Question. I go see my twp guy tomorrow, I'm taking some one with me for starters, But what should I say to this total waste of air? I want to see my file this I know. I know there is no file. The chief never had me sign anything and I know from the twp idiot that he didn't receive anything. I did get a letter from my doc though clearing me to run. my doc said that would be a

like twp you can't stop me now thing. so anything I should say? Ask?

Thanks for your help and for listening!!!!!! :gun:


Sounds to me like you seriously deficated in someone's Wheties and he wants you OFF the service no matter the cost. I'd be in contact with a lawyer about this and possiblly someone at your state EMS or at least county SO level. Document everything that you can. If you lost the chance to document where the budget was being misused, you screwed up BIG time.


To be 100% honest.... I would delete this post.

Funny what can be constrewed as slander, and defamation of character.


I'm with Mobey... if it comes back that you stated one incorrect statement about your chief.... if could bite you in the ass...

I also found it difficult to understand with the grammar/spelling errors and just be aware with any legal actions that could come out of this... spelling and grammar reflect either positively or negatively on you, especially if you were an officer.

Best of luck to you, but it sounds like you did have some medical issues that you didn't disclose to your department, and if you were in fact in the ICU, they should be made aware and the department doctor should make the decision with regards to fit for duty or not... not all primary doc's are aware of the psychological and physiological stresses of our job.... jut my 2 cents worth though.

Best of luck...


I never understood the need to air dirty laundry in public.

And the funniest thing is, it's always just barely English.

And about "OMG teh drama" in a volunteer unit.

And we only get one side of the story.

And the side we get is always "right."



I am going to have to agree with the above.

1) If you belive you have a claim against another party, a public forum should not be your first stop. Many law offices will give you cheap/free consultations when it comes to stuff like this.

2) If you belive you have a claim against another party, a public forum should not be your first stop.

It amazes me how many volly's have such a sense of entitlement. I read recently, and if it was on this forum excuse me to whoever I steal this from, but the word volunteer stops when you are hired. I will be honest, I couldn't follow half of this story due to the grammar and lack of paragraphs. I am not even going to try to explain who may be right or anything else. It isn't my place, and I don't feel like driving a thousand miles to appear for a subpeona.

  2wheelinemt said:
I need some advise on what to do.

1. See a lawyer.

2. Request this thread be deleted.

3. Seek or continue to get help (Mentally or Physically)

4. Utilize spell check and learn better grammar

5. Use paragraph breaks (even if you are not sure if it is a paragraph, if your post looks like one long sentence, break it up.)

See about a year ago my chief and I had a disagreement over something that he wasn't suppose to be doing with the EMS budget money and I questioned him about it.

Hold grudges much?

He really didn't appreciate me questioning him over the money. He felt as chief he could do anything with the money at any time.

What do your bylaws say about how and when money is spent?

Me as EMS Capt. felt I had every right to question him. I would have preferred to question him in his office, with only one other person there, but the chief felt that bringing up the budget in front of the other officers I would back down.

Sounds like he had nothing to hide or already knew about/had everyone else's support.

Well I stood my ground in front of everyone else and things very heated. He became extremely angry at me in front of all the officers. He stated "we will talk about this later!"

Sounds like you were an ASS. Could you have been more tactful and since you initially preferred to speak in an office, why did you not leap at that chance when he offered?

I said " no I think we should talk about this now" looking to my lt. and friend for help.

So now you are in charge and dictating policy and his actions? Bad move, you certainly sound like you do NOT have the skills necessary to be in a leadership position. As for your Lt/friend.....friends are friends and business is business; they do not/should not mix.

If you had a legitimate complaint, your friend should have been made aware prior to the meeting, especially if they are in a leadership position as well. All the other leaders should have been spoken to with concerns, PRIOR to the meeting, especially if you are taking on the Chief.

She acted like I was talking about the sky was blue today and just sat there. No one wanted anything to do this helping me nor talking about the budget problem.

She sounds smart. If someone is ranting and raving, sometimes it is best to remain silent and let them do their thing. If this was not a make or break situation with dire consequences if something is not done this very moment, then it is ok to ignore it for one more meeting. It sounds as if you were refusing to compromise and being a jerk by not shutting up. Shutting up is not a signal of weakness or defeat, it is merely a tactic to win the battle sometimes.

So it was dropped and we moved on to the next item of business and I knew that my job as EMS Capt was done.

Good for them and bad for you. If you knew you were done after this one incident, then there certainly had to be other previous events, because if you had a credible or respectable reputation, this would never had been the end.

When the meeting of the officers were done we all left and he walked up behind me and said I want to see you in my office right now.

Good for him, doing it in private.

I wish I had a tape recorder, and I wish I know then what I knew then. I walked into that office and my Lt. came in behind me. So I thought, I had a friend on my side. I couldn't have been more wrong. He stated that I could no longer be EMS Capt. that was fine by me, but the real in the gut was I could no longer run ems calls.

He was also smart enough to bring a witness (one of your personal friends to boot). Surely this was NOT a spur of the moment decision and I feel it was one that was made prior to the meeting, others were aware, which is why you had no support during your ranting.

He felt that due to my illness I was becoming too dangerous on the street.

Definitely his call, he first duty is to the township and its citizens. Volunteering is not a right...even though you do it for free, you are entitled to nothing (too many forget that aspect).

Well I was a great EMT, I trained EMT's every junior wanted to run on my night, after they passed their test they would ride on my night and I would decide when they were ready to ride by themselves.

Was? Regardless, your ability to train and mentor is irrelevant to the stability of your mind and your actions/reactions to your fellow vollies and officers.

called the town ship and th man in charge of personnel stated that due to my illness I was too dangerous to run calls. Sound familiar?

The man in charge gave you the reason. Pretty clear and straightforward to me. The town is the one with the liability and insurance needs, so it is their prerogative to staff with whomever they choose.

So when I called the town ship for my records that my chief sent to them about my medical condition, they stated that all they received from him was a phone call stating that we had an argument an officers meeting then he changed then the guy from the town ship realise that that would leave them wide open for a law suite so the twp guy called my chief.

Maybe the Chief and your friend were trying to protect you by at first stating your release was due to disruptive behavior as opposed to medical issues; sometimes it is better to let the sleeping dogs be and move on.

my chief and my so called friend, my Lt who is a nurse told him to change it to a medical problem. So hence a medical problem was born and the twp wanted

Was it really just born? Or does it really exist, you have been dealing with it, only now it seems to be controlling you more than you are controlling it? As I said earlier, this does not seem to be an isolated event.

and the twp wanted all my medical records and any all medications that I am taking.

They have that right as they are the ones "employing" you. Asking for any and all medications is a generic question. They did not say bring your meds, they said bring ANY and ALL.

Who said I was taking medication? Who said I had any medical problem but the nurse who just so happened to be acting as my friend and taking me to the hospital several times and listened to me as I told the hospital what I was taking.

Do not mix friends with business.

The last time she was at the hospital and she was there I lied to them about what I was taking when she was in the room and when she left I told them and explained to them why and told them not to let her know what was going on due to hippa. I didn't want her to know.

So you would "lie" in front of her instead of asking her to step out so you could have privacy?? How old are you? Besides, they would not tell her as it is unethical and unprofessional. By the way, it is HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act). Now if you brought her along and resented her as a friend who is taking care of you and you are demonstrating instability issues, they might ask her to assist to her ability based on how much information she has regarding your condition. Based on what you wrote, she has a lot of personal information, as you seem to enjoy talking way too much.

I came to find out that she told some one just 3 weeks ago all this time coming to the hospital even this last time I was in ICU at the beginning of the month that if I was to run in the back of her rig that I would kill some one.

She could be right.

She feels that she is a much better emt then me and the person that she was telling this too started laughing saying to her that she never treats at least I always treated and knew how to talk to the hospital and knew when to fly the helicopter. She needless to say go very anger with her.

You tend to lose focus of what your real argument is...these tangents do you no justice other than to make you difficult to understand and make yourself look foolish.

Back in the winter we had a very drunk man hit a tree and the steering wheel. He broke his femer and that's all she and another nurse was concerned about. But I happened to be Capt so I thank God over ruled them.

Power trip much? Regardless, if God made you Captain (since you thanked him for that), maybe He no longer wants you to be,nor does he want you to run calls. Are you questioning God's plan for you?

I called the for the helo and they both got all over me saying that our local hospital can handle that. I told them to check his stomach that it's getting very ridig'd they totally missed that just looking at his blooding nose and that fact that he thought he could walk on his broken femur and how funny it would be and they kept up the fact we didn't need the helo. They even tried to get the chief to recall the helo. He tried but thankfully county at the time wouldn't allow the fire chief to over ride the ems chief. Then the paramedics came and over road all of them and went along with me and told them I made a good call. Shut them right up! Everytime she says I'll kill some one in her rig I remind her A) it's not her rig and B) remember the truck mvc and you thought we didn't need the helo?

You sure showed her! Way to go, keep reminding her!! Glad to see you display teamwork by discussing whether or not a helo should be called instead of just doing it and then trying to rationalize it by saying their assessments were inadequate. Way to step up and sow them you know all and you are the boss...were the boss.

Anyway back to the Question. I go see my twp guy tomorrow, I'm taking some one with me for starters,

If they allow someone to come along, I would take a lawyer; otherwise, a notepad or tape recorder works just fine.

But what should I say to this total waste of air?

That attitude....lose it. It will get you no where fast.

I want to see my file this I know. I know there is no file.

You want to see something you know does not exist? (scratches head)

Regardless, if it does exist, they do not have to show it to you, no matter how much you demand. Push hard enough and they may have you removed for trespassing or even arrested.

The chief never had me sign anything and I know from the twp idiot that he didn't receive anything.

Huge misconception that you have to sign anything for actions to take place. Again, what do your bylaws state regarding membership dismissal?

I did get a letter from my doc though clearing me to run. my doc said that would be a

like twp you can't stop me now thing.

Your doctor may clear you for the position, but the township has final say whether or not you get to actually fill that slot. Your doctor does not over ride government policy.

so anything I should say? Ask?

Not really, as you are determined that you are right and everyone else is wrong. You are hurt and angry, totally normal for being fired. You want to be heard. You have now been heard. Feel better yet? As much as this pot has been stirred, what do you expect the outcome to be? Reinstatement? Not a chance. Think of how different it would be upon your return. You just need to accept it and move on, wait a few years, let officers change, membership change, prove yourself by focusing on other issues or hobbies. Stay on your meds, get healthy or stay healthy as possible.

Thanks for your help and for listening!!!!!! :gun:

Hope you enjoyed!

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