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Richard B the EMT:

Read, skim, or ignore the admittedly extensive posting from 5 separate sources, your free choice. I'm not forcing anyone.

Was just kidding about the swine flu FYI, heck our College in Alberta decided to "inform" we Paramedics just this am, pointless to post redundant info.

What is truly terrifying is the availability of beds (well here any way) to realistically isolate potential patients until a negative or positive virology confirms, as an EMS provider it would be best IMHO to let the Hospital staff to obtain NP swabs ... unless .....

Now just an idea may be for a properly staffed and stocked Out-reach Mobile Response Team be implemented immediately to respond to the "concerned" public providing N 95 and more education and isolate potential, then do the proper diagnostic procedures and keep patients in their homes.

Even if this does not amount to a hill of beans it would not be a bad idea to give this concept a trial i.e. (Out-reach Mobile Response Team) just thinking out loud is all.

catch this:

Alberta Health is suggesting sit at least 6 ft away from anyone in the waiting room, thing is I don't think they have actually looked recently just how already crowded it is or be moved to an examination room as if there is even close to enough bed's for present requirements alone, why am I laughing.

Just my opinion again with W.H.O. now gently suggesting borders (levels 5 to 6) are closed and get your countries action plan together, kinda like closing the gate after the horse is gone after confirmed cases in 12 countries.

Japan has reacted the best in my estimate so far (well thats just media info) with 1400 beds in isolation and a huge stockpile of Tamiflu, AND the wearing of masks is routine in Japan when someone is ill (its a cultural thing) very polite.



MedicRN, I am not saying that this is the time, but sooner or later, Chicken Little is going to be correct!


Well, I'm home sick with the flu . . . so awesome.

Sudden onset, felt something in my throat at 7AM, runny nose by 10AM, feeling off and dehydrated by 1PM, exhausted by 5PM, took meds for runny nose and fever(prophylactic) at 6PM, and passed out for the night. Woke up 2AM from crazy ass feverish dreams, sweating. Took more Tylenol. 4AM, now...fever eased up...just have pressure in sinuses/throat.

I'm sure it's just the regular flu...but anitvirus would be nice. I'm going to miss out on my medic final written and skills.

If I really have to stay home 7 days after recover, I'll be missing out on clinical shifts, too.

No confirmed cases in LA.

And regular flu kills 36,000/yr . . . of course not sure what percentage of total infected that its and how it compares to deaths vs total infected for this strain. US strain has also bee mild to moderate. Mexico cases have been moderate to severe.

MedicRN, I am not saying that this is the time, but sooner or later, Chicken Little is going to be correct!

I SO have to agree Richard .. the chicken little ran around in circles when SARs hit and like most major "wrecks" that I have had the pleasure of attending, natural or man made we are seldom prepared enough.

Last reports are that in 2 months Swine flu has spread across ALL of Mexico dependant on the virulence of virus this could be just a wake up call that is needed.


This newest strain can be controlled/contained by the same precautions used to control/contain the 'regular flu' and the common cold. I'm not going to get all bent out of shape until it's proven that these precautions are no longer effective.


I dont remember but does that 5k survival whacker pack contain any measures to protect us from this?

I dont remember but does that 5k survival whacker pack contain any measures to protect us from this?

While I, personally, am not going to take the time to look through all those pages, the posting is still available at www.emtcity.com/index.php?showtopic=14388&hl=whacker for anyone who wants to take the time to find out.

Also, last time I checked, ever since I found out what it meant, I still have not seen any Yellow Flags out in front of any buildings. Around the turn of the last century, a yellow flag meant the building, it's contents, and residents, were under quarantine.


By the way, if anyone is interested in getting FEMA updates on the Swine Flu or other disaster information, there's a link for free sign-up at https://service.govdelivery.com/service/sub...e=USDHSFEMA_153

I dont remember but does that 5k survival whacker pack contain any measures to protect us from this?

It's got everything but the kitchen sink and flu vaccinations. I don't recall seeing any face masks.

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