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So I just finished taking my EMT b national and i'm waiting for my results. Just thought i'd drop in and correct some of the old timers on this site who seem to be a little confused about how the test works currently.

I passed my EMT class with flying colors. I passed my practical with flying colors. I read the book inside and out and did not miss one class. I am not a good test taker as I tend to rush and get frustrated easily.

Through this section of the forum, I have found many posts claiming that the test ranges from 60-200 questions, depending on how well you fair. This is entirely wrong.

The actually test ranges from 70-120 questions. You need at least a 70 to pass meaning you have to get 49/70 correct.

Now the next part i'm not too sure about simply because of the confusion around difficulty of questions counting for more points. Obviously the test gets increasing harder or easier depending on the last question answered. This is common knowledge through out this site and the NREMT. Something no one can seem to agree on is weither or not the hard questions count for more points then the easy questions. It does not make sense really. I'll try to explain what I mean.

You answer questions 1-10 correct and now are answering hard questions correct. You answer questions 10-20 correct and they are considered high level questions. Do these questions count the same as the 1-10 easy questions??? If they counted for more their would be no reason for a minimum test questions to be set.

Overall I felt the test questions were kind of retardedly worded. The questions always felt like there was hardly enough information to answer confidently. Most often every answer is right but only one is correct. My test ended up going a little over 100 questions. I sit here and I wonder how I did because frankly I have no idea. Its a pretty crappy feeling to be honest. I can tell you I wish I didn't spend 9 dollars on this book http://www.amazon.co.../ref=pd_sim_b_7

It proved to be quite useless as the questions in this book were not half as open ended. When I answered them I knew before I turned the page how close to being correct I was.

So there is my 2 cents about NREMT b. I have a feeling i'll be taking this cluster*&^% again.

Edited by Bamx

Does anyone know exactly where on the NREMT website you can check your pass/fail status? I have looked everywhere and I don't know if its not up yet or if I can't find it.


You have to log into your user account first, obviously. Then click on "check application status".

That shows your CBT exam status. It used to show the practical, but it no longer shows mine. Can't find it.


So I passed my test. Exam was still bs. Hardly touched on the knowledge I have in the subject.

  • 3 months later...

>>So I passed my test. Exam was still bs. Hardly touched on the knowledge I have in the subject.<<

Rather than calling it BS, the question you might ask yourself is, would it have been possible to pass the CBT without the training and education you received?

Yes, the test is mostly scenario based, and yes, sometimes the stated scenario has little to do with the actual question or more than one answer seems correct. This is meant to hook the unprepared who gulp the question down sans the best tool you can leave EMT training with - critical thinking.

It seems you're saying the CBT didn't mimic the questions and answers you studied for the test, but I'm sure I don't have to say, neither does life in the back of a rig.

Congratulations on passing your CBT - now get that first job and prepare to get humbled . . .


  • 7 months later...

I haven't taken the test but probably will soon.

However my objective opinion of CBT adaptive tests in general, of which I have done several in other areas is-

They stink.

The cognitive/assimilation/evaluation based pyramid garbage is a 1950's fashion that went in and out of fashion, mainly 'out' since to do it properly you need a guy on the other side of the window asking the questions real time.Now we have computers that can do that , coupled with online ability, its back in fashion for now.

At the end of the day it offers nothing that pen and paper set question question doesn't already.

Except its real cheap and its overly 'complicated and technical and pro-active' so it looks good to underfunded orgs who don't have the money to organise something like decent practical standards and testing.

And personally I hate them, though I can do them okay. Because they really do disempower and frustrate, even when you are passing. We all run around telling everyone "how great it is, and how special I was to pass and how easy it is bla bla bla"... but they really are still a crap experience to undergo.

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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