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EMT to RN Full Scholarship

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I did do my google-fu research and I did not find anything independent of this organization stating who they are or what they are. All I saw was several of his own postings and a web page made by them.

None of this explains WHY they are doing this. There has to be a reason and I suppose once you submit a LOT of personal info for this free ride in China, you may discover why.

I have to admit, I din't look very far.... when I didn't see anything in the first couple paragraphs of those sites that would tell me why this is the chance of a lifetime for ME, and that it would do wonderful things for ME, and open lots of doors for ME, I didn't look any farther. I am perfectly capable of wasting my time and money at home, rather than halfway across the world.

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I think you need to provide a LOT more info.

What's the catch...why?

Your post has been edited until more information can be brought forth.

This, in my opinion, is forum moderation at it's finest. And I'm not being facetious. I think it's cool as hell that you allowed his post to stand but disallowed his ability to spam.

Of course it pisses me off when you do such things to my posts...Just sayin'... "-)


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