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First off just want to say hi to all my past friends from here in the city, its Chris Collins. If y'all dont remember me I was in Connecticut, then moved to Tennessee after some personal issues. Anyways, Ive been doing great and am back in TN perminently. I hope that all is well with you guys too.

A brief side note for anyone who dosnt know me (so as my topic does not seem like its coming from some cocky new guy who dosnt know jack about EMS) I have been in EMS for a little over eight years now with experience in commercial, municipal and volunteer services.

Recently, I began employment as a driver for a commercial service in my area. I am currently working on reciproity to become a TN certified EMTIV but regardless of my not being one now I have made several observations about the operations within the company that have me concerned. Regardless of being an EMT or a driver you have three "Third Party" ride along days, then you are cut loose to work on a two person crew. Short story is we would bennefit greatly from a well implimented FTO program. My dilema is that I would like to run the idea by my supervisors but I am the new guy and regardless of my experience I am not even trained to the higher standards of care that TN EMTs are.

To give a brief example, my last shift I worked with an EMT who, at the begining of our shift, expressed to me that he has been with the company since October (2010) and is not very confident in some of their skills. Now, I dont mind helping my partners if they get stuck, even though technically here I can not do patient care, and I have always enjoyed training and working with new people. But I think that someone who has been around for seven months and is telling people they dont have much confidence is a bit of a red light. We go on a call for low O2 sats, when we get there he spends more time with the family getting info than at the patients side. I wouldnt be surprised if our on scene time was more than 30 minutes. So we finaly load the patient but the pulse ox isnt working so he dosnt take ANY vitals, I can see that the patient is having labored breathing and since he never bothered to switch out the cannula for a nonrebreather I suggested it then did it myself (again Im just a "driver"). We get to the hospital and all that time spent on the paperwork goes out the window as he suddenly has no info to offer on turnover... the nurse and family are irritated, Im trying to give turnover even though I shouldnt, and he dosnt even have vitals to offer untill he uses the hospitals equipment.

We all have had our days when we were new and cocky and make mistakes. Of course there are others who just dont belong in an ambulance at all. But I really think from this experience and others Ive had that the company and new EMTs would bennefit from a well implimented FTO program led by confident personel who like to teach and work well with others. Perhaps it wouldnt have helped my freind but who knows without trying? Three days on the road, just watching the crew do their job isnt enough, there is no paperwork to track new employees progress. Its three days and your free.

I want to suggest many of my ideas to my supervisors, but I am the new guy and just a driver. So what should I do? How can I approach the situation so I dont just sound like some arrogant a$$? Is there a fine line between my job and the greater good?

Posted (edited)

If you've been in EMS for 8 years you should know the answer: don't speak up.

Not yet, anyways. Earn your stripes for a little while before you start suggesting the company change the way it manages it's employees. You'll have plenty of time in the future, and your efforts will be much more effective with a little time under your belt.

Edited by fiznat
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Well friend: you just admitted to giving medical care without a license to do so. You might want to remove that quickly and keep your mouth shut until you are a licensed provider in Tenn.

Just sayin !!!

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Wait a bit. if you are worth a damm, your quiet professionalism will put you in a position to be asked at the right time.


Well friend: you just admitted to giving medical care without a license to do so. You might want to remove that quickly and keep your mouth shut until you are a licensed provider in Tenn.

Just sayin !!!


And take your name and personal information out of your post! Are you seriously thinking people won't be able to figure out who you are when you put that much info out there?

While you're at it, keep your mouth shut for now. As has been mentioned, if you've really been in the business as long as you say you have you shouldn't have really had to ask.

Posted (edited)

You could have just spoken to your partner at the end of the call...

It's really up to you. What if the Hospital or Family calls to complain and no incident was reported? Management would think you like to hide stuff. Its better to hear from the crew than to hear it from someone else. But you'll be label as a rat by your co-workers.

Either way; you should speak up. Talk to your partner. You're only a driver but he can question your driving and he's the Tech. It goes both ways. You are providing some care (stretcher, chair, moving of the patient, etc.).

Good luck. All the best...

Edited by NYCEMS9115

I really gatta stay off the net when Im overtired. Thanks for the feedback all. Anyways, yea I know I deffinatley need to wait it out its just kind of a pain because I have always been one to try and address problems as they come along. Its just weird going from being an EMT to not. Sorry for the rant.


I totally disagree, our industry needs more people like you, assuming you are willing to roll up your sleeves and do some work verus just bitch about the problems. I would suggest you schedule a meeting with your immediated supervisor and discuss the issues that are easy to solve (with you doing the solving). Don't tackle everything, pick something easy, then fix it. That will give you the permission to tackle bigger problems later.

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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