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Hello all -

I'm new to the EMS field and to this website. I tried doing a search for this topic but was unsuccessful. So if this is a repeat, sorry about that. I am trying to get a jump on my CEUs for EMT-B in San Jose, California and was looking at the NREMT website for some answers. I noticed that in section 2 of the recert brochure, it said a maximum number of 24 hours can be applied from distributive education towards this section. I have no idea what distributive education is. Does that mean of the 48 hours that are required in section 2, only 24 hours may be from an online CECBEMS approved source? Thanks for all your help. I look forward to using this website and all it has to offer.



CEU's are usually broken down into 2 parts. Med/Trauma being one part, and "other" being, well the other part. You need at least 12 med/trauma. The rest can be other, or all med/trauma.

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