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Canadians, put down the crack pipe!


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I have lost track of who still has troops "In Country" in both Afganistan and Iraq, but I wish them all "Good Hunting" of the "Bad Guys". I also wish them safe and rapid return to home, with no need to return while armed.

Side note: It was supposed to have been a Canadian airman, Captain Brown, in defense of a newjack flyer, both under the command of Great Britain, who shot down the German Army Air Corps most famous flying "ace", Baron Manfreid von Richtofen (spelling?), better known as the "Red Baron", during the First World War.

I am aware of the bravery of Canadian, Austrailian, and New Zealand troops, all service branches, in wars past.

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Annie, the US didn't have any oil interests in Iraq. Their production has been in shambles for decades, following the Iran War, with them barely producing enough to satisfy their own domestic needs. Certainly not enough for us to take, even if we wanted to, which we have not. Plus, they are not a Gulf state. They are landlocked, making the taking of any of their oil prohibitively expensive, when we can get it cheaply and quickly from South America. Had that been our goal, it surely would have manifested itself within the last 7 years.

Unfortunately, CrapMagnet is correct. Whether "most" Canadians are biased against Americans or not, it is most definitely the perception here, and that is the point. Her and I are both keenly aware of the differences between Eastern and Western Canadia. Even the pollster in the article acknowledged that. It's no mystery, and it is not overlooked by us [all too few] who allow our minds to occasionally wander outside the US.

The poll results might understandably prompt Obama to ponder a move north of the border, Anderson joked.

I'd buy his plane ticket. One way.

Side note: It was supposed to have been a Canadian airman, Captain Brown, in defense of a newjack flyer, both under the command of Great Britain, who shot down the German Army Air Corps most famous flying "ace", Baron Manfreid von Richtofen (spelling?), better known as the "Red Baron", during the First World War.

I saw some documentary not long ago, possibly on the History Channel or Military Channel, where a theory was laid forth that The Red Baron was actually killed by a shot from the ground. I don't recall the details of who the shooter was thought to be though.

Edited by Dustdevil
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I saw some documentary not long ago, possibly on the History Channel or Military Channel, where a theory was laid forth that The Red Baron was actually killed by a shot from the ground. I don't recall the details of who the shooter was thought to be though.

It was on "History Channel" and they neither proved or disproved the generally accepted version that it was Captain Brown shot down the Red Baron, as I recall from having seen that episode.

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Most of my life was lived in Thunder Bay

Ahhh..... that explains it.

And Mobey Care to expand on this a bit?

.... pull your head out.

Sure, it means Pull your head out of your ass.

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I personally like the Charlie Brown version with Snoopy shooting down the evil Red Baron.

And was it really Obama's idea to introduce Public Delivery of Health Care ... or was it Monica Lewinsky's boy toy ? Bottom line is that no matter what way you spin it someone pays for health care either from a collective pool for the poor or society in of itself.

As for the USA has no interest in Iraq's oil reserves and not the voters I am talking big oil corporations based in the US.

Come on its energy that makes the world go round, thats a really hard pill to swallow really knowing that KBR is all over the middle east.

So then it was the weapons of mass destruction and who has more than anyone .. be careful maybe we Kanukistans should invade the USA to disarm the evil Obama ?

<insert reality> I can say without any reservation that Obama inherited huge problems from the previous administration ... BUSH was an moron and Obama still has to prove that he is or is not, I for the life of me cannot understand why pple are judging it has only been one year realistically just one blink of an eyelash in the grand scheme of things, just saying very premature to judge.

And who is sitting in the chair for KBR again ? :devilish:

And I will not be baited into any issues over any military there crapmagnet do you know just how many CANADIANS were in NAM ?

Onward and upward.

In this present world of globalization we stand together in this ... stop the radicals in their own lands and not on North American soil, win the hearts of the Afgani and Iraq people and then they will put a stop to it themselves.


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I can say without any reservation that Obama inherited huge problems from the previous administration ...

Oh please - is there an administration in the world anywhere that hasn't. I sure hope he had an understanding of what he was taking on when he applied for the job.

In this present world of globalization we stand together in this ... stop the radicals in their own lands and not on North American soil

Amen to that!

Ahhh..... that explains it.

Sure, it means Pull your head out of your ass.

So erudite. Thanks for the contribution to the discussion.

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I most seriously doubt that any party in power will share national secret's, the state of financial information, or ICBM launch codes unless they are being replaced by an opposing party er voted out ... AS knowledge is power after all.

There have been many "administrations" that have a started out in the black only to end up in the red, those started out with a war to have make peace and vice versa. Harper inheritance a war and his tenor markedly changed after he found out the real skinny was.

But when Obama called Harper the President of Canada when he began his national election campaign and stated he would renegotiate NAFTA well that was a knee slapper (too bad he will not now) at the same time kind of scary that a future President does not even understand the political system of its closest neighbour.

The most foolish comment by the writer of this article was the breakdown of "if Obama" was a Liberal or Conservative in Canada and then break it down to percentages, total ignorance and retardation ... I pose this question, so what would Obama's percentile be if he ran under the NDP or Green Party banner <insert Dustdevil evil laughter>

I must interject as I believe mobey did contribute, as gross generalizations and very stereotypically views do cause many problems.

I have to cut this short I have to go potty.

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