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finals on my emt-b tomorrow im looking for a good site to a practice test

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Just relax. At this point that is the best thing to do.

Try to get a good nights sleep, eat a healthy breakfast, and give yourself plenty of time to get to the testing center. That's my advice.


I agree with everyone else, relax. And always remember use common sense on ever answer.


The achievement of EMT-B level of studies is exactly what it says. It is the basis for all of your other EMT knowledge. Every step you take in EMS will build upon what you learned or didn’t learn in your EMT class experience.

If you cannot pass your final without cramming I would recommend retaking the class. The people that you will serve deserve a provider that knows his scope of practice and moves well within its protocols.

Be excellent and party on dude.


Oh, and let us know how you score! If you haven't taken it yet...fracture a femur!


I vote that you do not do anything, if you do not know it by now, you have no hope of passing, cramming will confuse you.

I agree completely, either you know it or you don't.

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