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Who would you vote for in the 2008 election as our next president  

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    • Hillary Clinton
    • Jeb Bush

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Yeah, and look at the sorry shape the Northeast is in. ATF agents are raiding our churches, and pedophiles are jumping out of the bushes right and left snatchin' up our youngsters. And only because of our inferior firepower. Oh, I rue the day anybody thought we didn't need the AR-15's! AMMMO! I NEED AMMO!! DAMN THIS GUN DOESN'T SHOOT FAST ENOUGH! SAVE US TEXANS WITH YOUR SUPERIOR GUNS! THEY'VE GOT ARTILLERY!!!!!

Actually we're doin' just dandy. Maybe it's the literacy rate.

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This is getting stupid. Please agree to disagree and move on, Im asking Admin to close this thread as it has gone WAY of topic, if you guys want to continue this argument, hash it out via email or PMs.

Thank you.


Okay, we've gone off topic again and looks I had a hand in again... D'OH!

Anyway, I'll try and wrap it up with this. We can argue second admendment rights all night, and discuss assault rifles, 'Black Talon' bullets, Florida's new "shoot first, ask questions later" law, and a myriad of other things related to the great American past time of blowing the bejeezus out of stuff, but it is rather pointless.

Maybe its time to start a new thread in the Tactical Medicine forum. While I am not completely familar with ALL of the aspects of tactical medicine, if it has gotten to the point where civilian EMT's are OK'd to go into people's houses with AR-15's, something needs to be done.

  Asysin2leads said:
... if it has gotten to the point where civilian EMT's are OK'd to go into people's houses with AR-15's, something needs to be done.

It's got nothing to do with EMT's. The law allows anybody who is not a convicted felon to carry a rifle wherever they want, except for schools and stuff. Nothing at all needs to be done about it, except for all you people who want the government to solve all your problems for you to take control and responsibility for your own kids. That's where all this violence is coming from.


Asys, you have missed the piont completely on the AR-15. it is for tactical use not everyday carry on my bus. it is for my protection, not for hunting. I have no use for black tallons. i refuse to make entry in to a scene like that with out protection. the officers have their jobs to do and i have mine. If you don't want to own a gun or carry a gun then don't, i really couldn't care less and you have that right same as i do. But do not sit there and try to make it out that i am a bad person for owning and carrying a gun.

The second amendment when read completely protects our right ( yours and mine ) to bear arms against the government when it has gone against what was laid out in the constitution. i over simplified it but in essence that is what it says.

hmmmm but wait how did i know that ? somehow i must have forgotten that here in the backwoods we're illiterate .

aint gotnuttin buta furst graed ejucashun.


Race, you're an EMT, a medical professional that willing puts himself in harms way as part of a tactical team. If the officers on the team think it's peachy keen to let you, a civilian that has not gone through their firearms, background checks, psychological testing, or academy, to carry an AR-15 assault rifle when he is supposed to be the 'medic', those are some stupid ass cops. As a private citizen, I accept the need for law enforcement to carry powerful guns to allow for overwhelming offensive force in a high risk area. However, you are not law enforcement, you are not a sworn officer, you are carrying this assault rifle as a tool of your primary duty, therefore, you have no right to carry a friggin' machine gun. An AR-15 is NOT a means of defense, it is a means of OFFENSE, that is why it is known as an ASSAULT rifle. Its really plain to see that you have no interest in emergency medicine, you just want a backdoor to carry a gun and play soldier.

What it comes down to is I have no problem with police officers carrying guns, I have no problem with private citizens owning guns, but I have a hell of a lot of a problem with someone who thinks that because they get to wear a uniform with this job, it is perfectly okay to carry an assault rifle too. You're not going to 'make entry'. You're not going to 'do sweeps'. You're not going to perform 'hostage rescue', or any of the other things that SWAT teams do, therefore, YOU DO NOT NEED AN AR-15 ASSAULT RIFLE. I really can't believe any police agency would be idiotic and short sighted enough to allow that. I think you are the best argument yet for why tactical medicine should be left in the hands of a professional, trained, sworn police officer who also has emergency medical training. Get a life before you get someone killed. (BTW, the 2nd admendment makes no provision for armed insurrection. Sorry. Also, many a times a question for civil service exams is "Have you ever advocated or been part of a group that has advocated the violent overthrow of the United States government?" Boy, you're going to have a tough time answering that one, huh?)

  \ said:

It's got nothing to do with EMT's. The law allows anybody who is not a convicted felon to carry a rifle wherever they want, except for schools and stuff. Nothing at all needs to be done about it, except for all you people who want the government to solve all your problems for you to take control and responsibility for your own kids. That's where all this violence is coming from.

Dust, I'm not arguing against private ownership of guns. I'm trying to say there is a big difference between someone owning a gun in the privacy of their own home, and have someone going bursting in on other people's homes armed with a machine gun, his only qualification being he is an EMT. Can you see where I'm going with this? BTW, I don't have kids, but if I did, you'd better belive I would keep GWB et. al far far far far FAR away from them. I don't want to see them grow up driving drunk.

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