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Say a patient has a feeling like they are grabbing hold of someone else's arm, when touching their own skin. Very dull sensation. Possibly caused by lack of sleep? First noticed in the face, with a feeling of complete numbness, no tingling, or pins and needles; just gradual numbness to the point where it doesn't feel like they're touching their own body. Never heard of it, so I'm winging it by calling it diminished sensation. No CVA or other symptoms. Only possible connection would be a week or two with only two to three hours of sleep per day. No dehydration or trauma.


Is it localized only to the face, or is it more global? Does it get better/worse with any kind of movement (aka, is it positional in any fashion)?

Recent illnesses? Hx of any injuries, especially head/neck?




Head to toe, doesn't differ anywhere, muscle tone present in areas it should be, no injuries, no trauma; occasional stumbling, but just with in the past ten hours. Vitals normal, except occasional tachycardia. Same no matter what position pt. is in.

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