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I would blame that one on the spell check. Sometimes it thinks it knows what you mean but gives you similar but wrong choices.

Yup, and I have that Firefox spell check, too. Where it red underlines any word it doesn't recognize, "real time" as you type it. Then, you right click for options. But I do admit, my spelling is superb...my fingers not being able to keep up with my mind is the actual problem ;)

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If those of you that replied with smart comments had read my post you would have realized a few things

1. I stated what the rules were in my state - as general information and comments as to the disciplinary process here as some others have. It was for information only. I didn't comment on michigan's rules because I refuse to comment on that which I do not know to prevent ignorant postings.

2. I said if what the original post stated was correct - I agreed with him. However, I strongly suspect there were multiple issues involved and this was not the only thing. I may be wrong. I will give the OP benefit of the doubt by wondering if he was posting here to find out if there was someone more educated on the rules in Michigan than himself and how to proceed so as not to make himself look like an idiot to the state's disciplinary board. Perhaps he did to where he previously worked, perhaps he didn't. Hard to judge without knowing all the surrounding circumstances. He made his decision, he has to live with it.

Can we try to ease up and just provide the information the OP wanted to know and helpful advice rather than scaring them off?


Here is a update on what happened. First of all mucho thanks to Lonestar for the information.

this incident happened 6 months ago while i was working, at the time I was recovering from multiple

Brown recluse bites. The worst of which was my left hip, I had a hole the size of a half dollar in my

hip and it hurt like hell. I was working one night doing transfer after transfer, while the basic crew

slept (they were good friends with dispatch). I just happened to mention to someone about what

happened- less than 5 minutes latter my supervisor called me up(2030 at night, and tore me a knew one.) I later called him and gave him my week notice, he said you can quit right now as far as I care.

Well he called my bluff, so I quit.

I was told not to say anything about the Incident, but the medic in question was able to call everyone

and sugercoat the story. the next day 90 percent of the company hated my guts, because she was

popular with the guys.

I quit also because this happened in Detroit, Mi- there was a big problem with the Ex-mayor and EMS

personnel talking about a so called party. Ems personnel were aware of a so called party- where a girl

took part, but no one talked about it for a year- they were afraid of losing their jobs. they all got

suspended anyway. The girl in question was killed soon after party.

I got word that a girl might be working on a expired license- i went to the state web site- looked under

paramedic and found the word expired next to her name. I gave a copy to the supervisor, who told

the boss. the next day I was talking to the boss and she said she let the girl go. Not to come back

until her Paramedic license was updated by the state. I quit 2-3 days later. I was on the poo-poo

list because I was the only one with enought balls to turn her in.

I later found out that the girl was told by the state thjat she would never hold a paramedic License

agian in the state of MI. As far as being afraid to report it, My first job as a basic was Search and

rescue Corpsman. Flight Medic with a Maine CH-46 squadron, (Frogs) HMM-365 of the USS Guam.

I sat in the middle of a Mine field flying combat SAR.

1990 1991 Gulf War. Thanks for all the info everybody. By the way I reported it, AND NOW i WILL FOLLOW IT UP. mY Typing stinks sorry abiut that.


Here is the skinny on MI law regarding working during the grace period of your medic license.

You have 60 days after your license expires to work. (1978 public Act 368.) After that your

license is null and void. I reported the girl to my supervisor after 75-76 days after her license

had expired. So at the least she worked about 2 weeks on a expired license. Now depending

if she told the truth on her application for renewal. Its a 2 week window, if she lied on her application,

I believe it counts for the whole 60-76 day period which she worked. Therefor the ambulance

service may be held liable for the whole period.

Also I was a SAR Corpsman with the Marines. USMC- United States Marine Corps. Which also stands

for U suckers missed christmas. The Navy supplies Medical and Dental personnel to the Marine Corps.

I found that out after I enlisted. Good group of people to work for though, agresive pilots and Aircrew,

they did not take any crap from anyone. Semper Fi. OK I am now done. Cheers. Be safe.

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