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I think at this point in time this may be one of the most contensious issues in the US right now. I dont really understand why this came about to a law in that state. What I do understand is that a cop in this state has the right to stop me and ask for Identification based on my apperance. Once I start talking my Canadian accent what are the chances that I would be said to go on my way, pretty good I think. But what if I talked like a Canadian Indian would I be released or detained. As Im really trying to poke a little fun at this and please take it at that. Read the artical im posting and I really have to wonder what the cops would do in this case.


Personally I would not like to be judged on my apperance. I do get the fact that there alot of illegal immigrants in the southern states and most should be sent home because of drug trafficing ect. but all of North America was built on immagrants and they were not all legal.

Just a point of view not item to cause a riff...............


My thoughts on this

The populace of the state of Arizona are tired of footing the tax bills of those illegals who are here. They are also tired of their state being used as the conduit for most illegal alien movement into this country. They are also tired of the violence and crime that comes along with it.

The legislative branch of the state was tired of watching this happen and the fed's not do anything about it. They made a law. One that they felt was their right to do so.

The illegals don't want any of this because it would mean that they might get caught and then deported. The legals were upset that they might be stopped and their immigration status would be checked. They felt this infringed upon their rights.

The rest of the country - is looking to Arizona and it's fight to keep this law on the book as a bellweather item that will shape their immigration laws for each state well into the future. Arizona is sort of the guinea pig of this whole thing. If Arizona's law ultimately fails, then you won't see any other state doing the same thing Arizona did.

The majority of the country agrees with the arizona law

The feds are upset because they think that one of the powers that is set aside for the federal government to legislate is being usurped. They are technically right but they have been TERRIBLE in their immigration policy that this law is a wake up call to the Feds to do something. No longer can they sit on the sideline saying they are going to do something, now that they have sued Arizona they HAVE to do something or the voters will remember.

Again, I think that every incumbent (Democrat especially but republican alike) should be very worried about their career after what has happened in the past 2 years. From Obama down to the lowly state legislator, the public is angry, fed up and just plain sick of the status quo. The mid-term elections coming up this year will be the measuring stick for things to come.

If the american people do not effect some major changes in who stays in congress and who go's then the old saying is true

"We get the government we deserve" I for one will be really doing my homework on the candidates and their views, stands and especially their voting records. If they do not fit my idea of what I want in a congressman or legislator then they don't get my vote.

I don't know all the answers but I do know that I see a change coming (not one obama would like) and it's not a good change for those currently in power.

But then again, who's to say that what we get in November will make it any better?

Posted (edited)

Ok before I go any further I will put on the flame suit, my hazmat suit and SCBA from what I may get from this post.....

My take on this issue is as follows. I dont see the problem, I really dont. You get stoped by a LEO he asks for ID you provide said ID, be it a DL, Green Card whatever you have for ID. He calls it in or types it in NCIC it comes back clean with no wants or warrents your on your way. What a 5 minute break from your life? Held up that whole time it takes for the comp to spit back your a real person thats not in trouble? I DONT SEE THE PROBLEM!!! You have to give ID during any traffic stop so why the big deal now?

Oh thats right, you might be an illegal. Well guess what, you shouldnt be driving in the first place. Oh wait you were not driving, just walking down the street but grabbed the attention of the LEO. Well he asks for your ID, cant supply one? Illegal are you? Well sorry, do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars. Have fun looking back across the border at us.

Oh forgot your an American citizen (be in naturalized or what have you) it your RIGHT to be a beotch to the LEO and refuse. Now your dumbass is detained vs have a nice day. Your smart aren't you. Wait whats that? You did it for them, because you feel for them. Guess what they are I L L E G A L google it if you have to.

Opps I steeped on the toes of the racial profiling folks. Sorry. Guess what folks, its not racial it being smart. Has nothing to do with your race as a whole but if you fit a description then guess what you might just be looked at a little closer. Does the TSA agent worry about 80yr old Gwenith Jones from Walla Walla or Bin Azid Mubarik 28 from Wackoastan? GOTCHA you even did it right there, there was that split second you looked right at just the names. Notice I just used names not discriptions of the people. See its not racial its just profiling. Incidently Mrs Jones had 2 ounces of black tar in her purse and Mr Mubarik was on his way to visit his sick grandmother in a US hospital because he works for the gov as an interpriter. Get off your high freakin horses and let LEOs do their jobs!!

Yes the FIRST illegal immigrants were folks that came over on boats and stole the lands from the Natives. Since then though folks, rules were put in place to be followed and most did actually. Hear of Ellis Island in the shadow of Lady Liberty? Yup, the boats docked their first you got off, walked up to the guys yelling at you, spoke your name and got a piece of paper saying your american. Then you got off the island found a place to live and work, got cursed at spit on called lovely names like mic, wop beat up and just plain abused by the folks that thought they were the only ones to be here. Then you sucked it up, made some cash and went on with life and had kids. You cant believe our resource systems and how good they are so you dont mind paying for them. April 1 rolls around and the tax man comes by and collects, congradulations your a viable part of our society. Now your kids had it a little better and they went on with their lives and so on an so forth. Now lets take a look at today.. you run across a desert, or swim to shore, or walk through the woods find a place to settle down in. Its around a bunch of like minded and usually ethnic folks so you blend in. You get a job right away just by hanging out on a corner, or asking a friend, or by going to a gov office and asking for one. Some folks make fun of you and call you names too but generally nothing like the first immigrants. Then you start a family, have kids and get to enjoy our resources to their fullest extent all the while sending the money back home to let the rest of your family live better yet no taxes or anything paid to help offset the cost of using our resources.

Sorry I dont see the comparison. You take but give nothing in return yet bitch about someone asking you to prove yourself? Sorry, Um hate to break it you but um your not a citizen thus are in no position to do so. Want to do that? Go back home, APPLY, and if your lucky and we say yes then by all means welcome to America.

Sorry folks and everyone on this board if I offended you but I tried to make it as generic as possible and not limit it to just one type of person. These are my views, and soley mine.

Ok back to taking my meds......

edited for spelling

Edited by UGLyEMT
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Ugly- totally agree with you.

Here's the deal- this is political. Democrats do NOT want to piss off the Hispanic vote. They are attempting to be the great benefactors for yet another group, and are trying to make them beholden to them- meaning they are trying to buy their vote by fighting this issue for them. Problem is, many Hispanic voters have political/social/religious views that are not in line with most Democrats(abortion issues, religion, etc) so the left has it's work cut out for them.

The opponents of immigrant reform have tried to frame this as folks who are xenophobes, vs those concerned about the rights of others. To me, this is simply about LEGAL vs ILLEGAL. Besides a few hard core racists, nobody is ANTI-IMMIGRANT. Nearly every one of us in this country is here because of a decision our ancestors made to come here. Every day, the residents in border states see the results of unchecked waves of illegals sucking up resources that should be reserved for LEGAL US CITIZENS. Many other areas also see the results of illegals- and not just those from Mexico. Around here, we also have a huge Polish illegal problem.

The situation has become critical because although illegals have been a problem for decades, the problem has gone unchecked for so long, we now have generations of illegals who have become established here. We are talking about MILLIONS of people- and the kicker is that if someone is caught, we see kids who will be separated from their parents, and it tugs at our heartstrings.

I think we could put a serious dent in the problem simply by rounding up the parents and sending them back home. We hear how all these folks simply want a better life for their kids. Fine. You sneak across the border and are caught, your kids will get a better life here- they get to stay but the price you pay for breaking the law is a one way ticket back home. I'm thinking most parents will rethink their stated notion of wanting a better life for their kids if they know THEY will break up their families and essentially make their children orphans.

There has to be a real downside to illegal behavior- whatever that behavior may be- or it will never stop. Otherwise, it's status quo- the rewards have been well worth the risk for decades.

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Cheech Marin, of Cheech and Chong fame, made a movie of a Los Angelean of Mexican decent, who gets picked up in a "Sweep" and deported to Mexico. The movie was called "Born In East L A".

Danny Bonacuci (spelling), who played Danny Partridge, on "The Partridge Family" actually was picked up on one of those sweeps, and was within moments of being forced onto a deportation bus.

What about me? If I walk to the beach, I'm not in the habit of carrying any identification, hell, I'm just a few blocks from my house, on my own street. My ID remains in my pants pocket in the basement where I changed to go to the beach.

However, when stopped by the NYPD, a neighbor from a few blocks from me was arrested for not having any ID when challenged.

As I have said before, The Dickens character Mr. Macawber had it correct...

The Law Is A Ass!

This was a bad idea to a big problem. I completely understand where Arizona was coming from. The illegal immigration problem has hit them the hardest. As prviously mentioned they have big crime issues from the drugs that are brought in with the immigrants (they are used as drug mules). Unfortunetly, immigration is a federal level issue and they have dropped the ball for a long time. Arizona needs to do something, but this was not the right thing to do. Let's face it, the reasonable suspicion thing is very elastic. My wife is of Puerto Rican descent (3rd generation born on the mainland). If some cop has a stick up his ass he could make her life miserable for no reason. In theory all she has to do is provide her license but it has the potential to turn in to much more. Why should she fear being stopped when she is a natural born US citizen (who doesn't speak a lick of Spanish).

There are other ways, that are at the state level, that Arizona could do. The illegal immigrants come here for certain benefits. Cut off the benefits and they will stop coming. Go after the people that hire them. Fine a business that knowingly hires them. Cut off social services to them (no more medicaid, welfare, etc). I'm willing to let them come, if they come legally like my relatives did. Obey the law, become a naturalized citizen and you are in, no problems. Serve in the military for 4 years, then get the right to become a citizen. Seems simple to me, but I'm not a politician.

Posted (edited)


The free transit of citizens & commerce is a hallmark of the American experience. For purposes both commercial & personal, we have always been able to travel anywhere on public land without question or hindrance of any kind.

Exceptions to this ultimate freedom granted by the U.S. Constitution have traditionally been been limited only by travel into military bases, hazardous material areas and temporary areas of natural disaster. Any other transit hindrances or obstacles were quickly addressed and cleared by the U.S. Government.

Americans are an independent bunch -- and our roads lead everywhere without restriction.

To learn that transportation within the southern quarter of an American state and within some of America's own national parks has become warning restricted is unacceptable.

Finding the cause of this restriction to be the presence of armed criminals, drug smugglers & human traffickers is sobering. Worse, recent announcements from Mexican Drug Cartels warn that "their trerritory" is now South of U.S. Interstate Hiway 8. No, but you would not know it from the level of crime & threat to this once pristine part of America's Southwest.

Ship Has Happened.



Transit On The Sonoran Desert National Monument & Several Other Adjacent U.S. National Park Lands Has Now Been Restricted By Warning. Cargo Operations, Hiking, Camping, Scientific Research & General Land Use Are Now Have Restricted Warnings From The U.S. Government

U.S. Interstate Highway 8:

In the
state of
Interstate 8
) is a 178.36-mile (287.04 km) Interstate Highway that extends from the
border to
Interstate 10
Casa Grande
. It serves the cities of
and indirectly
; it is the major route westwards to
San Diego
. Essentially, it is a bifurcation of the
Interstate 10
route which goes to
and then
Los Angeles
being the northern section, and
Interstate 8
the southern.


U.S. Federal Government Warning Signs Restrict American Transit Onto Lands South of U.S. Interstate 8 Across The State of Arizona

The State of Arizona Does Not Erect These Signs. These Are From The U.S. Bureau of Land Management

Murders, Robberies & Shoot-outs With Police Are On The Rise As Mexican Drug Cartels Spill Across The International Border

U.S. Bureau of Land Management
has now placed these warnings in America's park lands such as The
Desert National Monument

*Active Drug & Human Smuggling Area.

*Visitors May Encounter Armed Criminals and Smuggling Vehicles Traveling At High Rates of Speed.

*If You See Suspicious Activity
Do Not Confront

Encourages Visitors To Use Public Lands North of
Interstate 8


In Arizona, The Interstate 8 Highway Is Some 40 To 80 Miles North of The international Border Between The United States & The Republic of Mexico. Has The Untied States, In Effect, Ceded Control South of Interstate 8?

The Cattle Ranchers In This Area Live In Fear And The Situations Worsems Every Day.

If This Were 1870, The U.S. 4th Cavalry Would Surely Be Coming To Rescue The Homesteaders Against The Desperadoes. So What Now?

We Are Invaed, So Hey, Let's Just Design A Cool New Sign!

Cargo Law Website

this is credited to the original author and owner of Cargo Law website

Edited by UGLyEMT
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