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You are right, the court found that there was discrimination here, but you only seem to get upset when white people dont get hired. Go figure ?

Crotch: this is not about racism:

it's about discrimination against those that studied the material and tested better than others.

How come they're not hiring white or spanish folks or native Americans that scored below the cut-off point.

You tell me how a written test can discriminate against any sub species, gender or color?

It's similar to 15 years ago when the detroit school system required all teachers to speak ebonics. How about requiring all to speak ENGLISH , the chosen language of this country?

Yes a liberal judge decided he needed votes to get re-elected!

This is sure to secure the black vote in the precincts where they're needed.

Posted (edited)

You know, I've done a lot of thinking and I've come to this conclusion

We should all be pissed off when a more qualified applicant regardless of their race is passed over because a minority person who did not score as well gets the job.

I do take issue with the department not taking into account the other couple of tests which the black applicants did very well on apparantly.

So why didn't they do that? My conspiracy theory brain is befuddled but my suspicion is that this whole thing was racist, the only score used was the written test. The whites probably did very very well on that test while they did very very poorly or didn't do as well as the blacks.

They threw out the lower scores of the physical tests and only used the written.

Hey at least they hired on a curve.

Would you be as outraged if the tables were turned and it was a bunch of white guys who didn't get hired because they threw out the written tests and just used the physical agility/ability scores which apparantly the black applicants did better on than their white counterparts?

If the playing field were completely level, I would be against discrimination against anyone for any reason, but discrimination against whites happens so rarely, I would not shed many tears if it happened. As far as asking about how tests can be discriminatory, we argued that to death in previous posts.

But I have a solution, but I doubt white folks would be brave enough to make it the rule:

1. Interviews for hiring and promotion are done by the neighboring jurisdictions personnel, no one from that department can be in the process, except maybe one member from the HR Department (this gets rid of the buddy-buddy system, or bribes or brown-nosing the chiefs (decision makers).

2. All interviews are blinded, the applicant sits in another room and can not be seen, and uses one of those voice changing devices that changes their spoken word into the same monotone computer voice (cant tell male/female, ethnicity or nationality). The applicants are then given a "score" for interviewing.

3. The applicants are given one written test, written by a test-writing company or university, and are scored with no curves or weird formulas. Again, the test is taken in private, applicants are not seen.

4. Once the applicants have both scores, background check, drugscreen, and physical done, the outside interviewers hold a one day skills observation test (or physical agility test) where the applicants are viewed for the first time by the outside panel, and they score using the same score sheet for all. If it is a physical agility test then everyone is graded by the amount of time it took to complete the test. To establish a minimum cut off that is fair, I would mandate that everyone that is a current employee from chief on down to rookie has to take that same physical agility (or skills / if skills it has to be national registry format) test annually; they would then average everyone's time/grade to create a "department average". Applicants must surpass the department average to be considered for the position. It is not fair to disqualify a female for not being able to pass the test, when half of your department is so overweight that they can not pass the same test;

Skills Score should be weighted to = 50% of your total score

Interview and Written are weighted to = 25% each of the total score for a total of 50%

Tell me why that isn't fair ?

And if you site extra costs, there shouldn't be any. When it is the other department's turn to do the same procedure, you will do it for them to pay them back (no extra payroll). To protect employers I would be fine with a 90 day orientation period where the applicant is only awarded temporary employment and can be terminated if the candidate is somehow unacceptable, but the employer will have to show clear proof of why the applicant is unacceptable and document the steps they took to try to bring the applicant up to standard.

Edited by crotchitymedic1986
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I know I was not hired for being fat at several municipal jobs, so I like the idea of basing the hiring on performance and not subjective criteria that changes from place to place.


The devil is in the details.

Discrimination did NOT occur. Minorities were adversely represented in the results of the exam. BIG DIFFERENCE, but for the purposes of the lawsuit, it's "racism", which means lotto payout time. That exam was race neutral, written at a 5th grade reading level, and created by a black professor who specializes in making race neutral, unbiased tests, but if it makes crochity feel better, then let's call it racism and file a lawsuit. It's lotto time!

Much easier than trying to figure out how to play with the test results to get the numbers they need.


That exam was race neutral, written at a 5th grade reading level, and created by a black professor who specializes in making race neutral, unbiased tests, but if it makes crochity feel better, then let's call it racism and file a lawsuit. It's lotto time!

There you have it, those who did poorly were NOT smarter than a 5th grader. Come on say it with me. "I'm not smarter than a 5th grader"

Those who did not pass should not try out for that show. !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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How can a test question possibly be racist? Did I miss the day in school when they pulled all of the white kids aside and said, "These are the answers to any test you will ever take. Don't let the black kids know."? Us whiteies aren't born with any special sets of knowledge that every other race/color aren't born with nor do we take any secret white people classes in grade school, middle school, high school or college. Once again our village idiot has monopolized most of the threads in the last week with his vitriol and we have all succumbed to it. Sometimes I wonder who the bigger moron is, him or the rest of us (myself included).

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Hey doc, did I answer your questions well enough about what you pM'd me about?


Yeah man. I appreciate the help. You were right about the 8 icons. I think it is more an issue on our end with the antiquated system we run on. We have to replace the tranisitors every few days and the mice every week.


Yeah man. I appreciate the help. You were right about the 8 icons. I think it is more an issue on our end with the antiquated system we run on. We have to replace the tranisitors every few days and the mice every week.

You mean you aren't using hamsters to turn the wheel to run the computers? I thought everyone had upgraded to hamster

Seems you really are in the dark ages.

Feel free to pm me anytime.


Thanks. No, we haven't up graded to the hamsters or Windows 95 yet. I can still see an imprint on the screens that say "Commodore Pet"

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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