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Transfer of patient care to whatever level of provider would be the Doc's call I believe, though still the crew's as to whether or not to accept it.

My feeling would be though that the apparent pronounced cyanosis alone would likely be more than enough to rate an ALS transfer if we're talking about more than going across the parking lot.


Don't stop there homie!

What tx enroute? It was a 2.5hr transport.

You tell me your's, I'll tell you mine


Well, don't leave us hanging! Getting into this late...so, assuming no equipment malfunctions, why was he cyanotic with a normal SpO2? I'm stumped.

  • 3 weeks later...

Carbon Monoxide?

If the Pt. has a hx of CHF/COPD is this an exacerbation of the CHF? The receiving Dr did not seem to agree with the Pneumonia (temp is low, and HR is ever so slightly elevated), did the Pt. have any sputum and if so was there a color?

Does the pt. have angioedema, or any other restrictive issues facially. I am brainstorming out-loud air trapping issues.

But I think this pt's core issue revolves around his acidosis (high PCO2 and Low pH). I think he might be starting to get beyond respiratory acidosis and moving towards metabolic, of which he could have liver or kidney issues, or was he starting to become diabetic ketoacidosis (did I read in this that he was given insulin?).

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