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High Court Rules for White Firefighters in Discrimination Suit

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could give a long winded answer, but the short answer is "thats the price you (whites) pay for breaking the window". I know it wasnt you personally, or anyone in this room, but a price must be paid for what you did to the american indian and blacks. I am sorry your forefathers kept passing the buck, it should have been settled in the last century.

So, uh, when can we expect to see blacks paying back Koreans and other nationalities for beating them, robbing them, and stealing from them?

Oh wait, I wasn't supposed to ask that was I? Let me take my cracker ass back inside the whipping shed...

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Good GAWD can't we drop this and bow to the reality that Crotchity is right and we are all freaking racists who wear white hoods.

Crotchity will not be swayed nor will the others who have responded.

I say that we call it a truce.


I'm not wading through 12 pages of responses to see if this has been asked before but my question is this....

If the test was given and a group of White firefighters failed the test while a group of black firefighters passed, would we even be discussing this?


you guys are so funny. Yes the schools were desegregated, but try walking into a school as a black child prior to 1968. I seem to remember a historical event where a certain southern governor stood in the doorway of a university, blocking the entrance of black students.

As I asked you guys to do, i went to craigslist, clicked on New York City, went to rants and raves, and searched the N word -- here are some of the excerpts from this week/month -- not 1968:





Lets try Los angeles:


How about Atlanta:




But we should be happy and quit complaining because all racism died back when Lincoln freed the slaves. What you fail to realize regarding this case is that this department had a long history of only promoting white Lieutenants, so that they would only have whites taking the Captains and higher promotional exams. It took a law-suit to fix that, just so blacks could take this test. The good old boy club at this department provided answers to the test and extra help to white firefighters. The test was written very "technically" with questions that only the most avid fire junkie would know, which has little to do with managing people. It would be like me asking you to draw a dorsal root ganglion -- you were taught it once, its in our book, but it is not something you use everyday on the job.

you guys are so funny. Yes the schools were desegregated, but try walking into a school as a black child prior to 1968. I seem to remember a historical event where a certain southern governor stood in the doorway of a university, blocking the entrance of black students.

I submit to you sir, try being a small white child walking into an allmost all black school in 1967 like I and 3 other white kids did. Where the teachers and the children all viewed you as their personal opportunity to "get some back". I wore an ass whipping home every day. Didn't dare go into the bathroom alone, nor did telling the black teachers or the black principal do anything but get you a paddling for lying.

So KMA, don't tell me blacks can't be racist, I know better.


The fire triangle was replaced with the fire tetrahedron over thirty years ago.


Rats .... now I am a raciest AND .... stupid. B)

But, I have learned what a catalyst is now.


you guys are so funny. Yes the schools were desegregated, but try walking into a school as a black child prior to 1968. I seem to remember a historical event where a certain southern governor stood in the doorway of a university, blocking the entrance of black students.

As I asked you guys to do, i went to craigslist, clicked on New York City, went to rants and raves, and searched the N word -- here are some of the excerpts from this week/month -- not 1968:





Lets try Los angeles:


How about Atlanta:




But we should be happy and quit complaining because all racism died back when Lincoln freed the slaves. What you fail to realize regarding this case is that this department had a long history of only promoting white Lieutenants, so that they would only have whites taking the Captains and higher promotional exams. It took a law-suit to fix that, just so blacks could take this test. The good old boy club at this department provided answers to the test and extra help to white firefighters. The test was written very "technically" with questions that only the most avid fire junkie would know, which has little to do with managing people. It would be like me asking you to draw a dorsal root ganglion -- you were taught it once, its in our book, but it is not something you use everyday on the job.

You win, crochity. Because of racism and slavery, if you are black, you get first crack at any job, promotion, school aid, spot in a program- whatever, and everyone else can fight over the leftovers. Qualifications, grades, resumes, test results-all irrelevant. No more numbers games, no need for race norming or banding, quotas, set asides, affirmative action, or special incentives. Icing on the cake- reparations too.

Pay back to the nth degree.

Would this satisfy your thirst for revenge? Would this solve the problem, or would it STILL not be enough for you? What else is necessary-spitting and stomping on the graves of plantation owners and the forefathers who allowed slavery to flourish? Would that do it for you? Would that even the score?


I'm still wondering why the points I raise are being outright IGNORED by crotchity.

Duke, I too went to a predominantly black school system (80-95% black), while living in a 'poor section' of town.

Yeah, I know what it's like to wonder if you're going to make it home without getting jumped because you're white! Yeah, I know what it's like to be the minority...getting lower grades for the same work because the teachers wanted 'payback'.

Just because people use the infamous 'n-word' on craiglist (or any other social networking site), doesn't mean that blacks can't take advantage of the educational opportunities that are presented to them!

When my EMT-B/EMT-I class began, we had a class make up of at least 25% black students (5 out of 21 students). When the second quarter started, we lost at least 3 of those students. Only one of those students dropped the class because of not having enough hours left in her grant to finish the class. That means the rest just QUIT!

How about sticking to the questions that are presented to you crotchity, instead of trying to confuse the issue by throwing out how many times anonymous sources use a particular word on a 'social networking site'?


Crotch when are you blacks going to pay me and my fellow Native Americans for killing and selling our scalps, raping our wives and daughters, then still killing and scalping them? Yes your black ancestors were as horrible and probably more horrible than the whites. What I want you to realize is that the black man is just as bad as the white man. So send your money or shut up. We can not expect people that did no harm to pay the price for ancestors actions. To keep demanding something so stupid only leads to hatred being passed on to future generations. So if you want change let it go. Move forward rather than living in the past.

To keep demanding something so stupid only leads to hatred being passed on to future generations. So if you want change let it go. Move forward rather than living in the past.

And that was my point about 9 pages ago, crotchy (whatever colour he /she/ it may be) is perpetuating hate and should be sanctioned by ADMIN, there is no positive exchange of ideas at this point in this thread.

And GAY men started AIDS too .... good grief !

I bet Annie and I could go on for pages and pages attempting to educate people that MANY other Minorities were persecuted in the past ... but who wants to hear of the crimes against the Irish, Japanese, Korean, those of mixed ethnicity ... ps I will not bore you another history lesson, it over, its in the past ... AGREED with splenac MOVE ON !

I thank gawd I was born colour blind .... quoting Burton Cummings ... well kinda.

LS ... the US courts system MUST BE WRONG I believe is the answer you are looking for, but I will still drink with any person of colour .... well thats IF they buy the second round ! :lol:


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