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IT is 0240 and we are dispatched to a call possible OD

we are enroute asking 911 for further directions....

911 dispatcher: You go up Camp Road appx 1 mile and look for a white house with a green roof :!: :!:

Crew member: UMM dude it is 2 0'clock in the morning and pitch black out here. Could you get a better descripiton for us please :?:

911 Dispatcher: Will call them back.

Crew: 10-4

911 Dispatcher: Unit 1104 patients husband states to look for a blue car in a garage........and he will have the porch light

on for you to see the car. :roll:

Crew: Can the husband come outside and wave us down :?:

911 Dispatcher: 10-4 he will be waitng for you

omg no wonder rural EMS gets a bad wrap.....gezzz........but it was funny :cry:

almost every house on that road was white and had a garage.....


Some of the funniest things that I have heard come over a radio have come from ambulance volunteers (I wont say which service though, some australians might be able to figure it out) but god bless their cotton socks, they are just saintly people.

I was night operations supervisor for a major event with the army cadets, and for some reason all of the calls came in at night when I was on, and it made it very busy for me. Anyway, some of the calls that came in over the radio:

"I request urgent transport for a patient that is hypothermic with a high temperature" - turns out to be the flu.....

"I am responding to a report of a patient with a spinal injury, and I need transport to the medical centre", I reply "can I have the patients name and details so I can arrange with the medics to pick the patient up", came the reply "I don't know yet, he is still walking over to me"

I was calling for starlight, one of the medics - came the reply "I see no starlight because of the clouds, but I can see moonlight"

Anyway, I have to run, as I have been told the saintly ppl want to chat to me about my ethics....



abc fire respond to a report of............some type of fire........somewhere along the bike trail.....17:03. (The bike trail is 13 miles long and not accessible to vehicles, thanks for the tip buddy).

adam xyz....you are needed at the *** nursing home for a patient in cardiac arrest, is conscious and breathing.

adam xyz................................................you are needed at **** for a patient with injured hip. Home health nurse on scene advises blood pressure is 0/20, patient is alert and oriented c/o minor pain in hip.

You can't make this shit up. I have more but not enough time to post them. Its amazing how people operate outside of a classroom.


I once heard the local police place a call through for a mentally ill patient who was off their meds...

" We are taking the person to Maitland psych as all of his dogs are not barking"

I have liked the one though, I laughed when I heard it on the scanner (not funny for the guy I guess):

A bit of background first, the police got called out for a guy in a car pulling over traffic in a vehicle with red/blue lights and a siren with Queensland registered plates on his car (I am in NSW, a different state)

The police got him and was doing a check on him when came the reply:

"**** has had his Queensland licence suspended, vehicle is currently out of rego and has been reported [stolen], has been banned from driving in NSW, has warrants for his arrest in NSW and Queensland. Back up is on the way as he is known to be armed...."

Guess that would have screwed his day up.


recieved a call to pick a V.A. patient coming into gulfport airport on a flight. i guess the idiot light that tells the flight crew the landing gear is down did not work, because all of a sudden airport fire is rolling out to prepare for an air emergency. to make a long story short the plane lands ok ,we get out pt i call dispatch and advise we are on rout to the va with our pt they reply 10-4 unit 78 did the plane land ok? to which i reply nope they come in low , wished him the best and gave him a push heres your sign. had a little paper work to do after that one.

  gunabemt said:
the dumbest think i have heard on the scanner was a shopping cart vs person.

We called in a stretcher vs. car once....thank godness there was no pt.


This just happened

Blahville 191: 191 to dispatch. Please dispatch 192 to careflight LZ, ETA is.... Soon.


Dispatch: Blahville 192 meet careflight at LZ. ETA is soon.

is a professional hilljack called a produnk?


Heard this one morning (about 0400):

Unit: "3xx"

Dispatch: "3xx go ahead"

Unit: "We're checking on a possible man down in a white SUV at *location*, we'll advise"

Dispatch: "10-4"

Unit: "3xx"

Dispatch: "3xx go ahead"

Unit: "We're 10-8 (in service), it was just 6xx (supervisor)"

Our supervisors drive MARKED white Expeditions, the crew found one of them sleeping in their truck. :(


ONLY in Indiana:

"Engine 12, Rescue 12, EMS 12-Charlie, Squad 11, respond for a 10-50 major with entrapment. Car versus COMBINE :shock: Caller advises he believes the combine won." :shock:


On the PD radio on night.

Dispatch: Do you have a description of the suspect?

Officer: "5'6" Black hair, brown eyes, you know your typical Mexican, good luck finding him they all look alike."


Needless to say that ended in a write up and a cultural sensitvity class for every fricking service in the county.




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