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ok, everyone here I think knows I fly to get to work.

I was spending a hour in the airport today and observed something.

Have the terrorists migrated to using frail elderly people and women with children these days?

The reason why I ask this is for this reason.

I watched for over an hour the enhanced screening area (this means the pat down area) and of the 30 people that I saw get singled out for extra security this is the breakdown of who they checked

Wheelchair bound people - 10

Women with walkers or canes - 3

Men with walkers or canes - 5

Pregnant women - 2

people who walked with a pronunced limp or walked extra slow - 7

Men with children - 2

women with strollers - 1

What was conspicuously absent in this hour long time of watching were people who had no outward signs of disability or problems. This included the people who walked with a rapid pace and seemed to have no problems whatsoever.

I know this is just a random sampling but just right now at this posting there is another woman with one of those rolling walkers being patted down. And now they have just brought an elderly man in a wheelchair into the area for patdown.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist at all but with this sampling shouldn't the people who support the ADA Act be in an uproar?

I do understand the completely wheelchair bound people getting further screening since they cannot walk through the security metal detectors.


This is such a touchy topic but my opinion is as follows "If your going on a plane I appreciate everyone getting screened no matter what you look like, what color you are, how funny you talk, or if you are plain normal" As it goes now you never know who has gone nutty, was always nutty, a terrorist, an activist or just plain normal...........

  On 10/11/2010 at 5:56 PM, JPINFV said:

I think you're confusing the TSA with anything more than security theater.

The TSA are freaking hopless honestly, I caught them asleep at the x ray machine as well as on benches, reading magazines, texting, and just generally making idiots of themselves.

I think thier job description reads "to make white people and republicans feel safer"


Going as a theoretic conspiracist, here, anything with tubing can have something explosive tucked into it. Think "pipe bomb".

As for strollers or baby carriages, they have been successfully used for smuggling, so why not some kind of explosive?

Then, has anyone seen, in movies or TV, a woman getting a hitched ride, or seat on the bus, by having a pillow stuffed under her shirt, simulating the visual aspect of being pregnant? That could be a hidden bomb, delivered by a so-called "black widow".

Of course, I'm using both movie and TV plots here, but I have read of actual bombers, in places like Israel, using such techniques. Hollywood and "Bollywood" had to get the ideas from somewhere.


This isn't about safety, it's about APPEARING to be doing something. Think grandma's knitting needles, nail clippers, and gawd knows what other inane "threats" they look for. If someone REALLY wants to hurt us via some IED on a place, it would not be that hard to do.

Of course, they also can't concentrate on the real threats- the liberal PC police would get their panties in a bunch..


Having a wheelchair bound father I know this all too well. Most of the time its because they are worried about explosives being stuffed inside the pipes of the chair.

The whole pregnant and elderly i just dont get. I was in Maine and watched a TSA agent ask a mother of an infant to dump the breast milk!! Not joking here the baby was actively drinking the milk from a tiny bottle and the agent made her dump it. When the mother asked what to do now the agent said doesnt care no liquids get through this station.

I just think they should either search everyone or just profile. Are we really that timid now adays that if you actually ask a person of certain decents or from certain locations or with wierd travel arrangments to step aside that everyone will be up in arms and lynch you? I think we are just too freakin PC!!!


The only threat at the airport, and at the supermarket, drycleanr, your house ... you know, pretty much everywhere is the New World Order

Ugly knows where its at pssst hey Rothschild, up yours!

  On 10/12/2010 at 11:43 AM, kiwimedic said:

The only threat at the airport, and at the supermarket, drycleanr, your house ... you know, pretty much everywhere is the New World Order

Ugly knows where its at pssst hey Rothschild, up yours!

SHHHHHHHHHHHHH :shiftyninja:

great time to go turn the genny on now.

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