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im about to get my associates of applied science in my medic. Just wondering how much i can expect to make hourly? I live in texas by the way....anyone that has any information that would be awesome.


im about to get my associates of applied science in my medic. Just wondering how much i can expect to make hourly? I live in texas by the way....anyone that has any information that would be awesome.

You can expect the same pay as the 12 week diploma mill Paramedics make starting out. Though you get the title licensed Paramedic employers just don't care which way you got your Paramedic. As to starting pay in Texas depends in part where. Anywhere from below minimum wage when you factor in the free stand by time required illegally by many services to around $30/hr. Realistically being new don't expect more than about $12. The well paying places normally want quality experienced Paramedics.


im about to get my associates of applied science in my medic. Just wondering how much i can expect to make hourly? I live in texas by the way....anyone that has any information that would be awesome.

Spenac, is right. A Paramedic is a Paramedic; Degree or Certificate. As you've learned and have heard; EMS has changed from the 70s. Many will say for the better; some will argue for the worst. I have been the biggest supporter of Paramedic Degree only. Most have fought tooth and nail against it. I see that Paramedics will fall into the route of Nursing; Degrees only...

Good luck on your career. All the best...


I have no idea how much paramedics make in Texas. I just wanted to take this opportunity to say:

1) Good on you for getting your degree! Congratulations! Now if only more people would follow your lead and dedicate themselves to some solid education.

2) Don't listen to all the boneheads who may give you grief over having a degree and being a licensed paramedic. No, you may not see short term benefits from having a paramedic degree. You will, however, see long term benefits in the opportunities available for having a college degree. You will also have additional educational opportunities available to you that your non-degreed counterparts won't immediately have.

3) Don't rest on your laurels. Continue your education when possible. I'm not talking about con-ed classes. Continue with college courses. Go for another degree. Go for your bachelor's in something... anything! Don't. Ever. Stop. Learning!

Good luck.


First of all, congrats on the new degree. Where in Texas will you be looking for work?

As stated, most places pay the AAS EMS degreed paramedic the same they pay the degreed basket weaver paramedic the same they pay the shake and bake paramedic. Ultimately, we all have the same skill/knowledge for the job. There are a few places out there who pay a small increase for the LP. I haven't found them yet.

Where you will do well will be in your critical thinking skills and moving up the ladder.

Maybe, someday, there will be the difference in pay.



Where it makes the difference is in the job hunt. Medic schools are cranking out a lot more medics than there are actual EMS jobs for. So if you end up in a big pile of applicants, any respectable agency will give hiring preference to the candidate with more education. And after all, if you don't get the job, then the salary is irrelevant, right? So you're definitely on the right track with your degree plan. Anyone who tells you that it won't make you a much better medic is saying that because they don't have it.

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