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Canadians, put down the crack pipe!


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There have been many "administrations" that have a started out in the black only to end up in the red, those started out with a war to have make peace and vice versa.

Ahem a correction is needed ... Obama DID start out as a Black ... my bad ?

cheers :innocent:

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I personally like the Charlie Brown version with Snoopy shooting down the evil Red Baron.

Ditto. It is the theory most often aired on television, so it must be true!

And was it really Obama's idea to introduce Public Delivery of Health Care ... or was it Monica Lewinsky's boy toy ? Bottom line is that no matter what way you spin it someone pays for health care either from a collective pool for the poor or society in of itself.

Yeah, if Osama takes credit for healthcare legislation (assuming it ever happens), Hillary is likely to do to him what Jesse Jackson threatened to do.

As for the USA has no interest in Iraq's oil reserves and not the voters I am talking big oil corporations based in the US.

It's been seven years and they haven't taken a drop of oil from Iraq. Put up or shut up with you conspiracy theories.

Come on its energy that makes the world go round, thats a really hard pill to swallow really knowing that KBR is all over the middle east.

KBR has zero involvement in oil matters in Iraq. They are a service company. Halliburton is the oil company. Halliburton is not in Iraq.

<insert reality> I can say without any reservation that Obama inherited huge problems from the previous administration ... BUSH was an moron and Obama still has to prove that he is or is not, I for the life of me cannot understand why pple are judging it has only been one year realistically just one blink of an eyelash in the grand scheme of things, just saying very premature to judge.

As CrapMagnet said, he came in claiming that he knew what the problems were, that he knew how to fix them, and that he would do so in the first 100 days. Well, he's gone over three times past that deadline and is still claiming that he did NOT know what the problems were after all. How long is it going to take him to figure that much out? 4 years? He'll be gone by then, so I am not too worried about it anymore. It's just sad that it'll take four years of NOTHING happening to get past that.

And who is sitting in the chair for KBR again ? :devilish:

Who knows. Who cares. They are a minor force in Iraq anymore, with most of their contracts going to Fleur and Dyncorp. Have you asked who sits on their boards?

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QUOTE (Dust): "It's been seven years and they haven't taken a drop of oil from Iraq. Put up or shut up with you conspiracy theories."

LOL @ “Conspiracy theories.”

So, what exactly was the US reason for moving significantly more troops into Iraq than Afghanistan? The WMD theory was seriously flawed – we all know that…

Again, from an economical point of view – both wars and economies require oil.. and by dominating a major middle-Eastern country, the US sends a message to countries like China and Russia, that since the US can control a country like Iraq, it is most probably in their economic interests to not be put in the position where the US wants to attack them.

Dust, rather than just giving the “put up or shut up” comment, please provide your opinion on why the US moved into Iraq.

QUOTE (Dust): "KBR has zero involvement in oil matters in Iraq. They are a service company. Halliburton is the oil company. Halliburton is not in Iraq."

WRONG…. KBR used to be a subsidiary of Halliburton (until 2007), and the companies still maintain a number of joint contracts and have joint employees. Just because KBR is the service company, and Halliburton retained the refining and exploration part, does not mean that KBR is not in Iraq. KBR’s LOGCAP contract with the US government means that wherever the US military goes, KBR employees are also there.

A November 2009 editorial (which is on www.kbr.com newsroom editorial releases) states that KBR recently lowered its staffing in Iraq by 14%, or 2622 people, as military presence was decreasing. This would mean that there are still approximately 16,000 KBR employees in Iraq. Given that KBR is an oil service company, they definitely have involvement in Iraq.

Halliburton is still in Iraq… being a major oil player, and having numerous government contracts, and also numerous subsidiary companies, of course they are still in Iraq.

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So, what exactly was the US reason for moving significantly more troops into Iraq than Afghanistan?

Don't know. Don't care. It is just clearly evident that it has nothing to do with oil, since the US is doing nothing about oil in Iraq. Don't try to change the subject.

Dust, rather than just giving the “put up or shut up” comment, please provide your opinion on why the US moved into Iraq.

You already know. You simply refuse to accept it, so the discussion is moot.

Halliburton is still in Iraq… being a major oil player, and having numerous government contracts, and also numerous subsidiary companies, of course they are still in Iraq.

Wrong. And as you yourself say, KBR is not synonymous with Halliburton. That would be like holding Canadians responsible for everything Great Britain does. They are not the same thing.

Again, put up or shut up. I say they are not, and you cannot prove a negative. It is therefore incumbent upon you to prove that they are or STFU.

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Sorry I just cant keep track of all the mergers/divestitures/evasion to avoid taxes with the oil multinationals but I did work for KBR-Haliburton when it was a single entity.

Some excerpt's from the link provided.

Halliburton’s $2.5 billion "Restore Iraqi Oil" (RIO) contract[38] was supposed to pay for itself as well as reconstruction of the entire country. Had the contract been fulfilled correctly, Iraq would be able to export much more oil from its northern oil fields. Instead, the oil fields are barely usable and access to international markets is severely limited. Halliburton’s work on the pipeline crossing the Tigris river at Al Fatah was a critical failure. Against the advice of its own experts, Halliburton tried to dig a tunnel through a geological fault zone. The underground terrain was a jumble of boulders, voids, cobblestones and gravel impossible for the kind of drilling Halliburton planned. "No driller in his right mind would have gone ahead," said Army geologist Robert Sanders when the military finally sent people to inspect the work.[39]

Was it Halliburton that screwed up getting Iraq oil to market the US army said so I think.

Involvement in the Iraq war:

In recent years the company has become the object of several controversies involving the 2003 Iraq War and the company's ties to Former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney. Cheney retired from the company during the 2000 U.S. presidential election campaign with a severance package worth $36 million.[40] As of 2004, he had received $398,548 in deferred compensation from Halliburton while Vice President.Cheney was chairman and CEO of Halliburton Company from 1995 to 2000 and has received stock options from Halliburton.

Why would Dick be interested in Halliburton ... go back to the feeding trough maybe ?

Halliburton is the only company mentioned by Osama bin Laden in an April 2004 tape in which he claims that "this is a war [in Afghanistan] that is benefiting major companies with billions of dollars."[36

A conspiracy theory ? heck even the most influential man of this century commented on Halli, but he did NOT get the peace prize btw, but Osama Obama still has a few years left to go before he is beheaded by the American People. At least he can put a sentence together that make some cents ... I still wonder what the hell Bush was trying to say.

And dust .. Great Britian and Canada and OZ and NZ are still part of the Commonwealth of Nations we do stand together .. your just peed off that the USA was booted out for waisting perfectly good tea ! :devilish:

cheerio and God Save the Queen ! :devilish:

Edited by tniuqs
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QUOTE (Dust): Again, put up or shut up. I say they are not, and you cannot prove a negative. It is therefore incumbent upon you to prove that they are or STFU.

Funny, I used facts from Halliburton and KBR's own websites and their own public announcements to back up my position, so I already proved it... if my brother and I weren't busy planning our mother's funeral tomorrow, I could get you the latest financial reports from both companies to provide you with further information... you have done f*** all to defend yours other than tell me to STFU... so, unless you can come up with something more tangible than STFU, don't waste my time.

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... you have done f*** all to defend yours other than tell me to STFU...

Oh really? How about you prove to us all, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that you are -REMOVED, ADMIN-.

Then get back to me on how one is supposed to prove a negative. Again, it is incumbent upon her making the accusation to prove it, unless you live in a totalitarian dictatorship.

tniuqs, quoting wikipedia = teh fail. Quoting Osama (the Arab, not the president) = even greater fail.

Edited by EMT City Administrator
Personal attack removed.
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Dust, again I will remind you - I backed my comments up with facts taken directly from the companies websites... you, on the other hand, have done nothing except tell me to shut up, and now add personal and compkletely inappropriate attacks to that.

I am disappointed that you refuse to discuss like an adult, or professionally. Attacking me personally is completely inappropriate and you should know better.

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