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Hey all!!

OK, this is a borderline rant, so you are forewarned. I also wanted to toss this out there for some reactions before I go and throw a patented temper tantrum :)

I have been volunteering for a local BLS first response agency for 17 years now. I am currently the Director of Ops/Recruiting. I preface this so you'll get an idea where i'm coming from. For the past 10 years or so, each year we get a complimentary pass to Lights on the Lake. Mind you, this is the only 'thanks' we actually get as a team. There are no benefits or retirement programs. We are a small 'division' of the county parks system. We don't even get free admission to the parks.

This year, we didn't receive them. I spoke with my boss (our Executive Director of EMS) about it as I had received a number of requests as to when they would be going out. He checked into it and found out that the county has sold the whole program to a local communications group. They *did* give the county a number of comp tickets, all of which went 'downtown' to the politicians. I now have a bunch of pissed off EMT's of whom I can guarantee some won't come back next year. Word spreads around here like wildfire when it comes to things like that, meaning I'm going to have to work even harder to convince people to volunteer.....

I will be going into the office next month to speak with the commissioner and try to get something for our members as a 'thank you' for giving their time. I know it may sond silly to some, but considering what we go through to get the equipment we need and even something as simple as uniforms, a thank you is something I feel my people deserve. I do work hard to take good care of the people who give their time to us, and feel somewhat slighted that they couldn't even bother to let us know ahead of time that we wouldn't be getting them this year.

Thoughts, feelings, opinions? If you vol, does your agency have some sort of compensation, be it a retirement plan, stipend or whatever? Trying to also get ideas for what to ask for when I go in there.

Thanks all!!



I understand EMT155. I too am on a volly squad and I know what you mean by "thank you". Unfortunatly we are always the last people folks think about. Anyways..

As far as benifits go my squad is part of the LOSAP program. We get benifits from the state for our service and ceu credits. The town also gives out a stipend to the squad which is then divided up among the members.

My personel feelings are that if you joined EMS (be it paid or volley) expecting thank yous then you got into the wrong profession. They happen few and far between if at all. Most times from what I have seen the first thing to go from complimentry programs are the least visable folks. The reason the politicians got them is because of who they are. Like they really needed them anyways? But I digress.

Don't go in half cocked and throw a "patented temper tantrum". It will get nowhere fast. Justify your needs with paperwork, statistics, petions, whatever. It will make you and your squad look more professional and possibly be recognized more often in the political arena of the town.


ok, I have a question.

You say that some of your EMT's will not be back next year if they don't get a free ticket to the lights deal? Forgive me if I sound incredulous but REALLY? NOt coming back because they didn't get a thank you? I wouldn't want them working for me or volunteering for me if all that is keeping them on board is a free ticket to an event.

NOw I really hope you either mistated or I mis-read.

We have a number of first responder volunteer agencies around here that get nothing in terms of tangible items as thanks so you are not alone.

The hospital I used to work for would put on an EMS dinner and I'm not sure if this is happening again this year but this shouldn't be the reason why your guys volunteer, should it?

Instead of going to the county to try to get some sort of thank you why not go to the organizer of the event and ask them for tickets? Let them know how many years that your group has gone for free and see if they would offer single tickets to the event.

There are many organizations out there that have decided to take away the gifts and bonuses because money is tight. You obviously know this.

You have every right to rant but things change and situations change and if any organization can adapt to change it's an EMS agency.

Good luck.


Knowing thank yous ate few and far between is who I only work for paid services :) I refuse to vollie anywhere.


Knowing thank yous ate few and far between is who I only work for paid services :) I refuse to vollie anywhere.

Hey! No posting whilst driving! ;)
Posted (edited)

For the past 6 months or so I have worked as a (paid) contracted paramedic at a volunteer service, so my appreciation of the volunteer side of things has grown somewhat over that time. I see what you are saying, the agency where I work really bends over backwards to make sure their volunteers feel appreciated- holiday dinners, awards, gifts, an annual Christmas party, uniforms, stipend, a nice crew room, etc etc etc. Retention is a big issue in volunteer EMS (volunteer anything, really!). Agencies should do whatever they can to make sure their staff feels welcome and appreciated.

That said, it doesn't mean you need to spend a ton of money. Small things like bringing the crews food, publicly posting thank-you letters from patients and supervisory staff, etc are cheap ways to spread good will around the organization. If you are in a position to do that kind of stuff, why not start there?

Edited by fiznat

I'm going to take the opposite tack from Ruff..

I don't know why you don't walk? The community obviously doesn't respect the effort enough to pay people to protect them, the powers that be have no respect for you as shown by not making even the slightest effort to reward anyone for their efforts...

What causes you to stay and beg to provide a service that it's obvious no one cares even one little bit about?

Screw em brother. No One Cares! Dust posted a paper about a hundred years ago I think showing that it cost less to provide professional fire/EMS or just EMS, can't remember now, than it does to have a scheduled trash pick up. So not only CAN your community afford to pay you for your service, but they choose not to, and on top of that they can't be bothered to buy you a ticket to the park? Yeah....I don't see your loyalty.



Don't get me wrong, retention is incredibly important but if there are some in your agency that won't be back based just on not getting that ticket then seriously, are they 3 year olds or adults?

I also agree with dwayne though. If the community doesn't value its ems (free) then maybe it is time to re-evaluate things. I don't agree with a walkout but who knows.

I know something about retention. One service I worked for would give out 1000 dollar bonuses at christmas. They did away with that and it cost them 2 employees. 2 people quit over the cessation of bonuses. They got jobs that didn't give out bonuses so I'm not sure what they gained in the end.

How much are these tickets? How many people are we talking about? Contact me offline.

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