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I'm not watching this turd. I have a son and daughter who require my attention and the only time I want to re-live my work is the next shift.

Mercy is not much better. I saw two glaring pathetic scenes in Mercy.

1. nurse see's a car wreck, she goes to the car and see's something sticking out of a guys chest. She then realizes without any assessment tools or whatever that the guys has a tension pneumo and needs a chest tube stat. She proceeds to use a pocket knife and a bendy straw to put a chest tube in his chest. Never mind that the impaled object and most obvious cause of the pneumo is the thing sticking out of his chest but she goes ahead and puts this newly approved for bystander use chest tube in the opposite side of where you would think the tension was. But the guy got better.

2. IN the ER and two gang bangers come in. One codes and she grabs the paddles and defibrillates him without knowing what the rhythm was and then the guy wakes up to fight some more.

Come on where did these medical advisors come from? Are they all podiatrists who have never spent an hour in the ER.

And any paramedic advisor who puts his/her name on this Trauma show should be ashamed.

In a time where we are trying to increase the awareness of helicopter ems safety we have this garbage of pilots landing on tops of buildings in a big city and then flying high speed between said buildings.

Jeminy christmas. Another 2 shows to skip each week and spend more time playing with my son.


Okay, Okay, I picketed the show as promised and refused to watch it, but reading everything here left me with a few things to say anyway.

1. I would never allow pilots access to a gun or versed for the very reason stated - knowing a couple grumpies that have the attitude of shut 'em up so I can fly they would have probably very little issue either shooting them or applying some pharmaceutical assistance. Heck sometimes I wish for it (if only we could sedate patients for being a pain in the rear) NOTE : If any of you all are reading this I'M JUST KIDDING you know I love you.

2. Didn't you know this blatant overuse of urban HEMS is what Dr. Bledsoe is describing? Only this ain't houston, it's san fransisco. Same difference though, never mind you're 15 minutes by ground, we're going to fly you anyway. Though it is almost getting that bad in a few areas that are rural. There's a little freestanding ER clinic with an ALS service less than 15 min by ground from university's level 1 trauma (yes right down the same exact street so it's a straight shot) yet they utilize flight a ridiculous amount from there. Even at worst, the far edges of the county you are no more than 30 min by ground out. I think they just like to see the pretty birds show up *sigh* - you can't fix stupid.

3. Ruff - didn't you know she did a quick look before she defibbed him knowing that yes he was the perfect candidate and of course it would save him? We just didn't see it. If only my record of saves were as good as they are on tv I would be thrilled. Sad that's not the case. And of course, atropine is the miracle drug. Atropine fixes all didn't we know that?

4. There is the rare flight service (ie Maryland State Police) that fly pilot and one caregiver and utilize scene personnel if an additional provider is needed. There has been much debate over their chosen structure as to whether is is adequate or not for patient care. They are the only service that I am aware of that flies this way (if there is another please let me know).

5. As I mentioned before this does annoy me with the reckless deal with the flight EMS. This is definitely not the appropriate time for it (not that there really is, but especially now). It hits an especially sore spot that people think that pilots fly recklessly and crews are more concerned with their sex lives than their patients which is much the opposite. When the public is already extremely critical without much knowledge of the industry, this certainly doesn't help towards education and certainly NOT the image that safety is a major concern of crews.

6. If someone actually puts their name on this crap as paramedic or any form of medical advisor they should be running in shame and should have quit long before now.

7. There was a discussion on another board about a series in the works called MERCY AIR - was promo on myspace some time ago. I had a few discussions with their people to express the concerns I had about the inaccuracy of content. I was promptly e-mailed back and told your job is not exciting so we had to add Hollywood to it and bottom line, sex sells (if anyone wants a copy of this let me know I'd be happy to PM to you. I have saved it.) They informed me that MERCY AIR was not the final title due to the negative attitude of the actual Mercy Air which yes is based in california (can't even remotely understand why !). However, it sounds like this may be the brain child (or butt child) of this show. I highly suspect it. They just added more fluff to it as it was originally a flight ems focused show and they've thrown extra in there to get it to the networks. I'm sure a few on here would remember that discussion lol.

Yes I seriously hope this series dies quickly as did Saved or at least doesn't make it past this season. I did send NBC a nastygram about this show (it's the best I can do). I understand Hollywood is going to have some sex and overblow things no doubt with alot more glitz and excitement. And obviously picking little old ladies up off the ground isn't exciting, but please show some respect to the job and at least try to get the medical aspects right.

  On 9/29/2009 at 2:20 PM, fireflymedic said:
4. There is the rare flight service (ie Maryland State Police) that fly pilot and one caregiver and utilize scene personnel if an additional provider is needed. There has been much debate over their chosen structure as to whether is is adequate or not for patient care. They are the only service that I am aware of that flies this way (if there is another please let me know).

California Highway Patrol.

CareFlite, the original flight service in Dallas-Fort Worth, originally flew 1+1, taking a ground medic from the scene when necessary. They haven't done that since around 1990 or earlier though.

  On 9/29/2009 at 2:37 PM, Dustdevil said:

California Highway Patrol.

CareFlite, the original flight service in Dallas-Fort Worth, originally flew 1+1, taking a ground medic from the scene when necessary. They haven't done that since around 1990 or earlier though.

Thanks dust, I had heard that was not for sure so I didn't include them. I was aware that Careflight did quite a bit ago, but they have since dropped that and gone to the traditional staffing. However, as of last time I checked, helmets were not required which is definitely a concern in my book. That is their choice though.

But one thing to note here people - as to Rabbit - he is not a pilot, he is medic onboard. however I still stand by my pilots statement lol. Just a clarification. Not that it makes much difference though - I still believe this is a disaster.


Hmmm... I don't know CareFlite's official helmet policy. I'll find out. However, I do know that they have been issuing and wearing white SPH-5s since at least the early 1990s. I can't say I have noticed if they always wear them or not, but they do issue them. But when I flew with them in the early and mid 1980's, we just had DC headsets.

  On 9/29/2009 at 2:20 PM, fireflymedic said:
...if anyone wants a copy of this let me know I'd be happy to PM to you. I have saved it.)...

You know where I live; hook me up I'd be interested to read it.

I have not seen the pilot and damn Hulu has blocked my annonomyzer-IP thingo so I can't get at it; cheap bastards. Hook a brother up with a bootleg y'all!

NZ has never had a "fake" emergency services show because I don't think the Service here would permit such mis-representation of thier image; one or two medical or other dramas have included one or two bit-parts who might happen to be an AO or whatever. We've had a good dose of "reality" TV around HEMS/EMS/Police tho and most have been very successful. See my post here about Rapid Response with links to videos if you are interested.

Personally I think shows like this hurt the profession and attract weirdos; combine that with the fact somebody can do a two week EMT class and be on the street living thier "fantasy" doesn't help! Tell a whacker to go do a 3 year Degree or a 2 year PCP program in Canada and well ooh thats no fun!


I thought this show was pretty cloe to accurate.

The technical aspects were pretty far off but in reality does the public understand the technical stuff ?

The show is not for EMS providers, there is not enough of us to have a ratings base and why the hell would we want to see that on TV when we see it everyday, it's for the general public more specific males 18 to 49 who don't know the technical aspects of EMS but they know sex and action.

The EMS characters were dead on.

The male ALS provider with an ego from hell, does anyone here not know one of those ?

The female EMS provider screwing around, do we not know one of those ?

The male EMS provider with marriage problems because of an affair, ever see one of those ?

The new guy catching hell because he is the new guy, anybody here ever done that ?

EMS providers drinking after the shift is over, anyone here not ever thrown back a few ?

The producers of the show did a little research, they didn't just pull the characters out of the blue, they are a snapshot of EMS providers that will draw viewers in on prime time network TV.

The characters that are missing is the family guy, the religious guy, the burnt out guy,the by the book guy,the newbie with the batman utility belt,the scared guy,the save the world guy,the cranky old guy, the drug stealing EMS provider, the guy that aint got a clue, the guy with the substance abuse problem, the provider that really cares and does his job well and the crooked supervisor.

I don't agree with the show's character selection of EMS providers but the bed was made by us and our moments of stupid behavior by either doing the things we saw on tv or condoning it by going along to get along.

  On 9/29/2009 at 4:00 PM, akflightmedic said:

I was gonna mention CHiP but we also flew single provider in Alaska on our helo missions.

To the best of my knowledge all our HEMS are single pilot VFR/single provider

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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