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I refer specifically to Resolution 17.

They're like the @#$%ing Borg. Seriously.

I briefly flipped through those resolutions when I received the magazine, but missed that one. To me, it's simply about getting a foot in the door, with the eventual purpose of gaining a controlling interest, if not a complete take over of that body. No surprise, really.

I hate to say it but they have the clout, the numbers, and the political muscle to make this happen. I don't know what the answers are, but it seems to be inevitable.

To me, it's simply about getting a foot in the door, with the eventual purpose of gaining a controlling interest, if not a complete take over of that body. No surprise, really.

I hate to say it but they have the clout, the numbers, and the political muscle to make this happen.

When I first entered EMS work, I wanted to drive (still do). I was told I was too young (and at the time, at age 19, I probably was), and that I'd have to become an EMT. I had no clue what an EMT was.

I have to wonder, in the future, will someone applying for Fire Fighter be told they have to become an EMT (or Paramedic) first, or to become an EMT or Paramedic, they have to first become a Fire Fighter?

I started in a community based Volunteer Ambulance Corps. When I became municipal, I was in a Hospital based EMS, until, in a payback for votes (as I see it), the NYC Mayor manipulated the politics, and placed the EMS into becoming a Fire based service in 1996.

When is it going to end, with my much joked about crossover trained municipal Office of Public Safety, where for a week, personnel are Fire Fighters, the next, EMS, the next, EMS, the next, Sanitation, the next, bus/train operators, the next, water and sewer installers...well, you get the drift.


I'm trying to figure out why CoAEMSP would care enough to even entertain the thought of giving IAFF two spots, especially since the only reason given was to "assure that fire departments seeking accreditation have the necessary votes to be successful." Is the IAFF admitting that their programs aren't up to snuff?


I refer specifically to Resolution 17.

They're like the @#$%ing Borg. Seriously.

I will not be assimilated! Not only is it a terrible idea for the IAFF to have any control over training programs QA/QI, it’s a terrible idea for any union to have control over training programs QA/QI. When are unions going to realize that their only mandate is to negotiate fair treatment of workers and fair compensation packages for those workers? Sometimes these necessary evils let the evil side out just a little too much.

Posted (edited)

When I first entered EMS work, I wanted to drive (still do). I was told I was too young (and at the time, at age 19, I probably was), and that I'd have to become an EMT. I had no clue what an EMT was.

I have to wonder, in the future, will someone applying for Fire Fighter be told they have to become an EMT (or Paramedic) first, or to become an EMT or Paramedic, they have to first become a Fire Fighter?

I started in a community based Volunteer Ambulance Corps. When I became municipal, I was in a Hospital based EMS, until, in a payback for votes (as I see it), the NYC Mayor manipulated the politics, and placed the EMS into becoming a Fire based service in 1996.

When is it going to end, with my much joked about crossover trained municipal Office of Public Safety, where for a week, personnel are Fire Fighters, the next, EMS, the next, EMS, the next, Sanitation, the next, bus/train operators, the next, water and sewer installers...well, you get the drift.

Well, we have a couple municipalities around here that are Public Safety- they are trained as police officers, FF's AND medics. They are also small, and not high volume areas. Not common, but it seems to be happening more lately.

From a personnel standpoint, cross training saves money, and that is the bottom line for them. If they can pay someone to wear multiple hats, vs establishing multiple departments, they see it as a positive. The potential for liability seems so remote to them it's just not on their radar.

I don't know what the answer is, Richard, but us old timers have seen a lot of changes in the business- from Cadillac ambulances that were converted hearses to state of the art MICU's. The trend is certainly towards cross training and fire services absorbing EMS. We may not like it, and could recite a million reasons why it's a bad idea, but I honestly do not see the trend changing.

Edited by HERBIE1

Thats it, the IAFF have officially made my enemies list, right up there with the freaking New World Order!

Between the flouride in the water, cancer in the vaccines and piss poor Paramedic education programs .... GAH!!


The IAFF is a labor organization. As all such unions do, they are positioning themselves politically to their own benefit. By positioning themselves with representatives on the CoAEMSP, they can ensure enough votes to pass the rules they want, and admit friendly organizations. They say as much in their resolution. Hopefully CoAEMSP sees it for what it is. I think they should be represented, as it would help to know what their reaction will be to proposed changes in training, but to give them 2 votes only gives them additional voting power, and does not serve the CoAEMSP or EMS in any way.

One of the IAFF chapters I deal with argues every time there is a change in protocol. 12 lead EKG? Now we're doing more, so you have to pay us more. They take this same approach to every advancement in prehospital care. Fortunately the other chapters I deal with are not like this. Many are quite progressive and embrace more advanced protocols. It just depends on who the rep is and the culture of that organization. Most, in fact near all, of our EMS around here is fire based. There is wide variation in how they look at EMS and the responsibilities of their firefighters.


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