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Second Ride along was SWEET!


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So I got my wish!

I went with a different ambulance company this time and we were pretty busy.

First call: Foot Problem, transport for eval.

Second Call: AMS, hypothermia

Third Call: Car VS Telephone pole

Fourth Call: OD/ Suicide Attempt

Over all a very cool night, got to watch an IV put in, got to watch the heart monitors and even got to check the glucose. Made sure I asked all the questions I didn't ask the first night. Followed the EMT and Paramedic around all night either watching or asking when applicable. Got to go into the hospital and asked a lot of questions there, found where the equip was, etc.

Preceptor asked me all kinds of questions at the end of the night like what we were looking for with the Car accident. I told her, but she wanted the "big girl words" and I kept mixing up Embolism and Pneumothroax, even though I know what they are. She asked me right as they were dropping me off at 1 am... Little unfair since I had been up since 6 am. :( But at least I know I have to really pay attention to what wording I use. The people I rode with were awesome, asked me all kinds of questions about Pt's (What are we looking for? How does PT skin look? etc) and were very receptive to my questions as well.

One thing I have to work on- Taking BP's.

One of the people with one of the Volly's offered me a job on the spot. Told her I was still in training, she said to call her when I get certified....

Yeah. Good night and I'm really hoping I get to go again although I've reached my required limit for the class. :(

Interesting side note- My step brother went and friends mother in law both went into the hosp on Sunday night, both had stated they wished I'd have been there to help transport! Kind of warmmed my heart.


Edited to remove even the vague details, don't want to lose my job before I can even get one!

Edited by MetalMedic
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I'm so glad you enjoyed your 2nd clinical experience on the ambulance. You sounded kinda bummed after the 1st. I think you may be able to ride along with the squad as long as you sign a waiver releasing them from any liability. Don't be afraid to ask.

A good preceptor can make all the difference as to whether you have a good experience or not. Although the crew can't be held accountable for the number of calls you run, they can make your ride-along an educational experience.

Keep up the good work!


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Glad your second ride was better then your first :thumbsup: Also glad to see the fire lit and the EMS bug has infected you.

As has been stated the crew means everything when on a ride along. I currently have a probie with me and my crew and am doing my utmost to keep it educational while being enjoyable.

Keep up the good work and never stop learning.

As far as the BP goes... comes with experience. The limited time in the nice comfy, quiet classroom setting does nothing for you really. Check friends and family at home, the more arms the better. Not everyone will have that awsome thumper of an artery that you want to see if there is a volume knob on the scope. If you do more ride alongs try them then, with all the road noise and such. You will learn to train your ears to block out certain sounds and pick up on the sounds needed. Little trick to try as well lift your heels! Sounds stupid I know but for me if I raise my heels off the floor of the rig I can hear better.

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What I admire most about your post is that you took the time to recognize where your weak spots are...and alreay have a plan of action to work on them. That is a great way to focus on your education and it will serve you well even after you get your cert!

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