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A day in the life of an ambulance driver

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I have been thinking alot in the last week about 9/11 just the same others. I have had a bit of trouble trying to feel anything good about the celebrations that have happened in NYC. I think that when we celebrate (that might not be the right word) disasters it makes things worse for those that are left behind. Im not saying we shouldn't recognize these events but watch 2 weeks of commercials and listening to the news has been nothing less than depressing. A friend has posted this http://ambulancedriverfiles.com/2011/09/11/september-11-2011/ to their face book and when I read it, it really said alot about how I was feeling.

Today I got up and thought of those that have died, gave a wished to the families hoping their day may bring more closure and not more grief, I mowed and raked my yard, washed my back deck down and did a call, I still have to BBQ beef tenderloin for my family. I will have a nice cold beer and a nice hot bath and then go to bed and tommorrow I will go about my bussiness, as life goes on.

I hope that everyone everywhere today moved forward in the wake of this tragity.

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Happiness. I too wished for this yesterday. I did not attend any memorial services, I watched DVDs instead of the TV, I visited my parents and had a lovely dinner with my wife. The lead up to this day is always hard, it seems like the media wants to open up old wounds that alot of folks are trying to close and heal. It is very hard for some of us.

Today I got up kissed my wife good morning and went to work just like any other day. I stopped on my way in on the shoulder of the highway and gazzed at the beautiful sun rise behind the NY skyline and the growing new Trade Center and in my own way gave rememberence to all those souls on that day.


It's good to know I am not alone. Watching the horrors on TV turned my stomach to the point that I found Hallmark channel to be the best offer I could get. I can't even imagine being a New Yorker much less one who lost a friend/loved one and then being given not much more than the reviews over and over again on TV. (When Katrina hit, I worked in the Austin Convention Center where we housed for weeks many evacuees. In an effort to make things pleasant, someone decided to put TVs with CNN running...everywhere. I know news is good...but reruns of "olds" can't be good for the soul.)

My 48 began yesterday morning and I too remembered while I drove in to work past the 35,000 acres of land/1500 homes that have been devastated here in Texas. No, I don't think that is more significant than 9-11 and am not comparing the two, but it does bring home that we have atrocities all around us and how lucky I am.


I am probably an oddball masochist but I try not to look away from the painful. I watched the 9/11 programs and remembered, cried,felt anger, remorse, vindication and sorrow.

Today I am still sad from the memories. My thoughts go to those that lived 9/11. The people who dug through the rubble, lost friends, lost loved ones. The men and women who continue to serve because they endevor that such an atrocity will not happen again.

Remembering the pain of 9/11 has heightened my appreciation of America and the wonderful people who live there.

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