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...I don't think it has to be transmitted info, my understanding is that if I tell the girls at the beauty shop that joe blow has HIV then I have violated it...

As stated many times before, that is common thinking among those that have never read it, and the reason for this continued argument. To try and determine what is fact and what is, "Someone said that anything bad that can possibly happen is covered by HIPAA."

And as asked many times before, could you please post the language, from the HIPAA document, that shows your understanding to be correct?

You asked in another thread why you were called a troll on that occasion. Part of the reason is that in these debates you choose to ignore any of the questions, or arguments that don't directly support your thinking. You want to say 'something', and participate, but not be responsible for logically defending those positions.

Participate in the entire conversation, with a solid belief that there is every chance that today you'll be fortunate enough to be proved wrong, and so, become smarter today than yesterday, and I promise that you will never again be haunted by that label.


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HIPAA violation - no. Weird - definitely. But, if they met up at a restaurant or grocery store and they struck up a conversation and it went from there...that would be between two consenting adults. Their patient/medic relationship is a short term thing and it's over.

Now, if I were single, would I go out with a medic who called me on the phone (by the way, he SHOULD have already had her phone number for his report)? There would have to be some serious chemistry for that to happen.


Ok, Dwayne. You've made a compelling argument. You also have made no case in defense of the medic in question so I can't think you were defending him.

I think we can all agree that this guy behaved poorly, ungentlemanly and unethically. I think we can all further agree that any number of derogatory adjectives can be used to describe him.

Do you ever wonder over the course of discussions like this if the guy we're talking about sees himself in the discussion?

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...Do you ever wonder over the course of discussions like this if the guy we're talking about sees himself in the discussion?

Man..that's the question of the day/week, maybe month, right there.

I'll bet if you asked he would say something like, "I was just calling to check up on her. The hospital didn't take her seriously! I just wanted to make sure that she got the quality treatment that she deserves. She was grateful to have such a courteous provider and asked me out for coffee."



Funny this should come up, A few days back I transported a female with a sports relayed knee injury, just a dislocation, once I got done exposing and splinting the knee, transporting and all, we just chatted on the way to the hospital, about 20 minutes. Once I turned her over to the hospital, she hands me her number and says I should call her...would it unethical to pursue this girl


Holy shit Bullets....

I have no friggin' idea...and I mean that sincerely.

I think it depends on the hotness scale. I'd sale, below a 7 it's a moral and ethical violation of your professional responsibilities.

8 and above...I mean, c'mon...an ortho follow up just seems to be the responsible thing to do..



Bullet that's a different take on the discussion. I believe that you should be able to pursue it even though my agency and some of the other agencies I've worked for say NO.

She made the approach and she gave you her number. That makes it different in my mind.

Posted (edited)

Sorry Dwayne, you guys are way off on HIPAA, I hope Ruff's friend will come on here and give us an education on the topic, a simple google search provided multiple cases of HIPAA violations.  I could put hundreds of links in here, here are a few:


http://www.emrandhip...awsuits-coming/   This one involves an EMT




Protected Health Information. The Privacy Rule protects all "individually identifiable health information" held or transmitted by a covered entity or its business associate, in any form or media,

whether electronic, paper, or oral.

The Privacy Rule calls this information "protected health information (PHI)."12

“Individually identifiable health information” is information, including demographic data, that relates to:

•the individual’s past, present or future physical or mental health or condition,

•the provision of health care to the individual, or

•the past, present, or future payment for the provision of health care to the individual,

Edited by hatelilpeepees

You know what HLPP, I'm not sorting through all of that shit. I looked at two, and neither was in any way relevant to the conversation. No one here, most particularly me, has claimed that there is no such thing as a HIPAA violation, nor claimed that they haven't happened hundreds and thousands of times. Please reread that last sentence before moving forward.

Cut and paste the 'relevant language', I really don't know how to make it any more clear than that, and then reference where you copied it from with the link...like an adult.

What medical information was transferred, and to what party that had no right to receive it? You TRULY will have to stop dodging those questions if you want to play on this playground.

You know what girl, I try my hardest to believe that you truly want to participate. But too often, as here, you're really just the kid in the back of the room making fart sounds hoping that it will get attention and distract people from noticing that you don't know the answers.

I'm wrong? OK. Nothing would make me happier than to have that shown to me so that I can be right next time. But posting a bunch of random shit that you found on the internet because it popped up when you typed HIPAA into Google 'aint gonna get it done.

Please. Read the entire thread, including the questions directed at you personally. Make your argument by pasting and citing the relevant pieces of information and lets move forward with me eating crow. See, I, as opposed to you and the rare other few here, can eat the entire friggin' bird, belch, and still say thank you.


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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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