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1) So common, a reasonably good Heimlich maneuver, followed by bad CPR. So many folks "learn" both by watching it performed on TV and in movies, and think they've really got it, so that rang true. So did the comment referring the "street-side rescuer" to take an ARC CPR Class.

2) The Gay medic violated the "Q" word curse, and, just before the end of his tour, he actually said, 'It's too quiet", and was rewarded by a call.

3) What is the Kriptonian name of Superman's cousin? On this planet, it must be Nancy, as she diagnoses a broken rib that punctured a lung, without benefit of an X-Ray machine, Again!

4) There must be is something going on between Nancy and the Rabbit, as he's sitting in her room, and asking her how her day went. Are they now living together?

5) They actually did that old stunt of not appearing to arrive to work together, when, in fact they did?

6) Boone wants to "fly a desk"? Let's see just how long this lasts, especially as "Acting Captain"!

7) I had to think for a moment for the Ozzie Davis reference, instead of saying outright, "Overdose".

8) Captain Henry "Hank" Stanley? Wow, that was the captain of Station and Engine 51, LACoFD, on "Emergency!"

9) A Vietnam Vet steals Angel 2, the helicopter. What, no security on the bird, or some kind of ignition switch IN the bird?

10) So Paramedics hand out drugs to counteract bad heroin? Needle exchange, maybe, but I don't think so!

11) Marissa and Rabbit leave the scene where their helicopter was stolen, prior to the local, division, or citywide Chief arriving thereat?

12) I like that arm drift for catching the CVA, as usually when I get there, there is facial droop already.

13) What I know of helicopters is, you need 2 working legs to work the pedals, even as you use the 2 levers to work other controls of the bird.

14) Is the vet going to deliberately crash the aircraft, to go out in a blaze of glory?

15) Even if he is a total no-good-nik, one never shows disrespect to any patient, even a repeat druggie.

16) ...Then the disrespect shows to have been the better course of action, as he steals the narcotics.

17) Helicopters don't have traffic lights or building in the way, unlike the ambulance chasing it.

18) Whatever EMT or driver on the wheel has the responsibility to move the vehicle safely, assuring the safety of anybody on board, as the driver controls the ambulance. He didn't turn the L&S back off after Marissa activated them? Perhaps He is an Adrenaline Junkie, as well as a Red Bull addict.

19) And another thing...How often does a 1/2 crew ambulance get an assignment? even with the air crew riding as passengers?

20) The narcotics thief has more to worry about than the LEOs, he's going to have to deal with an angry Nancy!

21) Now a pissed off former Iraq War pilot (Melissa) talks the veteran from Vietnam conflict into doing a "Dust-Off"? ( older term for a Medevac)

22) Nancy hates being wrong, or admitting it, but does so to the medically more inexperienced partner. Then, it turns out he has a druggie sister? Who'd a thunk it? 23) I think Nancy and Rabbit are "playing house." Perhaps next week, someone is going to catch them in the process.


i have a question about # 18. i agree its the drivers responsibility to get everyone aboard to and from dest. safely but isn't the tech in charge? i was told that if the tech tells you to go lights and sirens , you go lights and sirens. Is it different with private vs 911 ?

Posted (edited)


Hey I got to watch this episode on Caribou Satellite Vision too, I actually liked this episode, its almost beginning to grow on me, but then I do have that foot fungus too, well short of some of the medical practice(s) the chest decompression part I am beginning to become quite oblivious.

3) What is the Kriptonian name of Superman's cousin? On this planet, it must be Nancy, as she diagnoses a broken rib that punctured a lung, without benefit of an X-Ray machine, Again!

ps What no Condom Valve ... You would think that banging Da Wabbit she should have one in her back pocket ???

Although from auscultation and a real medic with honed auscultation skills crepitus can be a clinical sign of a fracture, that said a from hx taking and signs of tension not really a huge stretch ... I refer you to Kelly Grayson http://www.ems1.com/ems-products/EMS-Equipment/articles/592414-Wait-a-Minute-You-Auscultated-What/

I just might have some stick time myself on a 212 (not command) mind you, their are no keys on any of the bird's I have been in just saying, start up sequence a bit different from a Huey (single engine) to 212 (a twin) hell If I can start one :rolleyes2: one can actually find on-line the start up procedures ... no link provided in the event a terrorist is monitoring EMT City loose lips sink ships :shiftyninja:

13) What I know of helicopters is, you need 2 working legs to work the pedals, even as you use the 2 levers to work other controls of the bird.

In the movie Predator, yup an Arnie flick: Well open scene of the movie The Stunt Pilot does a high speed flare onto the beach an puts it down like sparrow ... One of the most impressive Flying thing I have ever seen BAR NONE coming in hot and a flat flare and not chopping off the tail ! ... a BRILLIANT piece of flying. As a matter of fact is that Pilot was an Ex Nam Vet (Dust Off) then turn stunt pilot AND NO LEGS just like the Douglas Bader the WW2 Fighter pilot and escaped from a POW camp too, (The Great Escape) I am so watching too many NCIS Tony Dinozzo movie quotes ....<insert head slap>

Well to tie in the story, I had a patient a 19 y/o male, and 2 weeks of VERY touch and go in ICU with Neisseria (Meningococcus) He woke up to find that because of Hi tropes (Levo) in conjunction with this disease he had no feet, Docs had to amputate, one of the most heart wrenching thing I have ever had the displeasure of being a part of ... Short end to the story HE HAS MY COPY of PREDATOR(he threw it me one day too) used some nasty terms when I put on the TV and I told him the story.

Well that kid is 26 now and flying CHOPPERS .. do you believe in Karma, well 2 years ago on a Forest Fire a place called Rainbow Lake and just guess who lifted his feet out of a A Star (it was Purple we called it the Gay Star)well he recognized me, I will not go into the rest of story seeing him again I can't really (closed) its curious how sometimes benign TV watching brings back such overwhelming memories. Straight up The Nam Vet DUST OFF side story ... IMHO an awesome twist in the plot.

Logging in the jungle with a minigun was kinda cool too ... sorry off topic.


Edited by tniuqs

1) So common, a reasonably good Heimlich maneuver, followed by bad CPR. So many folks "learn" both by watching it performed on TV and in movies, and think they've really got it, so that rang true. So did the comment referring the "street-side rescuer" to take an ARC CPR Class.

Yeah, I actually applaud them for putting that in there! Plus 5!

4) There must be is something going on between Nancy and the Rabbit, as he's sitting in her room, and asking her how her day went. Are they now living together?

LOL! Dude, are you in denial? They've been banging since Episode 1.

6) Boone wants to "fly a desk"? Let's see just how long this lasts, especially as "Acting Captain"!

Interesting. But this presents a dilemma. Does he become a captain, putting the only other black on the show out of work? Or does he FAIL miserably and go back to a truck? Leaves options open for the future, I guess. But I'd be nervous if I were the captain actor.

8) Captain Henry "Hank" Stanley? Wow, that was the captain of Station and Engine 51, LACoFD, on "Emergency!"

Ha! Finally, they got someone in the writing pool with a little cleverness and imagination!

9) A Vietnam Vet steals Angel 2, the helicopter. What, no security on the bird, or some kind of ignition switch IN the bird?

Except for the base station hospitals, it's pretty rare around these parts to see a secure LZ. Usually just a pad on the back lawn or parking lot in the rural and suburban hospitals. I'm curious as to why a VAMC would have one though. I don't know of any of them that take Level I trauma.

10) So Paramedics hand out drugs to counteract bad heroin? Needle exchange, maybe, but I don't think so!

There have been a few articles here in the last few years about handing out Narcan to junkies. We hotly debated it a couple years ago here on the forum. I'm afraid I'd have to refuse the order to go into such a neighbourhood for such a stupid reason though.

13) What I know of helicopters is, you need 2 working legs to work the pedals, even as you use the 2 levers to work other controls of the bird.

Not everyone in a wheelchair in a hospital is missing their legs.

14) Is the vet going to deliberately crash the aircraft, to go out in a blaze of glory?

Take me with you.

19) And another thing...How often does a 1/2 crew ambulance get an assignment? even with the air crew riding as passengers?

I was wondering the same thing! As far as dispatch knew, he was alone. And if dispatch did not know that, then that's a FAIL on our acting captain.

20) The narcotics thief has more to worry about than the LEOs, he's going to have to deal with an angry Nancy!

Every episode just gives me more and more reason to hate her.

Oh, and EMT carrying narc keys = EPIC fail.

So Marisa was a captain? Nice! She doesn't look old enough.

All in all, not a horrible episode. Not the best, but certainly not the worst. Watchable.


I actually watched this one, my first one since the second episode. By the tail end I was thinking this would be the ep where everyone got fired and there'd be a new cast or something. My fiance was getting so pissed at my continued comments. She didn't even want to watch the show in the first place.


I noted the Viet Vet had legs, but was wheelchair bound, which suggests he didn't have use of them. However, when talking with a colleague, who is also a "Rotor-Head" (fan of helicopters), he said that for one thing, you could have a helicopter with an ignition key, although most do not, and for a second thing, as they have hand controls for cars, they probably have hand controls for the pedals of a helicopter, too. If that second is correct, I'd say only on a privately owned one, not one working as a HEMS unit.

As for logging with a minigun, just remember Jessie (the Body, later the Governor) Ventura:

Ain't got time to bleed!

(OK, that was my Tony DeNozzo for the day)


i have a question about # 18. i agree its the drivers responsibility to get everyone aboard to and from dest. safely but isn't the tech in charge? i was told that if the tech tells you to go lights and sirens , you go lights and sirens. Is it different with private vs 911 ?

There's a few things to realize. The attendant can't push your foot down on the pedal. He can't force you to flip the lights on. The driver is the sole person in control of the vehicle. So if a situation presents itself where it's too dangerous to proceed (for example, I refuse to push cars into intersections against a red light. If that means an extra 30 seconds until I get a green light and traffic starts to move before I reactivate my lights/sirens, then so be it), the driver has the duty to shut down regardless of the wishes of the attendant.


thanks jpi, yeah i work for a private company that does dialysis runs mostly. once in a blue moon we go to the e.r. 99.9 percent of the time we don't go lights and sirens to the e.r. and never to a call . i have worked with techs that during transport to the e.r. the pt is getting worse so he/she tells me to putt the lights and sirens on. and yes never " make" other cars go into an intersection and still follow all traffic laws


Ok they can cancell it now I won the bet... Old flames some times just go dim but are not totally burnt out. Here Lights and sirens are not used much Heck half the calls they do are the NH which is 4 min from the building and why go lights and sirens for 4 min?


At first I thought the show was a crock, but if you watch it, the message is ther is always hope. sure

the story lines a re a crock, but I m,yself always feel good after watching a episode.

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