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OK Dirtdevil,

Let me shed some light on this and maybe this will clear some of the confusion I started. (Unintentionally)I show up to work in uniform with a better attitude than any person you ever knew or know. I have over 15 years in EMS and more in the fire service. When people get relief from me or relieve me, they know what I expect from the condition of the truck to the conditions of quarters.

As far as taking calls, my reputation speaks for itself. If I'm in the field or at an ER, I'm asked to assist in many situations that need an experienced and confident professional. Whether it's from a fellow worker, a custodian, a nurse or an MD. It may be with something as simple as finding a linen cart or getting an IV or somethng as difficult as an intubation.

That being said, I don't always re-read what I post because I TYPE fast (can't you tell?) and I am quite a busy guy. It seems most of you DID take my post from a different perspective or just the wrong context. The others that jumped on that bandwagon just might not have an open mind either.

With that information you can clearly understand that with my first pt, not only did we make a difference, we almost brought the guy back. There were others on scene that attempted intubation and other skills that were successfully done by me and my partner. The accolades were many from all involved. BUT that's my job and that's what I do.

The second call for the OD again, was handled with the upmost professionalism and respect for a POS abuser of the system that doesn't know if Batman and the Boy Wonder took her to the ER or Jesus himself. BUT, that's my job and that's what I do.

Lastly, the 2 poor soles that consciously chose to drive in a reckless manner, under the influence, on a winding road that would not support speeds of which they were attempting to accomplish, were DRT. It didn't matter who showed up, other than Jesus himself, or how professional or with whatever attitude, no difference was made. However, I did go out of my way to make sure that anyone that didn't need to see such horror,was kept from the scene. A camera man from 200 yards away could not be stopped nor did I know he existed.

Oh, last to lastly, the DOA we took after that was just that. Once again, it really didn't matter to that pt what attitude or how clean shaven I was. Because (you guessed it) THAT'S MY JOB AND THAT'S WHAT I DO.


Good day now.....I love Willie Wonka


I have closed this topic so that the rest of the "jump on the new people" group won't have the opportunity to do what they do best.

Welcome to the the site first of all. The blog area may be the best opportunity to chronicle your daily activities and experiences. You will have some control over posts there.

Don't let the negative group here discourage you from posting. There are a lot of good people here that are willing to help you out.

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