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  • What do you commonly see?
  • How many of the accidents and situations do you think could have been prevented if people just used common sense?
  • What do you think are the most vulnerable ages for certain kinds of accidents?
  • How would you suggest that parents safeguard their children?


Yeah, before we volunteer to be guinea pigs for a interview we need a bit more info.

What kind of class?

What is the interview about?

Is it a psych class or sociology

What are you hoping to get out of the class.

Your name and a bit about what your are hoping to get from us would be a good start as well.

We don't need a dissertation but before any of us give you answers you have to at least give us a clue as to who you are and why you need this info.

Your first post is 4 questions but not a single introduction point from you. You have to do better than that to get much from us.

Step up to the plate, introduce yourself and tell us who you are, what you want the answers to your questions and why, and you will find that you will get answers in droves. It's a two way street here.


As above.

If you want something answered or assistance/collaboration in a homework/coursework that you need to do, it would at least be a show of good manners to introduce you and your request.

As stated by the others, depending on what you`re doing this interview for, the answers may vary, leaving aside that without narrowing down the specific questions, you would get countless of different answers anyways depending on certain factors of the contributors.


Hi my name is Tori, I'm 17 and I'm graduating this year. I chose to do an online class which was parenting in the 21st century. My assignment was to get one or more people to answer the questions stated above. The class is about teaching people what happens from the time a woman gets pregnant all the way up till they become children or teens. At the moment we are going over safety so I was suppose to find someone who could answer the questions for the assignment and learn what people in the ER have to go through or what a paramedic has to go through. If anymore information is needed please ask and I will more then likely be happy to answer any questions. Thank You for your time.

Also this is not just about children and having to do with parenting it is basically in general what you do everyday when you are at work and what you see the only question that really has to do with kids is somewhat the second to last and the last question.

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  • What do you commonly see? people having the worst day of their lives[at least in their mind]
  • How many of the accidents and situations do you think could have been prevented if people just used common sense? common sense in not eating ,drinking , texting, putting on makeup, talking on their phones, reading the newspaper, having carnal relations while trying to drive, or trying to impress upon their peers how stupid they really can be.
  • What do you think are the most vulnerable ages for certain kinds of accidents? children under 18 are more likely to suffer the effects of accidental trauma
  • How would you suggest that parents safeguard their children? lock them up in basements rooms until they reach the age of majority!
  • just kidding, but then maybe thats why I raise Labradors.



Good on you for coming back and explaining your original post. Most of the time to posters will just disappear or get angry over our skepticism as to their motives in asking the questions. I will take a stab at answering your questions in the context you have proposed.

  • What do you commonly see?
  • How many of the accidents and situations do you think could have been prevented if people just used common sense?
  • What do you think are the most vulnerable ages for certain kinds of accidents?
  • How would you suggest that parents safeguard their children?

What do you commonly see? While on the job about 40 percent of our calls are medical calls ( diabetets, seizures, or other non traumatic conditions). The remaining calls are traumatic or accident related calls. The reason is that the society i live in are very self reliant and refrain from calling the ambulance for medical problems.

How many of the accidents and situations do you think could have been prevented if people just used common sense? If you consider Haddon's Matrix there are four contributing factors to an incident. 1.Host. 2.Agent. 3.Physical Environment. 4. Social Environment. Common sense affects all four of these areas in some degree or another.during three time frames, before, during, and after the incident. The percentage of incidents that could be prevented by good "common sense" is rather high. To understand this matrix a suggest you google Haddon's Matrix. You will find the possibilities quite fascinating.

What do you think are the most vulnerable ages for certain kinds of accidents? Different age groups are most vulnerable for different incidents according to the four factors I mentioned in Haddon's Matrix. Older people are prone to falling and breaking bones because of their age, bone density, coordination,etc. Boys between 16 and 25 are more prone to behavioral incidents. children are prone to incidents out of curiosity and poor enviromental supervision.

How would you suggest that parents safeguard their children? Volumes of books have been written on how to safeguard children. Proper constant supervision goes a long way in diminishing child injury. Other measures help as well, seat belts, car seats, keeping chemicals and small objects out of reach, covering electrical outlets and so on and so forth. I think that a parents watchful eye is possibly one of the most important things we can do to keep kids safe.

Good luck in your class.


Posted (edited)

I'm going to go out on a limb, and assume that every question is in regard to motor vehicle accidents. We have a lot of crashes, for such a small area, and I'd say about 29 out of 30 are preventable. I always tell people, I've killed X number of deer in my life, and I've never been hunting. That's almost true, but I've never shot an animal with a gun. I've conducted "drives", while hunting. Anyhow, I think only one accident in the past year couldn't have been prevented. A tree fell directly in the cars path, and they struck it, like instantly both happened.

Winter - Speed; Summer - Speed. We have a lot of DUI crashes, obviously that's a personal choice, and highly preventable. Almost every DUI crash, the driver claims a deer or bear came out in front of them. See, if you hit the animal, most insurance companies won't make you pay anything. But if you swerve and nail a telephone pole, it's all you, and you get fined.

I try not to judge a drunk driver, that's what the courts are for; but I tend to have little sympathy for them. I can't really help but look at a call, and think how many ways it could have gone differently, if someone would have been either thinking clearly - or just plain thinking.

Our EMStat Data suggests the most common age for MVA victims is 23 to 45; and of them, the majority have "Patient admits to ETOH" or "Odor of ETOH on Patient". Granted I can't select just drivers, so that's every accident victim. They come in all ages, but I can print out bar and pie charts/graphs, and it has information like that. They use it in statistical data for rural health and trauma.

I've seen so many accidents, where you just flat out observe that the person had a 50/50 shot. Adults and children, one crash the car went down an embankment, through the guide wire. See, they use wire rope in some places, instead of a rail. This $#!t doesn't break apart like the rails. It cut the A posts clean through on both sides, and came to rest against the drivers seat. The driver had been thrown around, and was in the back. Severely injured, but alive, and not decapitated. The policeman had the nerve to lecture (the patient) on seatbelt use. Like, man, clearly not wearing one saved a life, the person would have been either crushed, or had their head torn off.

Then there was one call that happened a while ago, a teenager lost control on a slick road, and gracefully bumped a rock outcrop. The driver WAS belted. The hard part for me, is that I know entirely too many of the people I treat, and I knew this person; I worked with them every day. Not a scratch, not a contusion, nothing. Unresponsive, staring into space, somehow likely from striking of the head backward, the base of the skull was injured. I don't know the specifics, but the cause of death was swelling of and eventual death of the brain. Happened to a family member too, that call changed me for life.

I'd suggest wrapping children in bubble paper, with helmets, and transporting them at no more than 10mph.. No, back seat, well restrained. That's something I can't answer. Make sure people know how to properly install their child seats. Safety seat clinics are a good way to do that.

Edited by 1 C
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