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Hey all,

I'm going to be finishing up the Advanced Care Paramedic program at a college in Ottawa, Ontario Canada soon. It'll mark the end of the 3rd year of my training which have included over 1200 on the road and 30 ER,OR, and children Hospital clinicals. I'm not sure what the credentials of ''ACP EMCA'' are good for worldwide...but would like to travel.

Does anybody have any suggestions of where I may be able to work overseas? Australia, Central/South America, Caribbean...ect...they're all good! Now remember, I haven't been hired as a medic yet.. but my work has brought me many hours of patient contact. (Patient Transfer Service)

Just taking a shot in the dark...Whatever tips you have are welcome!


Christos Constantinou

ACP Student, Algonquin College

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


Congrats on getting your Medic (well soon that is).

As far as traveling overseas to work as a medic there are many things you have to consider. Travel costs to get to where ever you want to work will be a big part of it. But before that many services such as KBR, Saudi Red, Onsite Occupational Health & Safety, and most off shore rigging companies will requir you to have some ALS experience before they will hire you. That also goes for many services whether it be a private service and/or municiple service.

I would suggest getting a job locally and get some calls under your belt, establish yourself with the company and sponsor medical control hospitals so you can use them as a reference for future overseas employment.

These overseas employers such as oil rig medics usually are high stress, long hour, single medic positions where you have little to no back-up for a considerable amount of time so thats why they are pretty strict in reguards to having experience.

The other issue is if you want to travel to another country such as the UK, US, or down under most training is similar but protocol is very different and that country may not offer recoprocity to you to honor your training.

Best bet is to contact each countries Office of Emergency Medical Services for recoprocity information. I know in the U.S. each state has their own office I am not sure about other countries.

You can go to NREMT.org for a listing of the U.S. "OEMS" offices mouse over the state and click it ot go to that states OEMS page.

Here is the link: https://www.nremt.org/nremt/about/stateReciprocityMap.asp

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