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High Court Rules for White Firefighters in Discrimination Suit

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Since crotchity is so eager to demand money for work he never did, I'm curious as to how much that dollar amount might be.

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Amen, I say Amen.

The only thing this whole drawn out thread has proven is that Crotch-Cricket is a money grubbing Racist who wants to be paid for hating crackers, kikes, hymies, chinks, honkies, towel heads, and any other group I may have forgotten, but at the same time doesn't want to admit he is FULL OF SHEITE.

Crotch, take a flying leap at a Rolling Donut.

If my son ever, EVER, suggest that he is entitled to something just because he is half black and 1/4 American indian, I will beat the brake shoes off him.

Should he try to excuse a bad grade or poor test score on the oppression of his fore fathers, I'll remind him about sneaking out to play without finishing his studying or homework.

I've said it in the past, I'll say it again, Crotch, you sir, are a Freaking Moron.


*1 you owe *2 us for the damage you caused.

*1 - Who?

*2 - Who?

*3 - Why does an individual, who did nothing to you personally, owe you something?

I'd like to see (in legal terms, using federal laws, and bills to back up your statement, no sarcasm, no opinions, no personal views) an answer to my question. This thread has become absolutely ridiculous.

*1 you owe *2 us for the damage you caused.

*1 - Who?

*2 - Who?

*3 - Why does an individual, who did nothing to you personally, owe you something?

I'd like to see (in legal terms, using federal laws, and bills to back up your statement, no sarcasm, no opinions, no personal views) an answer to my question. This thread has become absolutely ridiculous.

I think crotchity is right. We need to pay up. Now.

Reparations, my friend. Plain and simple. Many firms who had ties to slavery in the 1800's have already been forced to apologize for what their founding fathers did back then. There is even a movement to extort guilt money from these same companies to further punish them for what their founders did.

Guess what- if money is what this is really all about and not real solutions, then I'm all for it. Institute a new tax to pay for it- I don't care. Use part of the "porkulous" package money if necessary. Give a million bucks to every black man, woman, and child. If you trace your roots to Germany, Africa, or Ohio- doesn't matter. Can you trace your family back to a middle class lifestyle, noble heritage, or even being responsible for selling slaves to other tribes or the evil white man- irrelevant, It's still lotto time for you.


No more set asides, no more affirmative action, no more quotas-NO advantage whatsoever based on race. We're even. Score settled. Done. Account paid in full. The evil white man will pay for something he personally had no part in, but I don't care. Now you work your tail off like everyone else- maybe you succeed, maybe not. Just like everyone else. YOU are now responsible for your own destiny. No more excuses, no more alibis- your accomplishments AND your failures are your own- nobody else is responsible for them. All the credit, and all the blame.

Sound like a plan? Who's on board with this?

Any chance this will happen-of course not. An entire political party would essentially be out of business. If they can no longer keep someone dependent and convinced they are inferior to everyone else, they lose a significant voting block and they would never let it happen.

Posted (edited)
I am not sure what questions I have not answered for you lonestar, but feel free to type any question and I will do my best .

As far as only whites being racist, why is it that when a 'white only' group/organization/club is formed, it's a 'racist entity', but there can be NAACP, BET, United Negro College Fund, Black Chamber of Commerce, Black Mayor's Coalition, National Conference of Black Mayors, Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, National Black Business Trade Association, Black Business Owners Association (to name a few).

Since you throw out a reference to the infamous 'n-word', why is it that blacks are allowed to use that word (it doesn't change the context or meaning of it), but when a white person uses it, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Louis Farrakhan call for their heads?

We've even invented 'syndromes' to excuse behaviors that have no social redeeming value. I direct your attention to the 'Angry Young Black Male Syndrome'. Why can't we have a 'Pissed Off Middle Age White Man Syndrome' to use as a justifiable excuse to act like a thug?

Whites aren't allowed to use 'disparaging references' about any minority group, but yet we have to endure such wonderful terms as 'honkey', 'cracker', 'casper', etc., and nobody jumps up and defends US....

When's the last time you saw the ACLU fire up the discrimination bandwagon because a white was passed over for getting hired, housing, etc. Don't fool yourself into thinking that it doesn't happen! If you notice, in the article that started this thread, there's been NO mention of the ACLU getting involved. I guess that whites can't have their civil liberties violated, and if they can, it's not important enough for the American Civil Liberties Union to get involved....is this because the complaintants in this case are WHITE?

Why is it, that when people like David Duke spouts his anti-black rhetoric, he's destroyed politically, and crucified in the media; while people like Louis Farrakhan can spout their hateful, deplorable rhetoric and people CHEER for him? HATE IS HATE no matter the color of the skin spouting it!

*post edited to remove 'non-question' material*

Edited by Lone Star
Posted (edited)

As far as only whites being racist, why is it that when a 'white only' group/organization/club is formed, it's a 'racist entity', but there can be NAACP, BET, United Negro College Fund, Black Chamber of Commerce, Black Mayor's Coalition, National Conference of Black Mayors, Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, National Black Business Trade Association, Black Business Owners Association (to name a few).

You still have your whites only clubs, the boardroom of most major corporations, head coaching jobs in professional sports, most country clubs, any afluent neighborhood (the only blacks in beverly hills are a few rap/nba stars and the maids). Without the watchdog organizations that you list, the plight of blacks would be far worse.

Since you throw out a reference to the infamous 'n-word', why is it that blacks are allowed to use that word (it doesn't change the context or meaning of it), but when a white person uses it, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Louis Farrakhan call for their heads?[/color]

The same reason you can say to your wife "bitch go make me a sandwich", but if I told your wife that, a fight would ensue. And white people rarely use the work affectionately.

We've even invented 'syndromes' to excuse behaviors that have no social redeeming value. I direct your attention to the 'Angry Young Black Male Syndrome'. Why can't we have a 'Pissed Off Middle Age White Man Syndrome' to use as a justifiable excuse to act like a thug?

You do, just read all of the answers that have been posted -- lots of angry white folks here, if you wish to elevate it to a syndrome, please feel free.

Whites aren't allowed to use 'disparaging references' about any minority group, but yet we have to endure such wonderful terms as 'honkey', 'cracker', 'casper', etc., and nobody jumps up and defends US....

It is your job to defend yourself, not mine. If it is not offensive enough to motivate you to do something about it, it certainly will not motivate me.

When's the last time you saw the ACLU fire up the discrimination bandwagon because a white was passed over for getting hired, housing, etc. Don't fool yourself into thinking that it doesn't happen! If you notice, in the article that started this thread, there's been NO mention of the ACLU getting involved. I guess that whites can't have their civil liberties violated, and if they can, it's not important enough for the American Civil Liberties Union to get involved....is this because the complaintants in this case are WHITE?

All you have to do is go to their website and ask for help, I doubt any of the whites asked. The ACLU fights discrimination for anyone that asks them too, and has defended whites in the past. They tend to help those who do not have the means to help themselves, so that would not include most whites who have the federal government, court system, and legal system that already protects them.

Why is it, that when people like David Duke spouts his anti-black rhetoric, he's destroyed politically, and crucified in the media; while people like Louis Farrakhan can spout their hateful, deplorable rhetoric and people CHEER for him? HATE IS HATE no matter the color of the skin spouting it!

I think prominent blacks who have mispoken have been held to the same standard, or worse. Just look at Obamas preacher, he is now unemployed for speaking the truth that whites didnt want to hear. Whereas I think David Duke is still employed, and I see that Dog the Bounty Hunter is back on TV with his show, just a few months after he let his racist views be known.

As far as reparations, I think the idea has merit. The first step was made by President Clinton when he apologized for slavery; that was an importan first step. Reparations would not be necessary if whites would just stop discriminating, but that will not happen any time soon.

I think reparations for all african americans in this countryt and for the country of Africa would be helpful. I think ten million per household should do it, then each family will have the chance to compete with whites by getting the education they need and start their own businesses since whites will not hire us at the same pay rates or promote us when we deserve it. If that were to be done, I would never complain about the past again, and would say that whites have righted their wrong, and owe us nothing more.

Before you say 10 million is too much, let me ask how much is your dignity worth ? Imagine your child being flogged to death and ask how much is his/her life worth ?

Edited by crotchitymedic1986

LOL Crotch you played a joke on us. Can't believe I got drawn in. That last post is when it finally clicked that you were just joking. Try to add a smiley next time so you don't confuse this poor Native American. :rolleyes:


no joke, i am serious --- what value do you place on ruining a race of people -- and thanks for reminding me, reparations should be paid to Native Americans, and to Asian Americans that were mistreated during WW2

When American corporations have been found to cause death and injury from their products, they have paid out hundreds of millions of dollars, and it is usually only a handful of people who were damaged. These are whole races, and or generations that have been damaged.

no joke, i am serious --- what value do you place on ruining a race of people -- and thanks for reminding me, reparations should be paid to Native Americans, and to Asian Americans that were mistreated during WW2

When American corporations have been found to cause death and injury from their products, they have paid out hundreds of millions of dollars, and it is usually only a handful of people who were damaged. These are whole races, and or generations that have been damaged.

Crotchity you are a joke on this.

10million per household which if you take the census figure of 40million black people in america and divide that by a median household of 4 people you get 10 million households.

Multiply 10million times 10 million and you get 100,000,000,000,000 (windows calculator figure)dollars in reparations, but my figure may be wrong.

Just how the hell do you think we are going to pay for this? Do we exempt the blacks from paying into this with their taxes or do they have to pay? Of course, this may happen because we have an overwhelming liberal congress, senate and president who think that we need to tax tax tax the rich and give to the poor.

I don't know where the money is going to come from but let's screw the white race and make em pay.

Asking 10million per household is as liberal as you come and you show your true colors, you want money money money.

This is rediculous and absurd.

Most of the reparations if given will not go towards making blacks lives better, it will go towards spend spend spend and when that money is gone your race will be asking for more because as we all know, government will take care of you.

It won't be enough and your race will be back asking for more because according to you, the whites will just keep you brothas down and repressing your people. It's all the white race with their hood wearing KKK members fault.

You never did address the fact that your own race were the ones who sold your ancestors to the white people. The whites just capitalized on a idea that at the time made sense (but not a good idea). Your black ancestors were the root cause of your ancestors being enslaved, the whites were not the root cause. In fact if you watch the opening scenes of Roots, you will see a group of black men throwing a net over Kunta Kinte.

but you refuse to acknowledge that your race was just as much at fault in enslaving your people as the whites.

You are having a toilet party (eg pity party) and your mentality is give me money to make it all better.

I'm just disgusted that you fail to see any other side than the side you support. But then again, liberals like you refuse to see any other side of the story, you are always right and we are always wrong.

no joke, i am serious --- what value do you place on ruining a race of people -- and thanks for reminding me, reparations should be paid to Native Americans, and to Asian Americans that were mistreated during WW2

When are you going to bill the African Tribal leaders for selling fellow blacks to the traders?

When should I expect my check from you for the abuses the black people did to my ancestors?

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