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What is the biggest surprise you have, ten years later ? That we have not been attacked again ? That we are still at war ? That we did not round up muslims and send them back to their countries? That we did not build the twin towers back ? That the amazing unity we had the week after is all gone ?


Are we more safe or less safe today, and do any of you believe an attack will occur tomorrow ?


OOOOOOHHH.... I saw the topic, and then I saw the poster... and I thought "What fun!" *** pulls up a chair and some popcorn ***

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My notions about the people of Afghanistan have changed significantly after living there.

Ditto. Unfortunately there is no way to break the link between hate and fear. I've told the story a million times about the loving, kind people of that country, only to see peoples eyes glaze over with sympathy for my ignorance.

When people are afraid, they are incredibly motivated to find a common enemy, regardless of the actually culpability of that enemy. It's unfortunate that in this case education has little chance of winning out over hysteria until, likely, several more generations have past.

Surprised to still be at war? No...as non of the war making concerns the falling of the Twin Towers.

What I am most surprised and disheartened by is that more has not been done to show that being Muslim and being a terrorist are not synonymous.


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I also think, the human tendency to take the path of least resistance often leads down the path of fear and ignorance as you stated. It is simply easier to assign a sweeping generalisation and make simple, linear conclusions based on said assignment. After 911, I admit, I hated everything about the Middle East and parts of Asia. It was simply easier to hate and wish doom to entire nations.

After my experiences, I have come away with a much different conclusion, and it is a hard pill to swallow. I am more uncertain of humanity than I ever have been throughout my entire life. I simply do not know or have no answers. This is in stark contrast to believing I know (albeit falsely) the way of the world and the rational for human motivation. However, I would rather be uncertain in my assessments and musings than absolute and incorrect. Like you, I have had difficulty in explaining my change of heart so to speak. I can only say that if fathers in Afghanistan love their daughters and weep over their daughter's broken bodies, then perhaps the simplistic view that every person from Afghanistan is a terrorist waiting to kill Americans is grossly incorrect at best.

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Spot on guys...until people walk a mile in the shoes we have worn (which will never happen for the majority), perceptions simply cannot change.


While I have never been over there, and have only heard from my close friends experiences, I have a respect for all people. We have domestic terrorists here in the US but somehow people don't run around afraid of their white neighbors. The color, tone, or religion someone is does not represent who they are. It's their character and the things we can't see on the outside that matter. To those who judge people based on their skin color, wake up it's 2011 not 1960. And after 9/11/01 my mom made a comment that it felt like she was back in small town TX where people were afraid of black citizens, only now they were afraid of anyone from the middle east.

I have struggled in my own way on how to approach tomorrow. I see people changing their facebook pictures, status changes, tributes. I don't know how else to signify tomorrows anniversary other than live my day like a few select people of a different ethnicity "took" our sense of security. Enjoy my freedoms, call those I love and tell them I love them.

And now with a suspected threat in NYC and DC, I do have fear for my family in DC. I have my only sibling who works in the building directly next to the White House... will I let that scare me? Does it scare him? Probably a little....but going on and living our lives is more important to me than living a life of fear.


How can you say Muslim and Terrorist are not synonymous, I can not think of two words that are more synonymous. I understand what you are trying to say, I realize that not every Muslim is a terrorist, but 99% of the terrorist acts of the past ten years were performed by Muslims. Tell me the first synonym that pops in your mind on these words:

Catholic Priest

Blonde w/Big Boobs

Serial Killer

Robbed a store

Very Smart Individual



How can you say Muslim and Terrorist are not synonymous, I can not think of two words that are more synonymous. I understand what you are trying to say, I realize that not every Muslim is a terrorist, but 99% of the terrorist acts of the past ten years were performed by Muslims. Tell me the first synonym that pops in your mind on these words:

Catholic Priest--Crotchity on a playground

Blonde w/Big Boobs--Crotchity in my nightmares (except Friday nights)

Serial Killer==Crotchity

Robbed a store--Crotchity

Very Smart Individual--AK


Could not resist!


You truly want to find the synonym for religious atrocities, that would have to be Christian, wouldn't it?

Certainly Christians have maimed, tortured, humiliated and killed more innocent people than Muslims have even considered.

And the line of consciousness idea of 'what's the first thing that pops into your head' as a way of accurately describing groups of people is not only ignorant and inaccurate, but should really be reserved for the games of the young, mentally infirm, and those joyfully chemically altered in some way...and sometimes, perhaps in the hands of mental health professionals..

But yeah, mostly the first three, which I have every reason to believe have you signed on their membership rosters...But I thank you validating the points above.


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