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Oh dear admin is adding to our whackerism syndrome here in the city.

*Thanks for posting it*

Now all we need is for Echo to see the post and he can watch for free!!!


I would love to watch them but its an american site :closed:

'Move to america my dear child:


I already do live in america, North America and so you know Im on top :thumbsup: of the food chain lol

The only 'problem' of where you live in the 'food chain' .....everything there is F-R-O-Z-E-N!



T.V. dinners at princess's house!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup:


Years before DVD E!, I had every episode on VHS. Ended up selling them, along with a cheap old VHS player, to a guy in England. He paid $30/tape. Yes. That's a lot of money, but they weren't available to the UK; and it cost me $19.. So, of course, supply and demand.. I kept several, including the pilot, brush fire, snake bite, inheritance, insomnia, boot, welcome to santa rosa county, and a few others.


I remember watching that show when it was in its 'first run'....gawd I feel old!

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