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Trust me, it's not quite that exciting....but if you're willing to uproot your family and move to another country on spec...let me know, I'll send you an application.


With the way things are going at work dont be surprised if you get a pm saying I need a JOB!!!! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:


Well, I certainly have not been on this site in a while. I have my reasons. Mostly because I have lost some interest in the emergency medical feild after some recent experiences. Yea for thoes of you following my life, it just keeps sucking lol.

Anyways I wanted to stop in and say hi and tell everyone how much I think this show is an amazing peice of crap. I watched the first episode and wont even continue to watch it for free online.

One guy I talked to said that its just a show and it sucking has nothing to do with how it portrays EMS. Well, for someone who does this job, he certainly knows nothing about how impressionable and often gullible people in this world are. Especially people who watch TV. Damn, for that matter hes obviously never met my mother. If he thinks for a moment that there isnt a single person in the world who donst believe the (sometimes blaitantly obvious) garbage put on TV, well I rest my case in the: Arrogant "Trauma" Fans v. Real EMS Proffesionals argument lol.


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