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If you like Wii Fit, you should get EA Interactive for Wii. It's more adult exercise, yet still interesting and fun.

If you like Wii Fit, you should get EA Interactive for Wii. It's more adult exercise, yet still interesting and fun.

oooo, thanks, I've been watching for more Wii Fit compatible games and could only find the Jillian Michaels one, and it's only compatible with the board and not the software which keeps track of time and such. Does EA sports intergrate with the Wii fit software?

oooo, thanks, I've been watching for more Wii Fit compatible games and could only find the Jillian Michaels one, and it's only compatible with the board and not the software which keeps track of time and such. Does EA sports intergrate with the Wii fit software?

No but you can use the Wii Fit balance thing with EA Interactive.


Christopher Collins, you weren't a Medic with the CT National Guard at all, were you?


Thats a negative sir. Recruit Sustainment Program, Phase 1, 3rd Platoon out of Camp Rell in Niantic, CT. Discharged about a week before OSUT for 31 Bravo (Military Police Officer) at FT Leonardwood. If Im not mistaken youll be heading out to L'wood if your ganna be an engineer?

Again, best of luck.

I'm presently going into the EMS community in a few years (after I complete my last eight months in the Navy and complete my Army active duty requirements (3 years) and transfer to the Florida National Guard).

I've always been the athletic type, my interests including martial arts (boxing, jiu-jitsu (recently) and now MMA), surfing and swimming. I always have been in mind to keep fit in order to do my job as a serviceman, and I'm also looking forward. I'm trying to make sure I am well conditioned because it is my duty to my future patients. I'll be damned if a future patient dies because I could not get to him or her fast enough or carry him or her to safety.

My present conditioning routine is thus:

Note: I also swim between 800 to 3000 meters a day when I'm back in the States.

Mon - Circuit training with 20 minutes cardiovascular training (deployed I use the bike or elliptical. In the rear areas I go swimming)

Tues - Run sprints

Wednesday - See Monday

Thursday - Distance running

Friday - Same as Monday

Saturday -

I do a lot of Crossfit-esque circuits. For instance today's circuit was:

6 x Ring pullups

30 x Flutter Kicks while holding a 100 lbs. barbell over my chest

25/5 x Regular/Diamond pushups (do 25 regular then transition to 5 diamond pushups)

20 seconds front plank

20 seconds two plate pinch (2x10 lbs. weights)

10 x kneeling bar rolls.

Then I biked for 20 minutes on the stationary bike at a high resistance.

I'm trying to balance my physical condition for my upcoming Army service while at the same time being ready to be a paramedic/firefighter (I'm going to try to work for a fire service in Central Florida, (Orlando Area)). Is there other areas I should focus on to make sure I'm ready for both?

Note: The link at the beginning refers to my other post on EMT training where I stated I know what I'm getting into by attempting the EMS route.

I don't even know what half of this stuff is!!! You'll be fine, I have a feeling I might see you on a P90X commercial at 3am while I'm eating some cheesecake.

I don't even know what half of this stuff is!!! You'll be fine, I have a feeling I might see you on a P90X commercial at 3am while I'm eating some cheesecake.

Well I don't condition for looks cosgrojo, I condition for functional strength to carry out the tasks required of a paramedic and a soldier.

If Im not mistaken youll be heading out to L'wood if your ganna be an engineer?

That's affirmative. I'll be headed that way for training. On the upside I might garner some useful data for FF1 and FF2 whilst learning how to demolish obstacles and buildings.

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