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High Court Rules for White Firefighters in Discrimination Suit

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Hey I feel guilty about all this even though I live in a different country that aided the Slaves ... I will be most pleased to send crotchity 20 CND pesos to revisit his homeland.


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Thats some good suggestions, it wouldnt all have to be in cash. Some housing and education credits would be useful. Maybe a new home (that would spur the economy as we spent that money). But that would be reasonable, originally we were promised 40 acres and a mule, not cash.

As far as when you would get your money back, as soon as you pay those tribal leaders, you can sue to try to get compensated for your losses. It is not that I have no sympathy for your cause, but at this time, I am fighting for my people, I hope you will do the same. Anytime one race enslaves another, they should pay --- doesnt matter what color they are.

Just think, if your ancestors would have been smart enough to do the 40 acres and a mule thing 150 years ago, I would have nothing to gripe about today.

  crotchitymedic1986 said:
Thats some good suggestions, it wouldnt all have to be in cash. Some housing and education credits would be useful. Maybe a new home (that would spur the economy as we spent that money). But that would be reasonable, originally we were promised 40 acres and a mule, not cash.

As far as when you would get your money back, as soon as you pay those tribal leaders, you can sue to try to get compensated for your losses. It is not that I have no sympathy for your cause, but at this time, I am fighting for my people, I hope you will do the same. Anytime one race enslaves another, they should pay --- doesnt matter what color they are.

So again when will you pay the Native Americans for the harm the black man inflicted on them?

When will you demand the Black Tribal Leaders in Africa that actually sold fellow blacks into slavery to pay you?

  crotchitymedic1986 said:
no joke, i am serious --- what value do you place on ruining a race of people -- and thanks for reminding me, reparations should be paid to Native Americans, and to Asian Americans that were mistreated during WW2

When American corporations have been found to cause death and injury from their products, they have paid out hundreds of millions of dollars, and it is usually only a handful of people who were damaged. These are whole races, and or generations that have been damaged.

I'm all for it. Tons of money for doing absolutely nothing will make it all better. It's worked well for all the liberal social engineering programs, hasn't it?

Oh wait...

BTW- what happens when all that money doesn't do a damn thing? Back to square one, right? Then what- back to set asides again, and the cycle starts all over again?


As a Melungeon, I'm European(including several English, Irish, Spanish and Portuguese), Native American, and sub-Saharan African. So, just to be sure I'm clear here, would it be the white part paying(even though my family came over as indentured servants and got flogged right along with yours crotchity)? Or the Spanish/Portugese that arrived with the conquistidors? Or the African for selling members of other tribes? I think the Native American side is in the clear, but since crotchity already admitted Native Americans are owed and I'm part African too I guess I break even, huh?

Btw, crotchity, you stated "I think reparations for all african americans in this countryt and for the country of Africa would be helpful." Africa is not a country, it's a continent. Just like North America is not a country but the USA and Canada are countries on the continent of North America. Just wanted to clarify that. Which brings up a valid point. I was ready a study that said white children on average know more about black history that most black children? For such a "proud" race, why is that? Don't tell me it isn't true. One night I was out with my neighbors. One family is black, one white. The white family's daughter looked up in the sky and said "That's the drinking gourd." The black girl looked at her friend like she was crazy and asked what she was talking about. The white girl says "You know. From the underground railroad." The black girl didn't know what that was either. Her family knew what the underground railroad was, but sat enthralled listening as a little white girl school them on the drinking gourd and how the slaves used it to escape to freedom. So again, why is it that white children know more about black history that black children? The very history that blacks want to be paid for, they don't even know about outside of the major names and events that get tossed around. Oh, and 40 acres and a mule come nowhere close to being worth $10million even by todays standards. How about we give you the thousand or so it was worth back then and you shut up? I say take Ruffems' deal and when we pay you all forms of black only organizations be dissolved, all federal protections removed, everything. Just keep in mind, when you put a bunch of white people on the streets for something they had nothing to do with you are going to create a bunch of racism where there was none to begin with. So when the money runs out and you're left with a bunch of people owning cars and houses they can't pay the taxes on, don't come looking at us. We won't owe you a thing, remember? I'm not saying all black families will be like that by any means. But lets face it, 80+% in the ghettos are going to blow every penny on "bling" and high end houses and cars. And that estimate is probably being generous.

One more thing, what about the black homeless? Just because they don't have a household to live in do they not get money? Aren't you just a little concerned they'll spend it all on the alcohol and drugs that most likely got them there in the first place?

If you can step outside your own money grubbing world for a few minutes, how about trying to come up with ideas that will further race relations for coming generations? A permanent solution instead of just making this generation happy and leaving the next in worse shape because you set race relations back 100+ years? But, no, it's all about you and what gratifies you. If you really gave a damn about your children being flogged(which I guarantee you've never seen so drop that) you would not set up future generations to be hated by the race you are hoping to alienate from you right as things are looking phenomially better. Yeah, there is still racism. On both sides. There always will be. Period. That's the way it is, just like there are still Germans that hate Jews and Israelis that hate Palistinians. But 50 years ago an interracial couple would have been run out of town. Now, they are treated like any other couple by the majority of society and that's only going to get better. Younger generations are getting more and more color-blind and if that was your ultimate goal, as it should be if you weren't a selfish bigot, you'd encourage that and leave this money crap alone.


Quote "Anytime one race enslaves another, they should pay --- doesnt matter what color they are."

HMMM..... so when my basketball team beats another team, I need to apologise? When the Allied forces won WWII, they should apologise? WTF

I don't know about the rest of the people on this thread, but I don't feel obligated to pay one damn dime...

MY family were slaves. MY family was killed by business owners and government leaders. MY family came to North America without one penny in their pocket. MY family was not allowed education or housing. MY family was discriminated against, and abused here because of the country they came from. Members of my family were killed, here in North America, because of their religious beliefs. And oh yeah... my family has been in North America less than 100 years. Oh wait a minute... I know why my family is successful... I have WHITE skin!!!!!!!!!! That has to be it! That is the ONLY reason my family has been successful!!!!! Give me a f***in break.....

So, crotchity, you can just quit whining, suck it up, and teach your family that life is not fair, and hard work does pay off. and that is it YOUR job to succeed. Begging for handouts using the excuse of something that happened generations ago isn't going to cut it. My family did NOTHING to your ancestors, so I refuse to provide an handout.

Throughout this thread, I have tried to be reasonable, and point out that there have been so many other races and cultures who have been held in slavery, abused, and discriminated against, but crotchity, for some reason, you refuse to acknowledge the fact that those other races and cultures have chosen to look ahead, not back, and have succeeded. By continuing to look back, instead of forward, YOU hold yourself back. YOU are the one who is not being a good example to "YOUR" people. YOU are the reason for failure.

I won't apologise, and I won't condone this handout that crotchity wants.

Crotchity, you should be ashamed of yourself. Instead of using your education and talents to be a role model to "your" people, you choose to be just another person looking for the easy way out, looking for a handout to solve all your problems. You should be using your education, your job, and your skills to be an example - to show people that it is hard work that makes you successful, not the color of your skin.

I am well aware that crotchity's reply to this post will still be the "your people had it better than my people" bullshit. I am well aware that crotchity's reply will still be the "you owe me" theme...

And Crotchity, you know what? There are members on this thread, who have tried to have a rational discussion with you, who have posted facts and figures which clearly proved your "facts" wrong. Even your own links argued against some of your opinions. You have refused to have a rational discussion. You have refused to even consider their comments as possibly being valid. You have called people names on this thread which were incredibly offensive, even when most here have tried to be civil and polite, and you made gross generalizations regarding white people in general.

I refuse to debate this silliness with you any longer. I will not continue to try to be rational and polite to you any longer. And now, I am going back to study my pharmacology homework, because I plan on being successful, and not demanding a handout from people who had nothing to do with my situation.

  crotchitymedic1986 said:
You still have your whites only clubs, the boardroom of most major corporations, head coaching jobs in professional sports, most country clubs, any afluent neighborhood (the only blacks in beverly hills are a few rap/nba stars and the maids). Without the watchdog organizations that you list, the plight of blacks would be far worse.

Show me where there's a White Chamber of Commerce, a White Mayors Coalition, White Entertainment Television, a United White Folks College Fund, White Business Owners Association....

You CAN'T; because they DON'T EXIST. Those orgainizations aren't ALLOWED to exist!

How are these 'exclusionary organizations' considered 'watchdog organizations'? What does the Black Mayor's Coalition fight against? How about Black Entertainment Television....or Ebony and Jet magazines?

And as far as the country clubs, etc go...for them to be a 'whites only club' they would have to accept any and ALL whites, but yet you don't see Bubba and his bleach blonde 'old lady' leaving the double-wide for a night at 'the club'......

  crotchitymedic1986 said:
The same reason you can say to your wife "bitch go make me a sandwich", but if I told your wife that, a fight would ensue. And white people rarely use the work affectionately.

Bill Cosby made an excellent point about the use of the infamous 'n-word'....he noted that that word was used 'affectionately', but it was also used just before one black person shoots another (his words, not mine!). So tell me again how that word is an 'affectionate term' and how only whites 'rarely use it affectionately'. Hell crotchity, YOUR 'people' don't always use it 'affectionately! Tell me how 'casper', 'whitey', 'honkey' and 'cracker' are 'affectionate terms' when used toward whites.....

  crotchitymedic1986 said:
You do, just read all of the answers that have been posted -- lots of angry white folks here, if you wish to elevate it to a syndrome, please feel free.

You missed the entire point of that .... 'Angry Young Black Man Syndrome' has actually been used as a LEGAL DEFENSE, and is a 'recognized syndrome'. It's not that some black man decided to coin a phrase and then elevated it to a 'syndrome' all on his own. Somehow I don't see 'Pissed Off Middle Aged White Guy Syndrome' EVER being 'allowed' to achieve 'syndrome status'.....

  crotchitymedic1986 said:
It is your job to defend yourself, not mine. If it is not offensive enough to motivate you to do something about it, it certainly will not motivate me.

I suppose that's the reason the ACLU, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton called for the heads of Don Imus and Duane "Dog" Chapman....right? But yet people like the 'honorable' Jesse Jackson can be heard muttering how someone needs to cut Obama's nuts off....

  crotchitymedic1986 said:
All you have to do is go to their website and ask for help, I doubt any of the whites asked. The ACLU fights discrimination for anyone that asks them too, and has defended whites in the past. They tend to help those who do not have the means to help themselves, so that would not include most whites who have the federal government, court system, and legal system that already protects them.

I didn't see the ACLU mentioned in this discrimination suit.....imagine that!

  crotchitymedic1986 said:
I think prominent blacks who have mispoken have been held to the same standard, or worse. Just look at Obamas preacher, he is now unemployed for speaking the truth that whites didnt want to hear. Whereas I think David Duke is still employed, and I see that Dog the Bounty Hunter is back on TV with his show, just a few months after he let his racist views be known.

As far as Jeremiah Wright, he's not 'unemployed', he was just removed as an influence from the Obama campaign. He's STILL preaching his hatred from the pulpit, just as Louis Farrakhan does! Neither man has lost a moments 'employment' over it!

  crotchitymedic1986 said:
As far as reparations, I think the idea has merit. The first step was made by President Clinton when he apologized for slavery; that was an importan first step. Reparations would not be necessary if whites would just stop discriminating, but that will not happen any time soon.

I think reparations for all african americans in this countryt and for the country of Africa would be helpful. I think ten million per household should do it, then each family will have the chance to compete with whites by getting the education they need and start their own businesses since whites will not hire us at the same pay rates or promote us when we deserve it. If that were to be done, I would never complain about the past again, and would say that whites have righted their wrong, and owe us nothing more.

Before you say 10 million is too much, let me ask how much is your dignity worth ? Imagine your child being flogged to death and ask how much is his/her life worth ?

Of course you'd think it has merit...it means getting something for nothing. This is no different than Michelle Obama wanting to elevate blacks OVER whites. What do you think was in that 'Princeton Paper' that they couldn't/wouldn't release prior to the election? The 'problem' here is you want Africa 'rewarded' for selling their own people into slavery! That's just like our tax dollars going to companies like General Motors to reward them for taking our jobs and sending them overseas! It makes just as much sense.

As far as 'reparations' go, it amounts to nothing more than 'emotional blackmail'. Once the 'blackmail money' has been paid, what guarantee do whites have that they won't have to pay again and again? Another generation or two down the road, and we'll be back at this particular point again....

As far as 'whites stop discriminating'...my friend, THAT is a two way street!

You haven't actually 'answered' my questions, you've only supplied rhetoric and mealy mouthed drivel to support your agenda that amounts to nothing more than 'Whitey, make us rich so we don't have to do anything to help ourselves!'.

  crotchitymedic1986 said:
Maybe a new home

Ya,.,.... THAT has worked well for the first nations up here in Canada eh??

For those of you who don't know, almost every reserve is littered with recent built homes that are burned out, graffitti'ed, and abandoned. Typically they have a beat up overturned 5 year old car beside them, and a brand new house with a brand new car across the yard.

And NO, I am not a racist, just ask my part - native wife.

I just call it like I see it.

Thanx for perpetuating the cycle Crotch (and supporting the stereotype)


Why should the US pay? Make Africa pay, since they allowed the sale of humans. Maybe the US could chip in. Then, afterward, no one may ever utter a word about it again. If they do, evict them from the United States. Don't wanna be here? Leave you whiny son of a bitch.

I will take you by the hand, and lead you to a grave in the rural foothills of Northern Pennsylvania. In a town, with the population of 12. A community, that until the 1950's, was cut off from the outside world. They probably had never seen a black man, much less knew of their plight until the American Civil War. I will lead you to the small church, in a grove, shadowed by a pine covered mountain. The grave of my great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather. He died at Five Forks, Virginia in 1865, fighting with the Union Army, Pennsylvania VOLUNTEER Infantry.. Fighting to Free Slaves. I think my lineage has done their part, for your people.

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