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I know I haven't been on here in ages, but once I got the news, the only place I could think of going to tell people was here!! lol I just got accepted into the paramedic program beginning in January. Has anyone taken the course at Portage College? If so, do you mind letting me know what I am getting myself into? I am very excited that I got accepted into this school. I got accepted into another one a few months ago, but declinced my acceptance as I really wanted to go to this one! Any advice as to how I can juggle being a full time EMT, full time student and full time mom and wife would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks and I look forward to any input or advice I can get



Any advice as to how I can juggle being a full time EMT, full time student and full time mom and wife would be greatly appreciated.



ConGrats GIRL!

Having just completed Augustanas Paramedic course, I know exactly what you are gonna go through (says the full time EMT/Father of 3, husband, Farmer etc etc).

Here is how you do it: Sit your husband down and let him know this is gonna be a HUGE undertaking and there will be great stress put on your relationship. Also let him know that in the end you will be fufilling your dream, and setting up a career that will reward you with a flexible schedule, respect in the profession, and a comfortable retirement.

To be honest, it really sucks sometimes...... really sucks. You are in for relentless studying which will make you irritable, and over 1000 hrs of practicum away from home. My best piece of advice is to make sure you have designated family time.... it is very easy to get consumed in your program and end up leaving your family wondering what happened to the old you.

As far as Portage goes, I know one thing for sure LOTS of papers, in APA format I believe. I also know they have a decent failure rate, so it is a true challenge... but I know your heart is in it, so you will be just fine.

Oh BTW... when you are need a study partner, hop in your car and drive 1hr south ;)



I am currently in the Portage program. Year One was as I expected - a LOT of work, but it was a good year. For distance learning, it is well-organized, and if you keep to the schedule that is provided for each class, and take part in the on-line discussions and threads, you will do ok. If you get behind, catching up will be very hard.

I withdrew from practicum this past January when my mom passed away, and will be going back this year, so I will see you in July, when the first and second years get together for the MCI event (and much drinking!)

There has only been one instructor who wasn't available all the time if you had questions. The others were always available via email, or phone. Some arranged for "chat days" where you could meet on line to ask questions and talk about stuff about the course.

Now, downside.... distance learning is HARD.. all of the work is on you - there is no osmosis learning by just sitting in a classroom. You do all the work, but you get out of it what you put into it; however, the advantages of being at home to study and still work, are worth it if you can be organized enough to set aside quiet time to study.

If you have questions, send me a pm!



Thanks for the input. Nice to hear from someone that is in the program now. Were you at the MCI this year Annie? I thought it went quite well. Nice to sit on the sidelines and watch...quite different from actually "doing" the call yourself. We have had a lot of EMT students from Portage and that is why I have decided on going there. For the most part, they seem like they got a very good education. I did my PCP through distance learning and it worked well for me. I just hope I still have the same level of discipline now as I did then.

Mobey, becareful what you say....I just might call you up! LOL Where are you again? Wainwright? I actually got accepted into the Camrose program as well, but when I went for the orientation, a couple of the instructors really turned me off and that is the biggest reason for me deciding to decline my acceptance. I am sure it is a really good course as well. A guy I worked with is in his 2nd year and loves it. Each to their own right?



I know I haven't been on here in ages, but once I got the news, the only place I could think of going to tell people was here!! lol I just got accepted into the paramedic program beginning in January. Has anyone taken the course at Portage College? If so, do you mind letting me know what I am getting myself into? I am very excited that I got accepted into this school. I got accepted into another one a few months ago, but declinced my acceptance as I really wanted to go to this one! Any advice as to how I can juggle being a full time EMT, full time student and full time mom and wife would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks and I look forward to any input or advice I can get


Welcome to the dark side :shiftyninja:


Congratulations Neesie. You're a brave one doing it via a distributed learning program. I know I couldn't do it that way. I'm going throught the EMT-P program at SAIT starting this September.


Rock shoes, how come you are taking the course in AB if you are from BC? Is there quite a difference in quality or are you planning on moving to AB?


Rock shoes, how come you are taking the course in AB if you are from BC? Is there quite a difference in quality or are you planning on moving to AB?

The only school in BC offering an ACP program is the Justice Institute in New Westminster. During the “Strike” the program was shut down and they have yet to resume normal operations. The first class of their “new improved” program is supposed to start this November but I’ll believe it when I see it. In addition I evaluated the value of credits from various institutions and the JI simply didn’t make the grade. The number of educational institutions that accept credits from the JI as legitimate university credits are few and far between which didn’t impress me. If I’m going to put in the time and effort to train as an ACP the credits I receive for doing the program need to count towards any further education I choose to take on.

Another worthwhile consideration is “Agreement in Trade.” An EMT-P from Alberta can obtain an unrestricted ACP licence/registration in any province that employs the ACP level of care without completing any kind of “gap training.” The typical AIT for an Alta. EMT-P is limited to some form of exam on the medico-legal differences in the province you are going to.


Agreed you have done your homework their rock slippers. :devilish:

The BC jurisprudence exam is 25 questions (on-line) after the proper ID and confirmation of "registry" or licencing from another province recognized under the AIT agreement. Getting the Licence is a cake walk coming from AB ... going the other way and having to deal with the AB College ... I can only imagine.

ps and its just 100 bucks !

Getting hired in BC other than industrial is somewhat more complex seeing as the BCAS has exclusivity (presently :shiftyninja: ) and the postings for ACP are no where near as numerous in opportunities ... then there is the union stuff in hiring, being seniority in the hierarchy (of which there is no cross border recognition)

Oddly enough the CCP level (according to BC licencing) is not up for reciprocity which is quite intriguing .. I personally enjoy a paper challenge.


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