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Wow! That looks so cool! It makes so much sense. Never seen it before... but may throw it towards my medical liason to see if we can get it in our SAR kits. Would be much easier to bag someone with one of those than a traditional, especially in a less-than-optimal transport mode...



Posted (edited)

I almost don't dare to say, that I would prefer a Larynx Tube instead of this device...(I already use the LT as replacement for the mask when bag valving). The dilemma described in the article almost certainly could be resolved. :)

However, it may be another tool in the box for a distinct problem (if LT and e.t. don't go in). So I will see, if I can get hands on such a thing.

BTW, the breaking news that it receives "European CE Mark" is not that great..."CE" is a self (!) given mark and just a statement by the company, that all relevant european laws are met. There is no special authority approvement or testing required for "CE".

Edited by Bernhard

That's really interesting. Can't say I've ever seen one of those devices around here, though.


I wonder if it would provide a bit of a jaw thrust when in place? That would replace an OPA would it not?


I wonder if it would provide a bit of a jaw thrust when in place? That would replace an OPA would it not?

I hope to find out and will let you know when their free sample gets here and I've had a chance to play with it. :)

I have about three or four dozen NuMasks, from samples and from various EMS Expositions. I use them when I get the chance to arrive on scene of a cardiopulmonary arrest, alone, and long before an ambulance. If it doesn't seal perfectly by itself, all you need is one hand. The BVM fits right in the tube, if the BVM has a handle, you're in business. They're so soft, you can yank it out, trauma free if they puke. But watch out, that thing is like a vomit nozzle. As for the little blue airway that comes with it? Throw it away. Use a standard OPA, I use Hudson Lifesaver Tubes - but replace them, not reuse them - and haven't have too many problems since I got the knack of using the NuMask.

The founder/inventor and I developed a pretty good email thing. B/c I seen it in JEMS, called for a sample, used it.. Then he took a survey from me on it's use for EMS. It was developed as a hands free CPR Mask. My first gripe was that they had a great product, a few set backs, but nothing major; but the real test, would be to market it w/ a BVM w/ a handle.. Like an Ambu Spur; or the blue LSP Bag masks. So he kept sending me replacements whenever I sent an email that I used one, w/ the outcome stats, etc.. and I see now they sell them w/ BVM's. I'd just buy my own BVM and get the sample, IMO. I'd say, from a rural BLS point of view, however.. The time from the person being found, to access to the 911 system, to EMS arrival.. You're pretty much plant food. However, when I have been able to arrive quickly, with witnessed arrests, the patients color has always greatly improved with the NuMask, vs a standard mask. You get better tidal volume. I've used them about six or eight times now, one patient, a smidge under a century old-totally f**king serious. Resuscitated, BLS. That's pretty good, IMO, seeing as how about 9 out of 10 rural cardiac arrest victims are beyond help before the dispatcher even pushes the buttons.

These things are also the shit for single rescuer CPR in the ambulance. You get one in, hook up one of THESE and snap it to like a scissor strap on your leg, and you can stand in one place the whole time w/o moving around to C cup the mask, and bag. Just get out the CPR board that prolly nobody uses anymore, to keep the airway open.

Posted (edited)

Ok so my last post was bullsh!t and I blame the person on the other end of the line for my misinformation.Thus I have deleted it as not to spread disinformation

I was looking around the site and found the PP presentation. You use your fingers to hold the nose closed!! OK NOW it makes sense. Can't wait to test this out.

Edited by UGLyEMT

Ever go swimming? I assume any store that sells swimming accessories, sells these little white clips with foam ends. I can buy them here in town at the GENERAL STORE, an actual general mercantile store, like you'd see straight out of the Walton's.. So, I assume Wally World, etc., sells them. Clip them on the patients nose. No air flow.


I like this, downloaded the powerpoint presentation to take to our next resus committee meeting and see if maybe might be something we could trial, especially for cpap see if it assists. :)

Thanks mr secret paraninja man

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yes i have seen it and used it in two squads that i was in it is very obvious on the uses and everything and it worked very well along with the suction unit on a young boy that was thrown through a windshield and was not breathing and had a feint heart beat it brought him back and i think it is much more useful and succesful than the normal bvm masks.

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