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I enjoy sleeping, drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, fruity-alcohol. I also write. I'm a published author. I do a lot of shit that really has no meaning, so why bother saying it, right?

  On 2/28/2012 at 8:21 AM, 2c4 said:

I enjoy sleeping, drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, fruity-alcohol. I also write. I'm a published author. I do a lot of shit that really has no meaning, so why bother saying it, right?

Why does anybody do anything? That is the question

I'm so fucking bored seriously, even a nasty, smelly, bloated, five day old suspended who has been incontinent with its eyes being eaten out by feral dogs or something would be more entertaining than right now ...

I think its time to go scoff down some more painkillers and get wasted, that should kill a few hours


I was being sarcastic in the first sentence. You should expect that by now. Although, a good nap is enjoyable. The kind where you're so tired, you wake up confused afterward.

I also dabble in throwing virtual bricks at Wikimedic here.


Excellent question and an opportunity for us to better know each other. Once upon a time, I would have told you reading...I could zip through a good book in no time. However, with school and text books, I've lost that ability. I find a good chapter in a text to be more satisfying.

However, I'm currently sucked in to the world of Facebook games...and while that is certainly not a hobby...the hubby will tell you that I am addicted. :D



I've been doing genealogy for years and have several family lines back to the year 1000 or so in England. If I wanted to print off the graph it would be over 3000 pages...way too much for my little printer to handle. I also cross stitch and am working on a forest/deer scene for my dads birthday. Words with friends and hidden chronicles on FB. Other than that Jayse keeps me busy.


Oooh, hobbies. I love to go snowskiing. Can't afford it lately but that's probably number one on the list. Also a big fan of spelunking, hiking, camping, reading (<3 my kindle), forum-devouring, cooking, and attending ren-faires in full costume one weekend a year. Yeah, that's right. /chainmail

  On 2/28/2012 at 8:21 AM, 2c4 said:

I'm a published author.


What do you write?


I love to read, both fiction and non fiction, I love history, especially the world war II era. My biggest passion is baking 1-2 cakes a month, sometimes 3. Keeps me busy. I really do love cakes, I love working with fondant and sculpting. I am making a 2 tier, Cinderella Castle cake for this weekend, with 8 turrets and a cinderella and prince charming at the bottom. It is very detailed, I am already working on it! I am slow so I have to do a little at a time as I feel able. I am also a big Phillies baseball fan, and used to go to many games a season but I can't go to many now because i am unable to sit for that long and i can't do crowds because people knocking into me can set my leg off into a flair up. It is just as good to watch the games on tv. Cheaper too!

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