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Hi everyone. I've wanted a career in health care my whole life, and I've waffled quite a bit in terms of deciding which path to choose. This fall I chose to enroll in a CNA course and I am loving it so far. Over the past few months, however, EMS has become more and more attractive to me, and I'm considering enrolling in an EMT-b course that is going to be offered in my town next year. I've done a good deal of research (in fact, that's how I stumbled across this site) and I have had some good conversations with the president of the local EMS provider, but there are still a few things I would like to have cleared up.

First, some background-- in this neck of the woods, if you say "BLS ambulance" or "private ambulance company," people will look at you as if you have two heads. It's basically all ALS, hospital-based, dual role 911/IFT. There is only one hospital in the whole county and, hence, one EMS provider, which runs from five bases scattered all over the place answering a good 5500 calls a year. Even though the pay is lower than the national average, EMT's (even basics) are held in high regard, and the utmost professionalism is expected. And I probably don't need to clarify, but this is rural EMS.

That aside, here are some questions I have.

Do you ever regret becoming an EMT?

What is the most enjoyable part of your job?

What is the least enjoyable?

Do you hold a second job?

Have you ever felt that your EMT-b course didn't prepare you enough for a certain situation?

What would you change about EMS if you could?

What is the most productive way I could spend my down-time?

Thanks in advance.

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Do you ever regret becoming an EMT? No, it was a great learning experience and was a required cert prior to paramedic.

What is the most enjoyable part of your job? Doing a good job for people who can truly benefit from EMS care

What is the least enjoyable? Constantly dealing with system abusers.

Do you hold a second job? I do consulting work for a different industry on the side. Many people who work a 3/4 or other 24 hour shift schedule have second jobs.

Have you ever felt that your EMT-b course didn't prepare you enough for a certain situation? Every day. EMT-B is woefully inadequate.

What would you change about EMS if you could? I'm not going to open that can of worms in this thread. Let's just say that Dust and I have many of the same opinions.

What is the most productive way I could spend my down-time? Downtime prior to EMT? Study A&P and read the text book prior to the class. Highlight and study all of the material as it relates to the "Chapter Objectives". (Those are what you really need to know and is the meat of the curriculum, and what the NREMT bases testing on.

Downtime once you become an EMT? Take a full A&P series at your local College. Then, investigate paramedic school options as soon as you can. Don't wait.

Thanks in advance.

Good luck.


That aside, here are some questions I have.

Do you ever regret becoming an EMT? Never wanted to be a medic but I was told I would be good and here I am. 14 years of no regretes

What is the most enjoyable part of your job? Being able to help the pt and the families of a thank less job, When I get that thank-you it makes it worth while

What is the least enjoyable? The pts that are abusive because they are pricks and not because of the medical condition they have, you soon learn to tell the difference.

Do you hold a second job? Yes a full time bean counter (with great employers that let me leave the office) I am in a remote area

Have you ever felt that your EMT-b course didn't prepare you enough for a certain situation? The one thing that some courses do not cover is the fact that you may not get past A to be able to deal with B & C . This is something that happens and you are left with the feeling that you missed something or did something wrong

What would you change about EMS if you could? More consitiant training in a timely manner

What is the most productive way I could spend my down-time? I have my old Text books in the bathroom and read a section when in there.

Thanks in advance. your welcome


Follow your heart, like the commercial says, if you do what you love you will never "WORK" a day in your life. Dont worry about money as your decision driver. But if you are getting into EMS, you really need to go for EMT-I, then Paramedic. Nursing and EMS are getting more aligned:



RN = Paramedic.

Posted (edited)

Follow your heart, like the commercial says, if you do what you love you will never "WORK" a day in your life. Dont worry about money as your decision driver. But if you are getting into EMS, you really need to go for EMT-I, then Paramedic.

Bad advice since the new education levels have been announced and the NREMT exams are changing.



Nursing and EMS are getting more aligned:



RN = Paramedic.

The CNA gets more hands on experience and the opportunity to work in different areas. They also would be the better choice for IFT transports rather than the EMT since these patients rarely need first aid but someone who can do vitals and have experience with medical needs patients.

Nursing haa been eliminating the LPN from acute care situations for over 20 years and have restricted, not enhanced with a few skills, their roles in patient care. These "inbetween" providers just can not meet the demands of health care.

The only thing missing is the education. 600 hours of training from an unaccredited medic mill does not equal an accredited degree which is entry level for the RN. A profession that still has people (FFs) who are forced to become what they shoouldn't can not be compared with nursing.

Edited by VentMedic

I've been an EMT in a VERY rural area for about a year and a half. I LOVE it. We are lucky in that we have a great hospital with docs from large trauma centers from all over the US and Iraq. We are a volunteer station, (but do get paid for ea run thumbsup.gif ). My husband and I are both EMTs with no regrets except...we just wish we would have known what we wanted to be when we grew up 30 years ago. I enjoy helping people, I enjoy the adrenaline when the pager goes off. I don't have a second job but need one. The EMT b course was good but our station made the mistake of having a "ridealong" program. So when it was time to take the NREMT test, I had a difficult time. The test goes by the book only, not necessarily what was being done on scene. We have a small service, only two ambulances and 18 members in our station. But we do have excellent equipment, If we need something, we get it. As far as having productive down time, read, read, read. Know your equipment. Know your vitals. Encourage your department to have lots of training and scenarios.

Like I stated before, we are very remote. Some calls take over an hour to get on scene and then another hour and a half to get to the hospital so we call in life flight if in doubt. We also have very severe weather to deal with 6 or 7 months out of the year. Also, the people you work with make a big difference too. Some you run with and the calls go perfect, others, well............no so much.

So good luck. I'm sure you will enjoy it very much.

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