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Facebook comments cost another officer his job

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Yep scooby - that's the vast majority of things I have as well, with the exception of a few generic scene photos that were posted on our dept page. None of which show patient faces or are identifying in any way. The pics I do have up that are identifying are from training things with one exception of a cropped pic from a newspaper article that I ended up with my pic in (doing my first intubation several years ago). I actually removed a video I had up of my ambulance that someone else shot that was posted because even since I no longer work there, the chief found it unsightly for someone that is still a supporter of the service to have that posted.

However, as I mentioned in another thread - there are several places that have a morality clause in their employement paperwork. Make sure you are reading what you're signing. If you aren't sure about it - ASK what is acceptable before you post it. Then document it because at least if it comes back to bite you in the butt, you show responsibility. But better yet if it's questionable don't post it ! I don't post pictures from where I work currently nor do I have it on public pages where I work out of courtesy to my employer. I worked way too hard to get where I am to lose it to stupidity. Be safe and smart people !


A few years ago, on a different board, I mentioned the transfer of several specific lieutenants. One of the lieutenants reamed me a new one, as, correctly, it was information that should have been kept "in house", as the board was departmental, but the readership are "unknowns" outside of the departmental community.

I think what I did probably violated something along the lines of UNFPD, or "Unclassified, Not For Public Dissemination."

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