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I'm curious as to your level of certification? No dissing you brother, but it is relevant to your story.

I get suspicious of these kind of stories as they seem to contain just enough information to make the point. If you want to do a case review on such a call I like to have more information before I can get on board calling these guys dumbshits...

Would I RSI a decompressed talking pt? Sure, if I felt that physiologic degradation was imminent, there were other injuries that that I felt might compromise the airway, If the pt was unruly to the point that I believed that they were going to further their injuries and chemical restraints were not practical, If despite the fact that they were awake and talking I felt that they were to exhausted or injured to continue breathing on their own for a long trip to the hospital, etc. My point being that while it sounds good to say that these idiots wanted to RSI a pt that is awake and talking, in real life if you use 'awake and talking and her vitals were fine!" as your main criteria for whether or not to employ such a valuable but dangerous intervention then you really shouldn't have access to it.

I'm not saying that you missed any of the above conditions, nor that you don't know when to employ this intervention, only that if you are at the basic level, you're talking out of your ass when you make the statements given with the information provided, and if at the medic level you really didn't include enough information for me to know if I agree with your opinion or not. See?


I'm on the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexic and we just got re-badged the other day...(ID badges)

My new badge says, "Pararescueman Technical Specialist." Ta Da!! I said, "You know, I don't think that is really a title." They didn't care, as they were badging people and not medical people.

So I said, "If we have to leave that title, is there some way that we can add Ninja to it? You know, Pararescueman Technical Specialist Ninja? That would be so hot!"

Turns out that badging people seem to take their jobs very serious and don't enjoy badge making humor....


"Pararescueman Technical Specialist."

I double dog dare you to put that on a business card. LMAO


"Pararescueman Technical Specialist."

I double dog dare you to put that on a business card.

With computer programs available to print up your own business cards, how many people are going to take you up on that dare?


You guys are so funny...Truly. And I loved the squirrel! I think I may use it as my avatar! Herbie I'd have to start it on one card and then give them another one to finish it!

All of the time and effort I've put into trying to be a humble professional, it doesn't seem fair to have whackerdom thrust upon me.... :-)

It's great to see so many of our tried and trues posting more. Or perhaps you have been all along and I just wasted my chance to see it by not being on more.

Have a great day all...



Dwayne I was doing research for funny pictures for you but alas I can not find them appantly nothing to joke about.

I am wondering though, by doing some research are you in the Airforce and assigned to the Gulf Cleanup or are these wackers calling anyone using a helicopter a pararescueman?

I mean no offense at all I am just wondering. Seems that the title of Pararescueman is an elite thing, not just an off the cuff thing. If you are then I congradulate you Sir, must have been hell of a ride to get there. If not then these wackers are going to PO some folks. Not you BTW, you didnt title the card yourself :thumbsup:


Dwayne I was doing research for funny pictures for you but alas I can not find them appantly nothing to joke about.

I am wondering though, by doing some research are you in the Airforce and assigned to the Gulf Cleanup or are these wackers calling anyone using a helicopter a pararescueman?

I mean no offense at all I am just wondering. Seems that the title of Pararescueman is an elite thing, not just an off the cuff thing. If you are then I congradulate you Sir, must have been hell of a ride to get there. If not then these wackers are going to PO some folks. Not you BTW, you didnt title the card yourself :thumbsup:

I like your point a lot! No I'm not, and yeah, I mentioned to them that pararescue medic is a pretty specific term that should be reserved for the few hardcore Air force studs that have earned it. But they don't care brother..they had already printed up hundreds of badges and were not about to reprint a bunch based on my opinion.

I absolutely agree with you though that some titles should be held in such high regard that they are strictly off limits. I am no more likely to show this badge to anyone than I am to buy a USMC hat and wear it. I'm proud of my accomplishments, and am slowly accomplishing more as I go. I'm happy with that and have no desire to try to ride the coat tails of my betters. (And of course I know that that is not what you were implying. I'm simply explaining in the first person.)

Great post...I like your attitude a lot.



With computer programs available to print up your own business cards, how many people are going to take you up on that dare?

Years ago I had the infamous- and very official looking- business card that said:

"The person who handed you this card is a trained professional. Just lie down and do what the nice paramedic tells you to do.!"

It actually was a great icebreaker- when I was single, of course- but surprisingly nobody ever took my up on it.


I think I actually still have that card tucked away in an old wallet somewhere...


I like your point a lot! No I'm not, and yeah, I mentioned to them that pararescue medic is a pretty specific term that should be reserved for the few hardcore Air force studs that have earned it. But they don't care brother..they had already printed up hundreds of badges and were not about to reprint a bunch based on my opinion.

I absolutely agree with you though that some titles should be held in such high regard that they are strictly off limits. I am no more likely to show this badge to anyone than I am to buy a USMC hat and wear it. I'm proud of my accomplishments, and am slowly accomplishing more as I go. I'm happy with that and have no desire to try to ride the coat tails of my betters. (And of course I know that that is not what you were implying. I'm simply explaining in the first person.)

Great post...I like your attitude a lot.


Thanks Dwayne. I am sorry that the wackers are doing that to you guys. When I heard Pararescue I figured AF. But dang they are screwing that up now too. Just like giving berets to all Army members instead of just the Green Berets. (no offence to any service member folks, you all are amazing and I applaude you in all your uniforms) I mean hell Coast Guardsmen dont even call themselves Pararescue just Rescue Swimmer, Im surprised they let it happen but I guess like you said, it was already printed. Nice PR nightmare if a real Pararescue gets a hold of it and goes to the media.

Well at least you know where you are. I know some folks will talk it up and make it more than it really is. Which is unfortunate because as you said it just demeams or diminishes the actual role of those elite folks that actually earned the right.

In a lesser sense its like an EMT being called a Medic. Yes sometimes lay persons dont know the distinction so it happens but if the B or I rides on the distinction with the patient then there is a problem. I always correct my patients when they say either heres the medics or they ask if I like being a medic.

Thanks for the response Dwayne.


A long time ago, probably when the Keven Costner film, the Guardian, was in theaters, we had a discussion of what the person jumps out of a rescue helicopter to swim to a boat or boater in trouble was called. USCG and US Navy don't agree with each other as to what they are called, so I'd presume USAF personnel who do that have possibly another name.

Where is Dusty when you need him for non-alphanumeric military service specialties identified?

Then, it always seems the EMTs are never recognized. They either are "Paramedics", "Medics", "Doctors", or the dreaded "Ambulance Drivers", both to me directly, and via movies and TV.

As for TV, lately, numerous dramatic, and even draumedy shows about the LEOs have them yelling for the "EMTs", when they get to hostages in time, or on rescuing one of their own from the bad guys.

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