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So what are everyone’s thoughts on the NEW TV show Trauma due to air in the fall?

From the commercials I already know it will last three maybe four episodes before getting pulled from the air. The TV producers have some nerve having a show that is so non-realistic but they advertise it as "this is what paramedics deal with daily".

1st off not one person in the TV ad even look like paramedics/emt's they are hotties soon to be back on soap operas in the afternoon.

They don't have "the look" you know what I mean about the look...weathered beaten etc... And for some of us overweight. At least Third Watch actors had some of the weathered and beaten look about them.

The "Trauma" shows medical technical advisors should be ashamed of even allowing some of this to air. I know their hands are probably tied with what airs but their wallets must be getting fat from blowing smoke up some director’s ass with war stories to boost the show.

I can basically sum this up with its a new "Bay Watch" when that series was close to getting pulled from the air....unrealistic made for TV crap!!!

I do plan to watch the 1st episode and plan on buying a new TV after that because it will probably have a boot thrown through it.

Here is the NBC link.

http://www.nbc.com/trauma/?__source=msn ... d|M_Trauma

Any other comments on how you feel about this show?

Posted (edited)

If I am correct, there has already been an extensive discussion about the show, but perhaps it was on another board, so I may be wrong. At any rate, I doubt I will even watch the show as I am finding myself irritated simply from the previews. I see it as an over the top attempt to replace ER that isn't going to do much for EMS either good or bad. However, I have issues when in the previews they are glorifying multiple helicopter crashes. HEMS is dealing with enough right now - this doesn't need to feed the bears. A cocky flight medic combined with a pissy partner, and a bunch of yahoo ground crew - hmmm I don't see myself liking it. Even though third watch could get a bit over the top at times, there was at least an inkling of reality in some situations. You could pick out the respectable parts and leave the rest. I'm not seeing this happening - I'm thinking it's going to be more of a "saved" show that won't last very long at all. Anyhow, just my two cents on everything.

However, I am curious about this new show Mercy - it looks like it might be vaguely promising. In addition to that the show Royal Pains is kinda cool. Not totally medically focused - actually has a story line and some points of it are kind of entertaining. Though let's face it, any medical related show is going to be a bit over the top (heck ever watch cops? they only pick the exciting stuff from hundreds of hours of footage) because the normal day for us is incredibly boring most of the time. Sure, there's the occasional heart pumping, scare the crap outta you, test your skills run - but those are few and far between. Most of the time, even within critical care services it's usually just IFT's and your challenge is figuring out what to do with multiple drips. There's very little actual drama, however it can be there sometimes and makes life entertaining. But how many hours would they have to ride with a given set of crews to get that? I don't think riding around the city picking up drunks and shuttling granny to dialysis is exciting enough for the general public. Giving Hollywood that liberty to dramatize some things so people will watch, okay fine, take it as it is, know it's that way and sit back for a good laugh if you decide to watch it or leave it and don't complain. The only bad thing is it makes the public think we either sit around the station all day doing nothing, or we are out there dealing with the biggest and baddest day in and day out. Oh and it would be FANTASTIC if we could have a non fire dept based EMS service - anybody else with me on this?

Edited by fireflymedic
If I am correct, there has already been an extensive discussion about the show, but perhaps it was on another board, so I may be wrong. At any rate, I doubt I will even watch the show as I am finding myself irritated simply from the previews. I see it as an over the top attempt to replace ER that isn't going to do much for EMS either good or bad. However, I have issues when in the previews they are glorifying multiple helicopter crashes. HEMS is dealing with enough right now - this doesn't need to feed the bears. A cocky flight medic combined with a pissy partner, and a bunch of yahoo ground crew - hmmm I don't see myself liking it. Even though third watch could get a bit over the top at times, there was at least an inkling of reality in some situations. You could pick out the respectable parts and leave the rest. I'm not seeing this happening - I'm thinking it's going to be more of a "saved" show that won't last very long at all. Anyhow, just my two cents on everything.

However, I am curious about this new show Mercy - it looks like it might be vaguely promising. In addition to that the show Royal Pains is kinda cool. Not totally medically focused - actually has a story line and some points of it are kind of entertaining. Though let's face it, any medical related show is going to be a bit over the top (heck ever watch cops? they only pick the exciting stuff from hundreds of hours of footage) because the normal day for us is incredibly boring most of the time. Sure, there's the occasional heart pumping, scare the crap outta you, test your skills run - but those are few and far between. Most of the time, even within critical care services it's usually just IFT's and your challenge is figuring out what to do with multiple drips. There's very little actual drama, however it can be there sometimes and makes life entertaining. But how many hours would they have to ride with a given set of crews to get that? I don't think riding around the city picking up drunks and shuttling granny to dialysis is exciting enough for the general public. Giving Hollywood that liberty to dramatize some things so people will watch, okay fine, take it as it is, know it's that way and sit back for a good laugh if you decide to watch it or leave it and don't complain. The only bad thing is it makes the public think we either sit around the station all day doing nothing, or we are out there dealing with the biggest and baddest day in and day out. Oh and it would be FANTASTIC if we could have a non fire dept based EMS service - anybody else with me on this?

non-fire based ems show - aint gonna happen. I'm sure that the IAFF is pushing this show big time.

as for the previews, over the top and it makes me just not want to watch it but I will watch it and then critique it the next day. No armchair quarterbacking becuase I'll have watched the show.


Ruff -

I think I'll just avoid this one. I'm sure I'll hear enough about it through the grapevine that I can decide intelligently whether I care to see it or not rather than wasting an hour of my evening that I'm sure I could be finding more interesting uses for.

And as far as the non fire based EMS - I said it would be fantastic - I didn't say it was gonna happen ! Why it won't well, now there's multiple reasons for that, and I'm sure this show will have a healthy dose of IAFF behind it. After all - the previews do show a car on fire and blowing up eh? Why they find fire so exciting well, :iiam: lol, be safe all.

Posted (edited)

I made a short clip about Rural, Private, Non-Fire EMS... It was 24 hours long, but it can be summed up, in less than a minute. So, of course, I shortened it.

Think NBC will pick it up?

Edited by 4c6
I made a short clip about Rural, Private, Non-Fire EMS... It was 24 hours long, but it can be summed up, in less than a minute. So, of course, I shortened it.

Think NBC will pick it up?


Trauma on NBC is Baywatch+E.R.+Die-Hard


I don't think so chris, however, you might be in the running for animal planet, national geographic, or the outdoor living network ! :lol:


This must have been Thurs shift, because on Monday we had someone fall and just wanted help getting back into her chair. No treatment, no transport just help up.

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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