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Welcome to the City :)

I'd say go for your RN first, then if you want to later become a medic. Working in a hospital isn't quite as bad as you make it sound, especially if you get hired down in the ED (coming from someone who tech'd on every floor of a large hospital in NM). I'm doing it a little backwards as I'm currently a medic student (or will be come Weds :P) who wants to go one to get his RN and eventually become an NP in the ED. If I could switch around the order I'm doing it in I would in a heartbeat.


Welcome to the City :)

I'd say go for your RN first, then if you want to later become a medic. Working in a hospital isn't quite as bad as you make it sound, especially if you get hired down in the ED (coming from someone who tech'd on every floor of a large hospital in NM). I'm doing it a little backwards as I'm currently a medic student (or will be come Weds :P) who wants to go one to get his RN and eventually become an NP in the ED. If I could switch around the order I'm doing it in I would in a heartbeat.

Good luck with your medic program! But I honestly think that you are doing it the right way. RN school is so competitive and difficult to get into, that by becoming a medic you are at least getting involved in the career of your choice. Plus, most states have a medic to RN bridge program that is MUCH easier to get into...I think that's what I'm going to end up doing, but we shall see. With the 3-5 year long wait lists here for acceptance into any RN program, the bridge may be better. And while I would love to go straight to RN school, I think doing the medic thing may be a better option first...some experience would definitely be beneficial!

Thanks for your thoughts and good luck!


I just saw your post and kinda feel bad I ignored it...

I was really looking for some information on how the paramedics on here actually like their jobs. As much as I would like to think that everyone loves what they do, I have definitely seen that that is not true. The medics at the FD that I rode with for 3 weeks were so burnt out that it was torture being with them.. every time the alarm went off they moaned about it...and then there were the super young ones at the private companies that I was with that were always super happy to get a call. Having the two extremes made it hard to get a real feel for how the majority of the medics actually feel about their jobs, so I'm just kind of looking for some feedback on how the career choice has settled with people...and like I had said before, RN school is just so difficult to get into and takes on average 3-5 years, so I was also looking to see if anyone thought it would be worth me spending the time and money to go to medic school while I wait. I don't know how beneficial it would be for me to spend the time getting my medic cert while I am waiting, or if I'm better off just working as an EMT for the time being, so I was just looking for some other opinions before I actually sign up for classes next semester...

"God bless Nate, but do you really want to base the next several years of your education on the advice of someone that is unable to spell, punctuate or develop halfway proper sentences and paragraphs? You sound smarter than that."...as good as his intentions are, I do have to agree that the lack of basic grammar etiquette will definitely make me think twice before taking advice from anyone! =)


Not for nuttin' , but I have heard numerous NYC/NYS Paramedics who went on to become nurses, all state that the nursing instructors all first congratulated the Paramedics on getting that achievement, and in the next breath, tell them to forget all of that training, as nursing was a whole different "thang".

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