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While Barbara was doing some research on her soon to be web page, "The long ride on the short bus" she came across the article below.

Skinner made these thoughts common knowledge in his day and was mugged for them, but haven't we all, intuitively, known them all along?

Interesting read...



While Barbara was doing some research on her soon to be web page, "The long ride on the short bus" she came across the article below.

Skinner made these thoughts common knowledge in his day and was mugged for them, but haven't we all, intuitively, known them all along?

Interesting read...


I love it Dwayne. It is the truth. As a "gifted" student with a chaotic family life, I was the bane of my teachers. Here was an eager to please (desperately seeking any kind of positive reinforcement of anyone willing to give its - hence marriages and alliances with all kinds of crazies - but that's another story) and capable individual who would not come to school. Mother would take me to the door in her car and watch me go in, being unaware of the multitude of exits to which I would march without even stopping in the room I was supposed to be in, to spend my days in a tolerant coffee shop, living in my own mind, and my nights with bikers, and ** horrors- the worst of all** musicians, only to re-appear several days later hungry, tattered and tired. At the age of 12 and 13, this was too much reality too fast and the physical and emotional dangers I was exposed to make my survival more or less intact a miracle and the basis of my own personal faith. In the days before kids were tagged like migrating wildlife with cel phones, disappearing for days to explore life was a possibility.

I wish it was true that this rebellion was accomplished with an exhilarating sense of freedom but it was not. I was plagued by feelings of "wrongness". What was wrong with me? Obviously the entire world could not be insane so it had to be me. It wasn't until I was in my late 20s and read a book called "The dilemma of the gifted child" that I finally let myself off the hook for being without a high school diploma and the huge sense of personal failure was somewhat relieved.

This article makes it clear that the system is failing for everyone, not just those kids on both ends of the bell curve.

...living in my own mind, and my nights with bikers, and ** horrors- the worst of all** musicians...

ROFL! That is the embodiment of a song written by a friend of mine. The opening line is:

"Don't tell mama I'm a guitar picker. She thinks I'm just in jail." - Brian Burns

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