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Posted (edited)
  On 7/15/2011 at 8:31 AM, BushyFromOz said:

Thats awesome coming from the mob who gave us Bryan Adams.

I sensed you actually ate those Roo's, your breath gave it away and Yall's PLEASE keep that FREAK Celion Dion in Lost Wages, she's worse than a flying rat (Canadian Taliban Geese) every fall we send her down and she flys back in the spring <sheesh> Don't get me on a roll about the those "franco phones" that's why we invented the Ross in the first place, but we should have made it full auto !

I heard drift that in DC the smokies are going to be used to ward off gangsta homies and hey the down side is what again ? A charged line and an axe are effective weapon in the hands of a highly trained professional.

Now back to the regular scheduled programming and quoting LS: common sense, courtesy, logic, compassion and an over active ability to pay attention to my surroundings or as we say in the "hood" keep your stick on the ice.

Edited by tniuqs
  On 7/7/2011 at 4:37 AM, ShockDoctor said:

On my duty belt/person:

Gloves - Latex and Nitrile

Wait. The OC and handcuffs were a distraction! Why do you carry two different kinds of gloves?


I imagine so as to have a pair handy if your patient has a latex allergy. The question would then follow if the individual who carries both types carries them in the same pouch or in two different pouches/pockets.


Come on, dude! That would negate the extra whacker factor of carrying all sorts of stuff on your person! And it would effectively kill the thread.

It would also be demonstrating some exceptional common sense. We all know how short that is in supply.

  On 7/15/2011 at 1:32 AM, DwayneEMTP said:

Serious questions, not busting your balls...

Why do you want to carry handcuffs? What situations are you having/have you had that warranted the need for, or even more confusing, the desire for them? What can they do for you besides impress the badge bunnies and create a bunch of liability that can't be resolved as well with soft restraints and Curlex?

If you're truly an expert in martial arts, then you know the reason that most reputable systems don't advocate carrying weapons upon your person is that it causes you to follow a different decision tree, right? Causes you to think weapons/martial aids when you should instead be thinking diplomacy? And please don't burst my bubble by saying that that is true for most people, but not for you.

Though your posts are polite, well written and respectful, too much of the things that you claim to believe are in conflict with what I believe the reality of EMS to be. You seem intelligent yet many of your theories come off as a Basic pretending to be a medic wanting to compare L/S for your private vehicle.

Thanks for the respectful post Dwayne!

I carry handcuffs in case I need to restrain an unruly person. Haven't used them yet, but there's always a possibility. Plus, the girls think it's kinky ;)

I understand the diplomacy concept. I always try diplomacy first, but oftentimes diplomacy fails. Diplomacy didn't work with Hitler, and there are way to many people I haven't a problem comparing to the man. I've only had one confrontation where diplomacy failed (the dog one), but I'm ready for the next (if and when it comes).

I assure you, I'm an EMT-P. And I do have my Nissan decked out with lights; I would post a link to the youtube video, but I have a feeling you all would bust my balls even more.


Wait. The OC and handcuffs were a distraction! Why do you carry two different kinds of gloves?

I prefer latex for the better feel, but I know alot of people are latex sensitive/deathly allergic. I make it a habit to ask my patients if they're allergic; if they reply in the negative then I use the latex, if they reply that they are, I use the Nitrile. If they're unable to respond, I err on allergic and use the Nitrile.


Lights on the POV make this even funnier

  On 7/16/2011 at 5:08 AM, ShockDoctor said:

I understand the diplomacy concept. I always try diplomacy first, but oftentimes diplomacy fails. Diplomacy didn't work with Hitler, and there are way to many people I haven't a problem comparing to the man. I've only had one confrontation where diplomacy failed (the dog one), but I'm ready for the next (if and when it comes).

Are you gearing up for the zombie invasion too (if and when it comes)?

  On 7/16/2011 at 5:08 AM, ShockDoctor said:

I prefer latex for the better feel, but I know alot of people are latex sensitive/deathly allergic. I make it a habit to ask my patients if they're allergic; if they reply in the negative then I use the latex, if they reply that they are, I use the Nitrile. If they're unable to respond, I err on allergic and use the Nitrile.

You were asked if you keep them in the same pouch.....or do you have separate pouches? How do you keep from cross contaminating when 'restocking' these pouches?

Posted (edited)
I assure you, I'm an EMT-P. And I do have my Nissan decked out with lights; I would post a link to the youtube video, but I have a feeling you all would bust my balls even more.

In summation of quals:

By day mild mannered Paramedic deployed on a Rescue Ambulance er bus.

By night a Trainer on a Church group First Aid out reach program.

Combat Trained and a Martial Arts Expert, courses in how to arrest.

L + S on a "Nissan" with a You tube video.

Gloves - Latex and Nitrile

Shears - by Mabis

Flashlights - penlight and Pelican tactical light

Littman III Stethoscope

Handcuffs - S&W Model 100

CPR/BVM Hybrid Mask

Pepper spray - Fox Labs 5.3 million SHU

Radio - dept issued (with my own ear piece and shoulder mic)

Business Cards/Certifications (on a strap around my neck)

Cell phone


Flip Knife (in a boot holster)

Off Duty (in my Nissan):

AED - by Phillips

Assorted First Aid Kit (gauze, bandages, antiseptic, basic stuff)

TASER - X2 with spare cartridge

Pepper Spray - another bottle of Fox Labs 5.3 million SHU, also a can of Streetwise 2 million SHU (but 17% for a longer sting)

CPR Mask

Littmann I Stethoscope

I wonder if Dust has seen this thread ?

Edited by tniuqs
  On 7/16/2011 at 5:08 AM, ShockDoctor said:

Diplomacy didn't work with Hitler, and there are way to many people I haven't a problem comparing to the man.

Godwin's Law is proven yet again.

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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