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The Dayton police department have agreed to lower the passing score for the police officer exam because not enough blacks passed the test.

So here's the link to the article http://www.daytondailynews.com/news/dayton-news/city-agrees-to-lower-test-scores-for-police-exam-1103409.html

What gets me is the following paragraph

The original passing scores determined by Civil Service required candidates to answer 57 of 86 (66 percent) questions correctly on one portion and 73 of 102 (72 percent) on the other. The lowered benchmark requires candidates to answer 50 of 86 (58 percent) questions correctly and 64 of 102 (63 percent) of questions on the other.

The original passing score was a 66% on one section and a 72% on the second section. Seriously, if you can't pass the test then should you really be a police officer? 66% - Seriously That's a D grade in every school system that exists and in some it's failing.

The article specifically points out that the test passing score was lowered because not enough blacks passed the test. Would accomodations have been made if not enough whites passed? I think not.


There is another city that I know of that does this. They go off of a point scale, and you automatically receive extra points right off the bat if you are a minority of any sort. Female? Extra points! Learning disability? Extra points! Mexican? Lesbian? Oriental? Other disability? Missing a limb? Extra points! Drives me nuts....

I'm sorry, but I don't care if you are black, white, male, female, muslim, catholic, jewish, underweight or overweight, as long as you can save me from a burning building, a car accident, or a murderer, I don't care who or what you are. It should go to the most QUALIFIED person, no matter who they are.

Sorry, just my .02.


Sorry Ruff, but the mere fact that you brought this up makes you a racist.

Sadly, this is business as usual in many places. Not only is the concept accepted by many, but encouraged and legally mandated. This topic has been beaten to death, but nobody has ever been able to explain to me how lowering the bar helps anyone.

I'm also quite sure a certain poster here will somehow justify this ridiculous idea.

Posted (edited)

Sorry Ruff, but the mere fact that you brought this up makes you a racist.

Sadly, this is business as usual in many places. Not only is the concept accepted by many, but encouraged and legally mandated. This topic has been beaten to death, but nobody has ever been able to explain to me how lowering the bar helps anyone.

I'm also quite sure a certain poster here will somehow justify this ridiculous idea.

Well since I don't have sex with black women or chinese women I'm already a racist so what's one more thing that will get me the racist tag.

But how does this make me racist?

Edited by Ruffems

Of course they deserve the assistance, and you know why ! Remember a certain southern governor standing in the doorway of a university blocking african americans from entering ? It wasnt that long ago, and most inner-city public schools do a poor job of educating minorities. But we have hashed all this out before: Remember

Question 1. A dish you place your coffee cup on ? If you didn't have saucers or coffee cups in your home, it is hard to answer the question.

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There is another city that I know of that does this. They go off of a point scale, and you automatically receive extra points right off the bat if you are a minority of any sort. Female? Extra points! Learning disability? Extra points! Mexican? Lesbian? Oriental? Other disability? Missing a limb? Extra points! Drives me nuts....

Off topic, but as I pointed out before, please please please use the correct term. It is Asian, NOT oriental!

(sorry, it just always irks me when I see the term oriental used, I know it is not used in malice, but still...)


When I went to renew my drivers license, under race, it had like three or four choice; and then other. So, I wrote human. They made me do a new form, and check off white, because "while that's funny, it's not acceptable".

Posted (edited)

Of course they deserve the assistance, and you know why ! Remember a certain southern governor standing in the doorway of a university blocking african americans from entering ? It wasnt that long ago, and most inner-city public schools do a poor job of educating minorities. But we have hashed all this out before: Remember

Question 1. A dish you place your coffee cup on ? If you didn't have saucers or coffee cups in your home, it is hard to answer the question.

well, since I don't have saucers or coffee cups in my house, I'd call it a dish.

I grew up without a coffee drinker in the house. WE had large hot chocolate mugs in the house but we put our mugs on coasters.

If it's a all black school then make the tests based on that school. Make the test focus on the level of education in that school, not anywhere else. Hell, let's go one further, let the teachers in that school develop the test, it has to cover each subject that is taught there and the teachers get to develop the questions.

I think there also needs to be a white test and a black test, a mexican test, a illegal immigrant test, a test for chinese, japanese and hobo.

Let's not assume that the education system is teaching it right.

Not all white families grew up with coffee cups and saucers in theri house. Shouldn't I get a pass on that question?

I say do away with all those stupid standardized tests anyway, they just are the root of all the causes of problems.

Edited by Ruffems

Why is it called a saucer? Was it used by the Victorian era people to serve a sauce? By the name, a child of modern age would have no idea what it's original purpose was. We had saucers in the house, their intended purpose was to hold a small serving of food, usually a dessert item, etc. Never a coffee drinker, even my parents weren't. If coffee was served, it was usually in a mug, eg a "coffee mug". As we weren't that classy, so as to require a cup to need its own small plate.

Wait, what were we talking about?


The Dayton police department have agreed to lower the passing score for the police officer exam because not enough blacks passed the test.

So here's the link to the article http://www.daytondailynews.com/news/dayton-news/city-agrees-to-lower-test-scores-for-police-exam-1103409.html

What gets me is the following paragraph

The original passing scores determined by Civil Service required candidates to answer 57 of 86 (66 percent) questions correctly on one portion and 73 of 102 (72 percent) on the other. The lowered benchmark requires candidates to answer 50 of 86 (58 percent) questions correctly and 64 of 102 (63 percent) of questions on the other.

The original passing score was a 66% on one section and a 72% on the second section. Seriously, if you can't pass the test then should you really be a police officer? 66% - Seriously That's a D grade in every school system that exists and in some it's failing.

The article specifically points out that the test passing score was lowered because not enough blacks passed the test. Would accomodations have been made if not enough whites passed? I think not.

It's not discrimination or reverse racism Ruff: It's called affirmative action !

It came about to allow the underprivileged to compete above the level of their upbringing and education. The goal was to allow minorities to have all the good government service job opportunities that the mighty white folks had.

In reality it has become a joke and a failed experiment. Many of those hired under this program can't compete on an equal basis with anyone else so they are given a special allowance for their perceived disability.

there was a recent court battle in Connecticut where a fire service exam was administered and the top scoring members of the department were passed over to put in place minorities that scored as much as twenty points lower on the advancement exam.

The passed over members sued and the state appellant court overturned affirmative action.

I Believe that an individual with a disability deserves a fair chance and accommodation to be able to take an exam, but the score is what it is.

Top scores get the hire or the promotion with no regard to race, creed, sexual preference, or any other perceived bias. :thumbsup:

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